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Rick Santorum aide gaffe: Obama’s ‘radical Islamic policies’

Rick Santorum’s spokeswoman Alice Stewart said in a TV interview on Monday that Santorum was referring to President Barack Obama’s “radical Islamic policies” when he said the president’s agenda was driven by “phony theology” — but then quickly called up MSNBC after the segment aired to say she misspoke.


“There is a type of theological secularism when it comes to the global warmists in this country. That’s what he was referring to. He was referring to the president’s policies in terms of the radical Islamic policies the president has,” Stewart said on “Andrea Mitchell Reports.”


Mitchell later said on the air that Stewart phoned the show after the interview to say she had slipped up and said “radical Islamic policies” instead of Obama’s “radical environmental policies.”


Mitchell noted she had missed Stewart’s phrasing of “radical Islamic policies” during the live interview.


“She had repeatedly said during that same interview ‘radical environmental policies’ and she said she slipped when she apparently said [it],” Mitchell said. “I did not hear it, or I would have caught her on it and tried to get a correction at the moment. I really, frankly, did not hear her use the word Islamic, but the tape tells the tale.”


Question: What was a Rick Santorum spokesperson doing on MSNBC in the first place?


Right Scoop Has the clip and the reaction'


And this


"When Mark Levin opened his show, he pointed out someone else who referred to

but the media was silent. Well, almost."


As to why they sent someone to MSNBC? I'm thinking given they don't have much money they are sending people everywhere they can.

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Pundit & Pundette


February 21, 2012



Liberal media's "scrutiny" of Santorum begins in earnest



Busy this morning so I'll just throw a few things your way without much comment:


Rich Lowry on the Left's opening salvo against Rick Santorum:


The media has unleashed the hounds on Rick Santorum.


He was last seen a step ahead of the braying pack, trying to explain that he hadn’t accused President Barack Obama of being a crypto-Muslim. The former Pennsylvania senator criticized the president’s environmentalism as representative of a “phony theology.” The press snipped the remark out of the context and played it as Santorum donning his finest Grand Inquisitor garb and reading the president of the United States out of the Christian faith. [. . .]


Santorum is a standing affront to the sensibilities and assumptions of the media and political elite. That elite is constantly writing the obituary for social conservatism, which is supposed to wither away and leave a polite, undisturbed consensus in favor of social liberalism. Santorum not only defends beliefs that are looked down upon as dated and unrealistic; he does it with a passionate sincerity that opens him to mockery and attack.


If Santorum had the social views of a Barbara Boxer, he would be hailed in all the glossy magazines as a political virtuoso. Scissors-32x32.png





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