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The Week in Pictures: Oy Vey Edition

Steven Hayward



So did anything much happen this week? I was traveling and missed the news. Okay, not really, but one thing conspicuously missing from all of the triumphant editorial cartoons celebrating the gay marriage cases was any shred of wit or humor. Talk about bringing out the bitterness of the Left even in victory. Only Jay Leno seems to have found the mark:



Yesterday, the Supreme Court opened the door for same-sex marriage to resume in California. Apparently, the judges were really swayed by that Liberace movie.




The Girl Scouts announced that their pension plan has a $347 million deficit. The Girl Scouts are $347 million in debt, so in addition to teaching girls about camping it also is preparing them for careers in government.
























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But wind farms are sooooooooo progressive....


When we find the humor in it, I suppose that makes us avian-racists.

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But wind farms are sooooooooo progressive....


When we find the humor in it, I suppose that makes us avian-racists.


Not much to do with the subject....but I like the song

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But wind farms are sooooooooo progressive....


When we find the humor in it, I suppose that makes us avian-racists.


Or bird brainswink.png

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But wind farms are sooooooooo progressive....


When we find the humor in it, I suppose that makes us avian-racists.


Or bird brains;)


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From the (ever expanding) You Can't Make It Up Fast Enough file


USDA Tells Magician to Write Disaster Plan for His Rabbit





My USDA rabbit license requirement has taken another ridiculous twist. I just received an 8 page letter from the USDA, telling me that by July 29 I need to have in place a written disaster plan, detailing all the steps I would take to help get my rabbit through a disaster, such as a tornado, fire, flood, etc. They not only want to know how I will protect my rabbit during a disaster, but also what I will do after the disaster, to make sure my rabbit gets cared for properly. I am not kiddingbefore the end of July I need to have this written rabbit disaster plan in place, or I am breaking the law.





Yes your head should be hurting.

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Please click the play button above to listen now.
The first reading this week from the first book of Kings introduces us to the prophets Elijah and Elisha. These two Old Testament figures are fine examples of believers who made the most important conversion we are all called to make: the shift from self-centeredness to God-centeredness. Elisha, at the prompting of Elijah, gives up his whole life to the service of God. Although not everyone is called to such a radical move, we are all called to make God the center of our lives.

Download MP3 File (Right-Click, Save Link As…) | readings | podcast

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Barack Obama - America's First Half Cracker President





The term 'cracker', an insulting word used by black Americans toward their white compatriots, first came to public prominence after the New Black Panther voter intimidation scandal in Philadelphia during the Presidential elections of 2008.

In a vile rant after the scandal the New Black Panther leader , who names himself King Samir Shabazz, shared his views on his white compatriots with the world. According to this charming gentleman, black Americans like himself should "kill crackers" and he even wants to "kill cracker babies".


According to President Obama's henchman at the Justice Department, Eric Holder, neither the voter intimidation nor the racially abusive statements afterward are severe enough to warrant a Shabazz prosecution. The term 'cracker' used to describe white Americans, has been given a pass by Eric Holder and it has now entered the lexicon of black Americans.

On the other hand celebrity chef Paula Deen has been publicly crucified and her career ruined because she admitted to using the word n****r some 30 years ago.


Before I continue I will relate an anecdote. During my travels through the mid American heartlands I had the good fortune to spend a morning chatting with a black American. He was in his mid thirties, married with two children and owned his own roofing business. By any account he would be considered a fairly prosperous member of the middle class.

During my expatriate career I spent many years working in Africa, East, West and Central so I was curious as to where his ancestors came from. He had no idea, what's more he didn't care and he was most put out by my question. His parents came from Tennessee, where he was born, and he was raised in Illinois. As far as he was concerned he was an American as apple pie with no links to Africa whatsoever.


If the media and those who indulge in racial politics are to be believed, all black Americans are disadvantaged by the legacy of slavery and middle class black Americans, like my roofing friend, are smeared as traitors or uncle Toms. They are consequently vilified by race baiters like the Reverend Jesse Jackson and Louis Farrakhan, who ignore the fact that there are now more black American millionaires than ever.


Black Americans are now successful in all walks of life, from the military, business, industry, politics, sports, entertainment etc. If black Americans want to chase the American dream, they can, just ask Colin Powell, Condeleeza Rice, Oprah Winfrey, Denzil Washington, Bill Cosby, Jay Z etc.


Black Americans have a choice, they can follow the American Dream or they can follow King Samir Shabazz into the abyss or they can follow the Reverend Jesse Jackson and Louis Farrakhan into eternal victimhood, crime and poverty.

