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Hoodwinked, bamboozled.... http://coldfury.com/2013/06/24/hoodwinked-bamboozled-2/




I’ve been trying to think of the right metaphor for the giant Corker-Hoeven amendment, the one that is reportedly giving the Gang of 8′s immigration bill enough votes to pass the Senate. Sure, it’s a fig leaf–but a fig leaf is usually something insignificant-yet-real. This is something grandiose that’s a fraud.


The best I can come up with is this: A man comes into your restaurant. You recognize him–he’s a guy who ate a $100 meal last year and said he’d pay later, but he stiffed you. Now he’s back and wants another meal on credit. He senses you are wary and makes a new offer. “This time I’ll pay you … $2 million! How can you refuse? It’s 2 million dollars!”


You get the idea. Just try and collect.


Similarly, Schumer, Durbin & Co. have offered a deal to Corker, Hoeven, and conservatives. In essence, it’s this: You’ll immediately legalize 11 M immigrants who are unlawfully in the country. They’ll get work permits renewable ad infinitum–we call it “provisional,” but basically they’re in. Yes, we know that in 1986 we passed an amnesty and promised enforcement that never happened, but this time we promise to … militarize the Southern border! Hire 20,000 new agents! That’s the ticket. Double the Border Patrol! Spend $20 billion. Quadruple the budget. Drones in the sky–triple the number of drones. Drones! Sensors on the ground! 700 miles of fence! 100% use of E-Verify! ”I don’t know what more to do, short of just shooting people,” says Gang of 8-er Lindsey Graham.


Just try and collect.


Nothing this Congress does, remember, can prevent future Congresses from reneging on the back end of this “legalize first” deal. Budget considerations alone will mean the advertised ”surge” won’t be sustained–as Obama’s earlier 1,500 man National Guard surge wasn’t sustained. Future lawmakers will be looking around for “offsetting” spending cuts and that bloated 40,000 man border patrol will stick out like a nail that wants to be hammered. Plus, once Democrats have eaten their meal illegal immigrants have their legalization in hand, Democrats will lose 80% of their motivation to make good on the law’s elaborate promises. They’re already unhappy with the back end of the deal–Sen. Leahy calls it “a Christmas wish list for Halliburton.” Meanwhile, militarizing the border is drawing immediate protests. Business interests–especially farmers–can be expected to oppose the requirement that they use a computerized system to check new hires. There will be little to stop these forces–the ones that have blocked enforcement until now–except some Republican pols saying “But…but you pwomised!”



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What arrogance and unmitigated gall and ignorance of reality - just turned on Fox and the headline has the leader of the used to be free world saying:

"I" shouldn't have to call (Russia and China) about the NSA leaker/hacker"


Pardon moi, was coming here to say somthing about Rubio I read on the Daily Caller:


But he said he told them that he would go to Washington to “fight to stop what is bad for America,” and that what we have now is, in fact, hurting America. ”I simply wasn’t going to leave it to Democrats alone to try to figure out how to fix it.”

“I got involved because I knew that if conservatives didn’t get involved in shaping this legislation, it would not have any border security reforms our nation desperately needs,” Rubio said.

Rubio asked tea party conservatives who are upset to understand that he honestly believes “it is the right thing for our country.”


I absolutely feel so completely and totally frustrated by Rubio's totally sincere stance on this immigration mess. I thought he got the big picture and would step forward with independent resolve and not buy into this partisan false rhetoric.

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Fire them all



Audit them all!!!!!!!!!!!!


Obviously you people have not moved on to the next B.S.T. (Bright Shiny Thing)....So lets get with the program. No one is interested in that old story.

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Oh, no! Millennials not getting what they want, expect, deserve?! ohmy.png


You know when I was a young child, people would ask me what do you want to do? What would be a great job? I would always answer..I want to go at a run in front of a 1900 degree furnace, heating up steel rods, in 100+ degree heat! Either that or work with chemicals for 12 hours a day that can kill me if I'm not very very careful.

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In some parts of the world, they don't ponder what they want to be when they 'grow up', they just struggle to get there.

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Well, to quote myself a couple posts back:

I absolutely feel so completely and totally frustrated by Rubio's totally sincere stance on this immigration mess. I thought he got the big picture and would step forward with independent resolve and not buy into this partisan false rhetoric.

I was thinking about a Cuban friend of mine - my age, came here at age 14 to escape communism and was completely in opposition to the 0 becoming president. That got me to thinking about Rush's stance on the immigration issue and his frustration with Rubio. I just found this from a week ago on his site:




RUSH: No. Once they're on the "pathway," that's it. There's no requirements. They can say they're gonna have to learn English. Who are we talking about? We're talking about the same people that rammed Obamacare down our throats. We're talking about the people that sued the state of Arizona for attempting to enforce existing American law, the same people that gave us the stimulus, the same people that couldn't create a job if they had to. Nothing's changed. They can say there's all these requirements, but there aren't any. If we're not gonna deport anybody now, why are we going to after this?

CALLER: I don't see anything in this for our side. I have friends. A lot of them are Venezuelans, refugees from Chavez, Hondurans, Costa Rica. They're people who came here and earned their citizenship legitimately. They are so frustrated. They feel like I feel, and they feel that their citizenship is being reduced to just being trashed. You might as well print it on toilet paper. It's outrageous. Also, we keep apologizing. We have legal immigration from Mexico, a very high amount. I mean, we keep talking about this "broken" immigration system.

RUSH: You know, that is another thing. That is another excellent point. We have nothing to apologize for to anybody about our immigration system to anybody else. But think about the immigration system. We have a legal immigration system. We already have a pathway. We already have a way for people to become citizens. The people who have followed that path -- i.e., the law -- are a little peeved over what's happening here. The idea that we have to do this because we somehow need to apologize or make amends, that's another thing. We're not guilty of anything here.




RUSH: Our last caller from Queens really had a good point, and that is, we don't have to apologize for our immigration system. Our immigration system isn't "broken," by the way. It isn't broken. Do you know the United States has probably the most generous legal immigration laws in the world? Every year we, in the United States, admit more legal immigrants than all other countries in the world combined, by a wide margin. Legal. Europe has lost control.

There may be a flood of illegals into France and the UK, but I'm talking legal. We do not have a system designed to keep people out in that sense. We're not isolationists. We've got nothing to apologize for, in that sense, to the Hispanic community or anybody else. This notion that we have to apologize? I'll tell you. The root of that is that what we have to apologize for is taking California and New Mexico and Arizona. That's what that's all about, just like we have to apologize with never ending affirmative action for slavery.

But we have nothing to apologize for right now.

We don't have a "broken" immigration system, either.


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In some parts of the world, they don't ponder what they want to be when they 'grow up', they just struggle to get there.

It wasn't all that long ago that was true here.

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First she was happy to be "home" in Ireland, and now she grew up like a Senegalese child. She truly is a woman of the world.



"So over the course of my life, I've worked as a lawyer, as the director of a youth organization, and as vice president of a hospital. Because I had a good education,"....and my husband and myself were connected politically to all the right people, I became the First Lady, and get to live the good life on the tax payers dime.

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For all of us conservative....."flat earther's"........




and this....




Via TheFeralIrishman

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Alice and Mary have decided where they want to hold their wedding.







What Could Possibly Go Wrong?

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Alice and Mary have decided where they want to hold their wedding.







What Could Possibly Go Wrong?


@Valin! You'd have to be stoned......to consider that.......

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Alice and Mary have decided where they want to hold their wedding.







What Could Possibly Go Wrong?

@Valin! You'd have to be stoned......to consider that.......


I'm waiting for someone to do this. evil1.gif

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