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@Pontifex Papa Comes to Twitter! #HabemusPapam


December 3, 2012 By Elizabeth Scalia 4 Comments




So, the big news this morning is the rollout of Pope Benedict XVI’s new twitter handle, which is @Pontifex.


You can also follow feeds using the hashtags #HabemusPapam and even #AskPontifex, because His Holiness will be taking the occasional question. The man has written bajillions of brilliant, instructive, eye-opening and mind-blowing words, and now he is going to tackle the 140 character theology challenge of twitter!

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OK. This morning came in contact with the 7th person between Mr. G and I who admitted to voting for O. In every case they gave the same reason. Entitlements and thinking that the R's would take them away or reduce them. The person I talked to this morning told me that she was right because the current cliff talks have the R's trying to reduce entitlements. Mentioning that entitlements are running out of money brought the response that "that is a myth". Santa has won.

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OK. This morning came in contact with the 7th person between Mr. G and I who admitted to voting for O. In every case they gave the same reason. Entitlements and thinking that the R's would take them away or reduce them. The person I talked to this morning told me that she was right because the current cliff talks have the R's trying to reduce entitlements. Mentioning that entitlements are running out of money brought the response that "that is a myth". Santa has won.


Well I believe this is true entitlements are not running out of money....in the next couple of years. What happens after that...?

Were these older or younger people? Because the response is different, with older people point out if nothing is done they will be burdening their grandchildren with huge debt burden, taxes, and a weak economy. With younger people just say "Thanks For The Fish".


{url=http://livewire.talkingpointsmemo.com/entry/poll-public-will-blame-congressional-gop-for-fiscal]Poll: Public Will Blame Congressional GOP For ‘Fiscal Cliff’ Failures[/url]

Tom Kludt

Tuesday December 4, 2012




But the poll also shows that 53 percent believe that the congressional GOP will be more blameworthy if an agreement isn't ironed out, while 27 percent believe Obama will be more to blame. Twelve percent said that both sides should share the blame equally.



What we see here is the result of years and years of MSM brainwashing....Republicans want to take stuff away from you, because they are mean, Democrats want to help you, because the Care, and are nice people.


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@Valin. They were mostly in the 60's and they really really think that this debt crisis is a bunch of hype. Maybe they don't. They just don't care as long as it doesn't affect them. I find that true of so many now. Me and mine is not just for the young.


I have a niece on FB who is a single mother in her 20's. She posts on FB about food stamps etc etc. More disturbing yet is that a whole bunch of other people post to her about when and where to get other benefits and freebies. It's disturbing and disgusting. During the election one of these people posted that anyone who voted for Romney is absolutely stupid because 'he's not going to give you anything'blink.pngangry.png I really am starting to think it's too late for bringing any sanity back.-----Here I was starting to 'come back' after the defeat and am starting to feel defeatist againrolleyes.gif

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@Valin. They were mostly in the 60's and they really really think that this debt crisis is a bunch of hype. Maybe they don't. They just don't care as long as it doesn't affect them. I find that true of so many now. Me and mine is not just for the young.


I have a niece on FB who is a single mother in her 20's. She posts on FB about food stamps etc etc. More disturbing yet is that a whole bunch of other people post to her about when and where to get other benefits and freebies. It's disturbing and disgusting. During the election one of these people posted that anyone who voted for Romney is absolutely stupid because 'he's not going to give you anything'blink.pngangry.png I really am starting to think it's too late for bringing any sanity back.-----Here I was starting to 'come back' after the defeat and am starting to feel defeatist againrolleyes.gif



Trends that cannot continue....won't.

These trends cannot continue, because 2+2 still equal 4.

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Leftards Usurp Wikipedia




Prominent gender and media studies professors from across the country converged recently to help host what was dubbed by organizers as a “Feminist, Anti-Racist Wikipedia Edit-a-thon” to create or influence dozens of entries on the online encyclopedia......from The College Fix "A Claremont Graduate University endowment fund sponsored the effort, which promoted creating and “improving” entries dedicated to: feminists; feminist theories; science studies; science, technology and society; human sexuality; artificial intelligence; and film theory; according to an email that announced the event to the Claremont Colleges community.......

Scissors-32x32.pngIt’s unclear what changes, if any, were made to the entry, but its introduction currently reads that “human sexuality … can refer to issues of morality, ethics, theology, spirituality or religion. It is not, however, directly tied to gender.” Scissors-32x32.png


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Casual Sundays with Mr Curry




This entry was posted on 11/7/2012 7:42 AM



Well, It's official; I don't know anything.


