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The rich urinating on the poor video no longer works, it must have been pulled.

Someone got P.O'd?


Ha! Wanted to send it to someone and was just going to rip it from here, but it was gone. Breitbart has an interview with Asner where he asks the producer if he can pee on himrolleyes.gif It was linked there too but is also gone.

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F Bomb Alert




The teacher said, “Let’s begin by reviewing some American History. Who said ‘Give me Liberty , or give me Death’?”


She saw a sea of blank faces, except for Little Akio, a bright foreign exchange student from Japan , who had his hand up: “Patrick Henry, 1775,” he said.


“Very good! — Who said, ‘Government of the People, by the People, for the People, shall not perish from the Earth’?”


Again, no response except from Little Akio: “Abraham Lincoln, 1863.”


“Excellent!” said the teacher continuing, “Let’s try one a bit more difficult — Who said, ‘Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country’?”


Once again, Akio’s was the only hand in the air and he said: “John F. Kennedy, 1961.


The teacher snapped at the class, “Class, you should be ashamed of yourselves, Little Akio isn’t from this country and he knows more about our history than you do.”



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Obama Administration Oversaw Arms Shipments to Al Qaeda in Libya




The real story, or the heavily sanitized version of the real story, is slowly dribbling out of the mainstream media. And there are a few things to keep in mind while reading through this New York Times piece.


1. Qatar has ties to Al Qaeda, runs Al Jazeera and was responsible for much of the Arab Spring.

2. The Qatari goal was to build up a network of Islamist states.

3. Qatar has a major financial presence in Europe and is turning into the a new and even more dangerous Saudi Arabia.

This situation is slowly leaking into the mainstream media, either because Obama Inc. is breaking with Qatar or looking to shift responsibility for actions that they knew Qatar was undertaking.


Within weeks of endorsing Qatar’s plan to send weapons there in spring 2011, the White House began receiving reports that they were going to Islamic militant groups. They were “more antidemocratic, more hard-line, closer to an extreme version of Islam” than the main rebel alliance in Libya, said a former Defense Department official.


And again, we are not talking about the Muslim Brotherhood here. According to DC, the Muslim Brotherhood is moderate. We are talking Al Qaeda militias, officially linked or not officially linked.


The technical term for this is plausible deniability. The State Department at this point had every reason to know what Qatar would do. The terrorist ties there were well documented.


American officials say that the United Arab Emirates first approached the Obama administration during the early months of the Libyan uprising, asking for permission to ship American-built weapons that the United States had supplied for the emirates’ use. The administration rejected that request, but instead urged the emirates to ship weapons to Libya that could not be traced to the United States.

“The U.A.E. was asking for clearance to send U.S. weapons,” said one former official. “We told them it’s O.K. to ship other weapons.”


If Obama had wanted to back the rebels, why not authorize the shipment of US manufactured weapons? The only reason to need plausible deniability, and this goes beyond mere plausible deniability, is that US officials expected that the chances were good that these weapons would be used to carry out attacks against Americans or against American allies.


.........Marc Turi, the American arms merchant who had sought to provide weapons to Libya, demonstrates other challenges the United States faced in dealing with Libya. A dealer who lives in both Arizona and Abu Dhabi in the United Arab Emirates, Mr. Turi sells small arms to buyers in the Middle East and Africa, relying primarily on suppliers of Russian-designed weapons in Eastern Europe.

In March 2011, just as the Libyan civil war was intensifying, Mr. Turi realized that Libya could be a lucrative new market, and applied to the State Department for a license to provide weapons to the rebels there, according to e-mails and other documents he has provided.

He also e-mailed with J. Christopher Stevens, then the special representative to the Libyan rebel alliance. The diplomat said he would “share” Mr. Turi’s proposal with colleagues in Washington, according to e-mails provided by Mr. Turi. Mr. Stevens, who became the United States ambassador to Libya, was one of the four Americans killed in the Benghazi attack on Sept. 11.


Mr. Turi’s application for a license was rejected in late March 2011. Undeterred, he applied again, this time stating only that he planned to ship arms worth more than $200 million to Qatar. In May 2011, his application was approved. Mr. Turi, in an interview, said that his intent was to get weapons to Qatar and that what “the U.S. government and Qatar allowed from there was between them. “

Two months later, though, his home near Phoenix was raided by agents from the Department of Homeland Security. Administration officials say he remains under investigation in connection with his arms dealings. The Justice Department would not comment.

