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2012 Presidential Election part 4


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Obama Post-Convention “Bounce” Already Fading Fast… (UPDATE)


by Ulsterman on September 11, 2012 with 22 Comments in News



With nearly a week of gushing 24/7 coverage by an adoring media, it was no surprise that Barack Obama’s approval numbers rose a bit in the days following the DNC convention. That bounce, however small, appears to already be fading fast…


Keith Koffler explains:

Well, a new Washington Post-ABC News poll of likely voters out today puts the race dead even, right back where it was before the conventions, with Obama at 49 percent and Gov. Mitt Romney at 48 percent.



And, exactly as I thought, Obama’s bounce seems to have evaporated once people digested the latest lousy employment figures, which were released Friday. From the Post write up of the poll:


Historically, candidates often get an immediate post-convention boost, with some of the shift dissipating quickly. Obama has a six-point edge among all voters based on interviews Friday, the day after the Democratic convention wrapped up. In interviews Saturday and Sunday, the two were about evenly matched among registered voters.



Read the whole thing.

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Don't know if people have seen this


Right Scoop: Sarah Palin: Romney needs to be “severely aggressive” in making this about Obama, not just his policies


I just caught Sarah Palin on the rerun of the BillO show, and her message sounded an awful lot like Mark Levin’s message to Romney that we just posted. Her point is that Romney needs to make this about Obama, not just his policies, that Romney needs to call Obama a socialist, because that’s what he is. It’s about a man who has an agenda, not just about incompetence and bad policies.


In short, she says he must be able to convey to the American public that “you either get free stuff or you get freedom.”


The natives are restless.

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Strange convention season...it appears neither side got all that much of a bounce. I wonder if that is because so many people didn't watch? I've been seeing articles asking if the era of the big televised convention is over. Speaking for myself I used to hang on every moment of both conventions, this not so much.

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Caddell On Romney: "This Is The Worst Campaign In My Lifetime"


"I swear to God, everything we have been saying for months, and I know a lot of the audience doesn't want to hear this, this is the worst campaign in my lifetime," Democratic pollster Pat Caddell said on the Monday edition of FOX News' "Campaign Insiders" web show. "A challenging campaign, with a chance to win. They have set themselves on a course that says, 'We don't have to do anything, we're going to win because they don't like the other guy.'"




"And the fact of the matter is, we're heading for a major crisis. You see it coming, 'Here are the three or four things that I'm going to do, we must make a change.' He has no message other than 'i'd like to win and by the way I have a secret formula.' He may still win with his, but not if Obama's at 50% approval," he added.


"They're strategists from the beginning have decided -- I just, you know can't say enough bad things about them. They are incompetent, that believe that you can sit and election will automatically come to you. And that they don't respond. They never sold Romney with the message that we talked about for months and I'm sorry to the audience out there. It's not the American people are stupid, your candidate is stupid," Caddell said. "They never gave his message of who he is."

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So I was thinking yesterday, part of the problem for R2 is the media coverage, or lack there of. Unless they do or say something controversial they are not going to get much. BO gets coverage with almost anything, but definitely gets all their photo ops out in the MSM. Somehow Romney's team needs to get some things blasted thru... but how? Negative attacks on Obama get thru cause the media jumps in to counteract and defend, but then Romney comes across as negative and mean.

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Don't know if people have seen this


Right Scoop: Sarah Palin: Romney needs to be “severely aggressive” in making this about Obama, not just his policies





I just caught Sarah Palin on the rerun of the BillO show, and her message sounded an awful lot like Mark Levin’s message to Romney that we just posted. Her point is that Romney needs to make this about Obama, not just his policies, that Romney needs to call Obama a socialist, because that’s what he is. It’s about a man who has an agenda, not just about incompetence and bad policies.


In short, she says he must be able to convey to the American public that “you either get free stuff or you get freedom.”


The natives are restless.


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Oh and O's great foreign policy experience is really showing this week isn't it? Israel, Egypt, Libya, Iran.


Here is the interesting thing I have noticed about foreign policy/affairs over the years. No matter how much the campaigns may want, the world does not stop just because we want it to.


Remember in 2000 no one was talking about foreign policy. To tell yopu the truth I don't think either campaign wants foreign affairs to intrude in the campaign. If they did, we'd be seeing a lot different campaign. EU, anyone? Anyone talking about the power vacuum in China? I could go on and on and on.