I thought for sure that given such a clear choice, Americans would vote for love of country over revenge.


I was wrong.


I thought that just as every presidential election in my lifetime, the bad economy would be hung around the incumbent's neck and would sink him.


I was wrong.


I thought that even those few Americans who were fortunate enough to still be fully employed (not counting those leeching off the public system) would be cognizant of how much pain their neighbors were in and elect someone who would at least try to make improvements.


I was wrong.


I thought that now that finally some of the disturbing truths about America's first black president had come to light, voters would reject a man so dangerously at odds with the American experience.


I was wrong.


I thought the 2010 elections and the Tea Party meant something.


I was wrong.


I thought the enthusiasm displayed at Romney/Ryan events, contrasted with the lack of same at Obama/Biden events meant something.


I was wrong.


I thought Americans would never sell their liberty for the sake of trinkets like cell phones or even big shiny lies like 'free health care'.


I was wrong.


Never in a million years would I have supposed that America would support a man who left his (our) people to die at the hands of their (our) enemies overseas without lifting a hand to help, then lie about what he watched in real time for over two weeks, then lie about the lie for another month.


I was wrong.


I thought Americans could tell a hawk from a handsaw.


I was wrong.


The American people were offered the clearest choice since 1980, where America had malaise and a misery index on one hand and a shining city on a hill on the other. Back then, Americans chose the city on the hill. This time the choice was between a man who says 7.9% unemployment and $4.00 gas is the new normal; a guy whose entire career has been about fixing broken entities.


Americans chose to stay broken, and be broke.


Maybe I'm wrong about the ramifications of this choice.


Maybe windmills will actually turn out to be a viable energy source.


Maybe America diminished will be loved overseas.


Maybe a nuclear Iran won't be a threat.


Maybe Israel is just over-reacting.


Maybe western civilization has always been over rated.


Maybe life under Shari'a law would be fun.


Maybe when the rest of the world realizes that the USA have no intention of ever paying back that $16,000,000,000,000.00 (and counting) that the American government borrowed from them, they won't devalue the dollar, causing hyperinflation in America.


Maybe China will just keep on giving America money and not demand America's hearts, souls, national monuments, and marriageable daughters as payment.


I've watched (my) candidates lose elections before but I've never felt the way I did on November 6, 2012. It wasn't bitterness or sadness or even disappointment. It took me a while to figure out what it was.


Then it hit me. It was horror -- pure, unadulterated horror!


Not because of Obama, but because of what it says about the American people and their choice(s), and why.


It shouldn't have even been close.


Faced with the choice between taking charge of America's destiny and tackling America's financial problems, the voters opted to get high and have sex.


On November 6, 2012, America elected (reelected) . . .

  • a guy who doesn't understand that a growing economy that creates more taxpayers will bring in more revenue than higher taxes;
  • a Commander-in-Chief who doesn't know that the US military still uses bayonets;
  • a man who want to control the economy without even knowing the difference between bankruptcy and liquidation.


It was one thing to elect in 2008 a man of questionable credentials and quality and to buy his line of 'Hope and Change'.


It is something else to deliberately once again choose and reelect in 2012 that same man and his failed policies over someone who has a proven track of actually achieved proven successes which helped the USA in both the private and the public sectors.


I never dreamed Americans would be that stupid!


To paraphrase an old saw: Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, hello idiocy!


Goodbye, recovery.


Goodbye, energy independence.


Goodbye, religious liberty.


Goodbye, liberty and justice for all.


Goodbye, America dream.


It profits a man nothing to lose his soul for the whole world, but America threw her soul away for cell phones, immorality, and birth control pills.


In the 20th century (the American century), the USA stepped up to the plate three times and saved the rest of the world from Fascism, Nazism and Communism. The Americans were then the cavalry always riding to the rescue.


Now, America had:

  • gotten rid of her horses,
  • spent her money on windmills,
  • alienated many of her allies,
  • bowed to her enemies,
  • cut herself off from her own natural resources;
  • thrown away her children's birthright; and
  • spent the children's and grand children's inheritance.


And America did it on purpose!


When the wolf is at the door—and he's coming, yelling 'Allahu akbar'—the American people are going to find out that there is no one out there to come to their rescue.

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