It would be interesting to know if the likes of Jesse Jackson, Louis Farrakhan or even King Samir Shabazz are the descendants of slaves or of Africans who emigrated to America after emancipation. It would also be good to know if any of these are tainted with 'cracker' blood somewhere in their ancestry.


The truth is, despite attempts to convince black Americans otherwise, not all black Americans have a connection to slavery. Those that do not are now claiming otherwise in order to rub shoulders with history and adopt the heroic victim status that actual slave descendants claim.


As is now becoming apparent, President Obama is a media creation, who's claim to being the first African American President is totally dishonest. I fear that his current taxpayer funded vacation to Africa is being used to polish up his African credentials and to give him a link to slavery where none exists.



Polly don't want no 'half-cracka'........

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911 Operator ‏@911BUFF 14m

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911 Operator ‏@911BUFF 6m

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"New" Zimmerman / Sanford Police video, a "walk-through" shot the day after the shooting [note bandages, nose & black eyes] before GZ had a lawyer! Greta Van Susteren says this is bad ju-ju for the Prosecution case:




From GretaWire: http://gretawire.foxnewsinsider.com/video/george-zimmerman-re-enactment-video-with-the-police-before-he-had-a-lawyer-and-right-after-the-shooting/





George Zimmerman re-enactment video with the police BEFORE he had a lawyer and right after the shooting

by Greta Van Susteren Posted in: re-enactment, Zimmerman



First, as it stands now, (and ONLY my guess and it is early and much can change) do not expect George Zimmerman to take the witness stand (although he has a Constitutional right to do so if he wants to do so.)


This re-enactment video will help you understand the scene of the shooting according to George Zimmerman and is in his words. It is also a horrible video for the prosecution.


Right after the shooting, Zimmerman took the police to the scene and talked to them….walked them through the incident. You will have to sit through a short ad to see the video — but this video is worth watching as it is George Zimmerman in his own words, showing you the scene and before he has a lawyer. Of course at the time of the video, he (like anyone involved in a shooting) had a motive to slant the facts in his favor but it is noteworthy that the reenactment with the police was done right after the incident and before he had a lawyer.


Here is a potential pitfall Zimmerman faces: he did several interviews with the media (including on Fox News.) I have not sorted through all his interviews but if in any interview he said something materially different from this one, expect the prosecution to use the material inconsistency (lie?) to argue to the jury that he is a liar. This is one reason lawyers don’t want their clients talking to the media. It locks them in.


Will the jury see this re-enactment video? Maybe not. If the prosecution wants to show it, the prosecution can. I doubt the prosecution wants to show this video to the jury. It damages the prosecution’s case.




Go to GretaWire for the "scoop!" http://gretawire.foxnewsinsider.com/video/george-zimmerman-re-enactment-video-with-the-police-before-he-had-a-lawyer-and-right-after-the-shooting/

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I love GWB and how he wants to maintain the dignity of the Presidency.


However I just don't think that he does the country any good in not challenging the wrongs that are done by the current Occupier of the WH.


Here are the CNN reported response from Bush on Snowden, Mandela and Obama.


The last would be OK if enough folks in our country were classy enough to recognize a respectful response. However that's not the case and just sets the stage for the liberals excuse making and mud slinging.


• On Snowden: "I think he damaged the security of the country."

• On Mandela: "His legacy will last for a long time."

• On Obama: "It's a hard job. He's got plenty on his agenda."
But Bush refrained from criticizing the current president.

"I don't think it does any good," he said. "It's a hard job. He's got plenty on his agenda. It's difficult. A former president doesn't need to make it any harder. Other presidents have taken different decisions; that's mine."

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I would offer an slight modification to your last post.


"I'm not qualified to be president...


but I did stay in the most expensive hotel that I could find on my self serving and unnecessary trip...


and on your dime Sucka"

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Can someone explain to me how the Commander in Chief of the United States Armed Services can fly off to Ireland with his very expensively attired, celebrity hobnobbing First Lady, then on to Germany (or somewhere - i could not care less), then to Africa where he lectures them on his totally lying hypocritical stance on gay marriage and then ALLOW no military Fourth of July celebration flyovers in honor of our Country's freedom and those who have sacrificed for it because of his lame, dismal failure of blackmail called " sequester" ????

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Can someone explain to me how the Commander in Chief of the United States Armed Services can fly off to Ireland with his very expensively attired, celebrity hobnobbing First Lady, then on to Germany (or somewhere - i could not care less), then to Africa where he lectures them on his totally lying hypocritical stance on gay marriage and then ALLOW no military Fourth of July celebration flyovers in honor of our Country's freedom and those who have sacrificed for it because of his lame, dismal failure of blackmail called " sequester" ????



I can explain it -- he's doing it because he can. angry.png

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