Mr. Turi said he believed that United States officials had shut down his proposed arms pipeline because he was getting in the way of the Obama administration’s dealings with Qatar. The Qataris, he complained, imposed no controls on who got the weapons. “They just handed them out like candy,” he said.



Gunrunner to the Mexican cartels & al Qaeda......with a record of 6 Americans dead here or in Benghazi.....is Obumbler angling for another peace prize?

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Egypt’s Highest Islamic Authority Throws Morsi Under the Bus




This is significant because it means the chief Islamic authority in Egypt is no longer all that confident of a Thousand Year Caliphate under the Muslim Brotherhood or that Morsi will even stay in power. If Al Azhar really thought Morsi was a sure bet, they wouldn’t be hedging their bets now for fear that Morsi will be overthrown.

Morsi’s Islamist constitution turns Al Azhar into a virtual supreme court, but Al Azhar is now no longer certain that it will ever reap those spoils....


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Leaked: ITU's secret Internet surveillance standard discussion draft




Yesterday morning, I wrote about the closed-door International Telecommunications Union meeting where they were working on standardizing "deep packet inspection" -- a technology crucial to mass Internet surveillance. Other standards bodies have refused to touch DPI because of the risk to Internet users that arises from making it easier to spy on them. But not the ITU.

The ITU standardization effort has been conducted in secret, without public scrutiny. Now, Asher Wolf writes,

I publicly asked (via Twitter) if anyone could give me access to documents relating to the ITU's DPI recommendations, now endorsed by the U.N. The ITU's senior communications officer, Toby Johnson, emailed me a copy of their unpublished policy recommendations.


5 hours later, they emailed, asking me not to publish it, in part or in whole, and that it was for my eyes only.

Please publish it (credit me for sending it to you.)



Juicy stuff @ link. Statement from DougRoss@Journal [where I found link]:



"Giving the U.N. control of the Internet is akin to giving a 16-year old boy keys to the new Porsche and a fifth of Southern Comfort."

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An Open Letter to Colin Powell from the Frederick Douglass Foundation




In the last two elections, candidate Obama and then President Obama was able to point to your endorsement as an example of a Republican for Obama. That’s a shame. When one looks at your past record, one can only conclude that you’ve been nothing but a Republican of convenience with a poorly hidden disdain for your party and your country.


In the run up to the second Iraq War, as President George W. Bush’s Secretary of State, you were in charge of informing the global community of why we were going to war. You referred to intelligence sources from numerous different nations concluding that he did have some WMDs and was indeed seeking the development of more. This was also pretty obvious since he’d slaughtered over 100,000 Kurds in 1988, many of which he’d killed with mustard gas and nerve gas, which is a WMD. If he’d had them in 1988, were we really supposed to conclude that there’s no way that he would still have them?

You made the argument before the UN well, but then you proceeded to undermine the same war effort you’d made the arguments to embark upon. As head of the State Department- which if we’re really honest with ourselves has turned into nothing more than the United Nation’s wing of the American government- you allowed your lackeys to leak lies, innuendo and classified nonsense to the liberal media who used it to destroy the Bush administration and the war effort.


Consider the fact that the person who supposedly outed Valerie Plame’s CIA identity was your best underling Deputy Secretary of State Dick Armitage. First off, Plame was a desk jockey blowhard at the CIA, and she wasn’t undercover. Second off, the media and your State Department minions were misreporting Plame’s husband Joe Wilson’s report. In his initial report, he wrote that Saddam Hussein was indeed trying to buy yellow cake uranium for nuclear bombs in Niger. However, to discredit the war effort based on the lack of evidence of WMDs, the story became a retelling of Joe Wilson’s actual experience. He was now saying that Hussein wasn’t trying to buy yellow cake, even though he knew that this lie totally contradicted his original report, which actually served to bolster the intelligence reports on WMDs. And thirdly, even though you and Armitage knew that you were the one’s that told Robert Novak of her name, you let Scooter Libby spend time in jail while trying to clear his name.



Wow......somebody says some factually right things about Colin Powell.

