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I'm fortunate enough, to not have to worry about the latest planned theft & redistribution from O'Baloney, Dewey, Cheatham & Howe:






.....the Obama administration was proceeding with a novel way to finance trillion-dollar budget deficits by forcing IRA and 401(k) holders to buy Treasury bonds by mandating the placement of government-structured annuities in their retirement accounts.

Remarkably, those financial professionals specializing in private retirement savings and the U.S. citizens investing in private retirement plans now face the possibility the Obama administration and its allies on the political left will impose rules and regulations that effectively abolish the private retirement savings and investment markets.

Recent evidence suggests government officials continue to eye the multi-trillion dollar private retirement savings market, including IRAs and 401(k) plans, eyeing the opportunity to redistribute private retirement savings to less affluent Americans and to force the retirement savings out of the private market and into government-controlled programs......Scissors-32x32.png


HT: WND via iOTW

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Those Who Forget History Are Condemned To Be Establishment House Republicans

Written by Mitch Berg.


Let’s take a look at history.


1985 – Ronald Reagan, who (let’s remember this) governed his entire eight years with Congressional minorities, had to finally cut a deal with the Dems. The deal with Tip O’Neill involved two dollars in spending cuts for every dollar in tax hikes. It led to the “Reagan Tax Hikes” that liberals blather about (they were much, much smaller than his tax cuts, and occurred after the economy had recovered, which isn’t nearly as stupid as raising taxes during a recession). Naturally, O’Neill reneged on the deal; we got the tax hikes and the spending, putting a black mark on Reagan’s legacy and giving a generation of giggly lefty chanting-point-bots a cheap tu quoque tittering point.





Dear House Republicans: you thought the 2010 primary season was brutal for RINOs? Remember Trent Lott, and don’t be stupid. Compromising with Democrats before you’ve gotten your pound of flesh is the mark of the sucker. The moron. The soon-to-be unemployed politician, God and your smarter voters willing.

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NARN Today

Mitch Berg


Today, the Northern Alliance Radio Network – America’s first grass-roots talkradio show – brings you the best in Minnesota conservatism, as the Twin Cities media’s sole source of honesty!


I’m in from 1-3. I’ll be talking about the future of the GOP conservatism and the Tea Party and taking your phone calls. We’ll also be talking with new Senate Majority leader Dave Hann about next weeks MNGOP Central Committee meeting, the upcoming session, and the politics of being in a double minority.



(All times Central)


So tune in to all four hours of the Northern Alliance Radio Network, the Twin Cities’ media’s sole guardians of honest news. You have so many options:


AM1280 in the Metro

Streaming at AM1280’s Website,

On Twitter (the Volume 2 show will use hashtag #narn2)

UStream video and chat

New – send us an SMS text message - 651-243-0390

Good ol’ telephone – 651-289-4488!






Northern Alliance Radio Network

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WOF Radio > Sermons > Sermon Archive for 2012 > Sermon 621 : Look to the Son of Man : 1st Sunday of Advent


Current rating: 3.8 (9 ratings)

Sermon 621 : Look to the Son of Man : 1st Sunday of Advent







At the start of this new liturgical year, we hear Luke's account of Jesus speaking about the end to all we believe to be permanent - the earth, the sky and order will all be disrupted. This isn't meant to scare us, but to remind us of what is permanent, on what we can depend. Jesus is the link to this stability and truth, and in this realization we may find unending peace.

Download MP3 File (Right-Click, Save Link As…) | readings | podcast


Listen to Father Barron weekly on Relevant Radio

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One generation got old; one generation got sold





" A Warm Thank You


To the Editor:


This 50-something, white, conservative Republican wishes to thank America’s youth for sacrificing their financial futures and standard of living so that boomers, such as my wife and I, can look forward to a long and comfy retirement, which we could easily have afforded on our own. Now we have the youth as our guarantors and providers of a little something extra.


As reported by the national exit poll conducted by Edison Research, Americans aged 18 to 29 voted 60% to 36% for Barack Obama. Prior to Obama’s re-election, I believed that it was morally wrong for my generation to pass a crushing national debt on to the next one.


The debt will top $20 trillion before Obama moves out of the White House, and it will include spiraling retirement-related costs that the administration has shown zero interest in bringing under control, largely driven by baby boomers piling into the Social Security and Medicare systems.


With the president’s electoral crushing of Mitt Romney, my overriding sense of morality and guilt have vanished. Thank you, kids!


Edwin D. Schindler


Woodbury, N.Y."

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A Lawyer, an Illegal Alien, a Pathological Liar, a Racist, a Muslim, a Communist, an Elitist, a Sexist and an Egomaniac walk into a BAR.....








Bartender asks….







“What’ll it be, Mr. President?”



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Just heard on a podcast of Tammy Bruce that the homeless and shoe less guy in the famous photo, is now, again, shoe less and still homeless. IMO he probably sold the boots for another drink or hit.

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Just heard on a podcast of Tammy Bruce that the homeless and shoe less guy in the famous photo, is now, again, shoe less and still homeless. IMO he probably sold the boots for another drink or hit.



You may be right....but, I read where he said they were too valuable & he has them stored away, somewhere safe.

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Bob Costas uses his football platform to advocate banning relationships, convenience stores, young boys & loud music....our sick society is unable to handle them responsibly, and therefor, we must take them away until we grow up & let government be the only ones allowed to use them!


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Just heard on a podcast of Tammy Bruce that the homeless and shoe less guy in the famous photo, is now, again, shoe less and still homeless. IMO he probably sold the boots for another drink or hit.



You may be right....but, I read where he said they were too valuable & he has them stored away, somewhere safe.

Just heard on a podcast of Tammy Bruce that the homeless and shoe less guy in the famous photo, is now, again, shoe less and still homeless. IMO he probably sold the boots for another drink or hit.



You may be right....but, I read where he said they were too valuable & he has them stored away, somewhere safe.


Right, somewhere safe on someone else's feet. I really wanted to know why he was shoe less in the first place.

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