The Romney campaign is We're Broke...vote for me I'm not Obama. The Obama campaign is War on Women, War on Gays...vote for me I'm not Romney.


At least that's my take.

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Obama, the great self-salesman


September 11, 2012 | 8:00 pm

Noemie Emery


Examiner Columnist


Barack Obama is a wonderful salesman of a singular product: himself. His effect and biography make a spectacular package. Slender and graceful, with a remarkable speaking voice, his facsimiles stare at you from fashion spreads everywhere, while his life story -- up from obscure and unlikely beginnings, black and white, Kenya and Kansas, the strange and the all too corny and familiar -- is the story of how life should be.

Obama tells his story through his personal medium really well: writing best-selling biographies before he was 40, making himself a senator on the strength of these stories, and then president on the strength of a speech. The upside of this is that he portrays himself beautifully. The downside is that this seems to be all he can do.

In the Illinois state Senate, he voted "present." Scissors-32x32.png read more


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Barack Obama Is a Dangerous Leftist of a New Kind, not a Communist, Muslim, Marxist, or Socialist



September 10, 2012 - 2:08 pm - by Barry Rubin



Barack Obama is not a communist, a fascist, a Muslim, a Marxist, a Progressive (in the pre-1920s meaning of that word), or even a socialist. Obama and those who control much of America’s academia, mass media, and entertainment industry — plus a number of trade unions and hundreds of foundations, think tanks, and front groups — are believers in a new, very American form of leftism. It is very statist, very dangerous for freedom, and economically destructive. But we first have to identify what “it” is. Our difficulty in doing so has been a huge reason why we have not persuaded more people — though goodness knows a lot of people have woken up and now realize that there is a huge problem here.


Yet calling Obama those various names doesn’t persuade a large portion of the American population because they sense that these definitions aren’t accurate. They Scissors-32x32.png read more


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This doesn't Look Good!


Obama's Going to Las Vegas

Fred Lucas

September 12, 2012


(Update: In a second schedule update issued around 10:42 a.m. on Wednesday, the White House indicated that President Obama would continue with his campaign trip to Las Vegas after issuing a statement on events in Libya and Egypt in the Rose Garden.


The only change in the updated schedule is this: "Shortly after (the Rose Garden statement), the President and Secretary Clinton will visit the State Department in Washington, DC. This visit is closed press." The updated schedule still states that "In the afternoon, the President will depart the White House en route Las Vegas, Nevada.")


(CNSNews.com) - On the day after the U.S. Ambassador to Libya and three other Americans were killed in Benghazi, the White House on Wednesday morning released a schedule showing that President Obama would continue with his planned campaign trip to Las Vegas.




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Another snippet from Rasmussen:


Wednesday, September 12, 2012

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Wednesday shows President Obama attracting support from 46% of voters nationwide, while Mitt Romney earns 45% of the vote. Four percent (4%) prefer some other candidate, and five percent (5%) are undecided.

The president received a modest convention bounce, but that's now gone. On the day the conventions began, Obama was up by two points. Now the numbers are essentially back to that starting point with the president leading by a point.


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Ryan on Gretta. Foreign Policy discussion..... he seems to know quite a bit. I'm shocked... the headlines tell me he knows nothing.

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I guess minor in the scheme of today's news...


Vice President Joe Biden mixed up the school he was speaking at this afternoon, Wright State University, by accidentally calling it Wayne State.


“Ladies and gentlemen, middle class families need help. That’s why for those of you struggling to send your kid to school, to college, or to keep your kid in a college, whether it’s a community college or a Wayne State University or any, any,” Biden said as the crowd started to chatter. Members of the audience quickly corrected the vice president, shouting “Wright State!”

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Ryan on Gretta. Foreign Policy discussion..... he seems to know quite a bit. I'm shocked... the headlines tell me he knows nothing.


And the headlines know everything and are always right.

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Wow! The seminar callers are out in force on the Medved show today. Usually on disagreement day there are a lot of conspiracy theorists or slight disagreements. Today is I love you and your show Michael but Obama is going to win and that's a good thing! Callers. Weird.

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So Rasmussen Reports is back to Romney 47% Obama 46% after last weeks headline glaring Obama bounce. I wonder if the deflation will get as much coverage?


It is a 3 day poll so probably has only a bit of the Middle East Turmoil factored in.

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