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In reversal, President Obama to accept corporate donations to help fund inauguration


President Obama’s inaugural committee has decided to accept unlimited corporate donations to help fund the event, reversing a decision from four years ago and drawing criticism for a president who has vowed to change the culture of Washington and limit the influence of outside money.


President Obama four years ago barred corporate funding for his inauguration, and he limited per-person donations to $50,000.


At the time, Obama’s team said they would be putting on “an inauguration that will underscore their commitment to change business as usual in Washington and ensure that as many Americans as possible, both inside and outside Washington, will be able to come together.”


No pesky future voters to worry about now.

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Best wishes to all as they begin the celebration of Hanukkah tomorrow night.


The eight days of Hanukkah are to remember the miracle that took place during the rededication of the temple in Jerusalem following its desecration by the Seleucid-Greeks as they tried to build an altar to Zeus there. This resulted in the Jewish people revolting in what is called the Maccabean Revolt. This took place during the period between the Old and New Testaments of the Christian Bible.


The rededication and cleansing of the Temple involved the lighting of the menorah each night during the process; however, there was only enough oil for a single night. Despite this fact, the menorah's flames remained burning for 8 days.


May you have a joyous Hanukkah this year with your friends and family.

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73 percent of new jobs created in last five months are bureaucratic

Erika Johnsen



Hey, I’ve got a neat idea — why don’t we just keep growing the government, until we all can have government jobs? That can work, right?


Seventy-three percent of the new civilian jobs created in the United States over the last five months are in government, according to official data published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. …



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73 percent of new jobs created in last five months are bureaucratic

Erika Johnsen



Hey, I’ve got a neat idea — why don’t we just keep growing the government, until we all can have government jobs? That can work, right?


Seventy-three percent of the new civilian jobs created in the United States over the last five months are in government, according to official data published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. …


More coming with the ramp up to O'care.

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73 percent of new jobs created in last five months are bureaucratic

Erika Johnsen



Hey, I’ve got a neat idea — why don’t we just keep growing the government, until we all can have government jobs? That can work, right?


Seventy-three percent of the new civilian jobs created in the United States over the last five months are in government, according to official data published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. …


More coming with the ramp up to O'care.





Ultra Evil Fatcat 1%er Gateway Pundit





Companies announce layoffs after election:


Energizer(1500 employees) Westinghouse (50) Research in Motion Limited (200) Lightyear Network Solutions (around a dozen) Providence Journal (23) Hawker Beechcraft (240) Boeing (30% of their management staff) CVPH Medical Center (17) US Cellular (980) Momentive Performance Materials (150) Rocketdyne (100) Brake Parts (75) Vestas Wind Systems (3,000) (they were also a recipient of $50 million from the Stimulus) Husqvarna (600) Center for Hospice New York (up to 40) Bristol-Meyers (480) OCE North America (135) West Ridge Mine (closing up to 204 mines) United Blood Services Gulf(up to 10% of workforce)


Also mentioned is Darden Restaurants, which is going to limit workers to 28 hours a week to avoid ObamaCare requirements regarding full time workers.


The story also lists a large number of companies that announced that they are closing. And then we go to Daily Job Cuts and find more (partial list)


Update: Exide Technologies in Laureldale – 150 Southeastern Container – 15 Plexus Corp – Contract Loss Could = Layoffs Yakima Regional Medical Center Washington – 10+ Crouse Hospital Syracuse NY – 70 Jobs Eagle-Tribune in North Andover – 21 Ameridose LLC – up to 650 Layoffs EMD Millipore St. Charles – Some Layoffs Groupon – 80 Pratt & Whitney Rocketdyne – 100 Slidell La. – Warns of Possible Layoffs

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Ladies and gentlemen: may I introduce his Indifferency President Barack Obama!



Breaking with the longstanding practice of recent First Families, the Obamas do not actually greet their guests at every party. The press and members of Congress are among those who get a photo op; most others do not.


And this is a problem.


This president is not a misanthrope, exactly. But neither is he what we used to call in the 70s “a people person.” He has all the friends he thinks he’ll ever need, is not interested in making new ones, has limited time for the grip and grin that is the lifeblood of retail politics, and is almost certainly the most introverted president of modern times.


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