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Candidate - Herman Cain


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Definitely not how I wanted him to go out. I was excited to become a Cain fan until I read the 9-9-9 plan in detail. You get points for having a plan, but ... not that plan. If he did diddle all these women, he'd have made one hell of a Democrat.


Among friends asking me who I support for the Republican nominee, I have always said (only partly tongue in cheek) "Whichever one I currently dislike the least." Sadly, that's becoming more and more true.

And pushes my piss me off button. I feel like we always have to settle for whomever makes the political cut...after the main stream media eviscerates with diligence the conservative candidate, yet will hold fundraisers and give cries of joy when a democrat is shown to be even worse....or not even mention his lacking of substance in the matters that matter.


spit and hiss.

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Definitely not how I wanted him to go out. I was excited to become a Cain fan until I read the 9-9-9 plan in detail. You get points for having a plan, but ... not that plan. If he did diddle all these women, he'd have made one hell of a Democrat.


Among friends asking me who I support for the Republican nominee, I have always said (only partly tongue in cheek) "Whichever one I currently dislike the least." Sadly, that's becoming more and more true.

And pushes my piss me off button. I feel like we always have to settle for whomever makes the political cut...after the main stream media eviscerates with diligence the conservative candidate, yet will hold fundraisers and give cries of joy when a democrat is shown to be even worse....or not even mention his lacking of substance in the matters that matter.


spit and hiss.


Rheo! I don't know if you had seen this opinion column by Frank J. Fleming, but it did give me a laugh and helped me to put things in perspective.

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Definitely not how I wanted him to go out. I was excited to become a Cain fan until I read the 9-9-9 plan in detail. You get points for having a plan, but ... not that plan. If he did diddle all these women, he'd have made one hell of a Democrat.


Among friends asking me who I support for the Republican nominee, I have always said (only partly tongue in cheek) "Whichever one I currently dislike the least." Sadly, that's becoming more and more true.

And pushes my piss me off button. I feel like we always have to settle for whomever makes the political cut...after the main stream media eviscerates with diligence the conservative candidate, yet will hold fundraisers and give cries of joy when a democrat is shown to be even worse....or not even mention his lacking of substance in the matters that matter.


spit and hiss.


Rheo! I don't know if you had seen this opinion column by Frank J. Fleming, but it did give me a laugh and helped me to put things in perspective.

Ha! That is funny, shoutsaveliberty, and a new point of view for sure. :D

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Definitely not how I wanted him to go out. I was excited to become a Cain fan until I read the 9-9-9 plan in detail. You get points for having a plan, but ... not that plan. If he did diddle all these women, he'd have made one hell of a Democrat.


Among friends asking me who I support for the Republican nominee, I have always said (only partly tongue in cheek) "Whichever one I currently dislike the least." Sadly, that's becoming more and more true.

And pushes my piss me off button. I feel like we always have to settle for whomever makes the political cut...after the main stream media eviscerates with diligence the conservative candidate, yet will hold fundraisers and give cries of joy when a democrat is shown to be even worse....or not even mention his lacking of substance in the matters that matter.


spit and hiss.


Rheo! I don't know if you had seen this opinion column by Frank J. Fleming, but it did give me a laugh and helped me to put things in perspective.


Definitely a major disappointment for the Evad clan and shoutSaltbag is right, if the accusations are true, he could have made a heluva democRAT.

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Thanks, Save. LOVED the article and sent it off to several of our "kids". NCT titled the email "The soft bigotry of low expectations" LOL

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Brokenhearted, but not broken


You’re not defeated as long as you never stop fighting. And while my presidential campaign is suspended, it’s important to remember that my pursuit of the presidency was only a means to an end. As long as the end is achieved, victory will be at hand.


My incredible army of supporters, whom I can never thank enough for all they have done so far, have not labored in vain. The real prize is still ours for the taking.


I did not want to become president just for the sake of being president. I’m perfectly happy with what I’ve accomplished in my life and I don’t need the ego boost. Rather, I sought the presidency because our nation has some big problems to deal with, and it’s clear that our political class has neither the will nor the ability to solve them.


For that very reason, I was not surprised that I was viciously attacked once I rose in the polls. I was surprised by the nature of the attacks. Me, a womanizer? I would never have thought they’d come up with that one. But I knew the establishment would not like the idea of my success, because I will not get along by going along like so many do. I will not kick the can down the road to the next generation of leaders, because our problems are serious and they need to be solved now.


That threatens people who know there may be a political price to pay for enacting solutions that will work, and would rather wait things out and let someone else take the heat. That would not have been possible during a Cain presidency.


But if real solutions are achieved, it will not matter who achieved them. If Congress and the president take the right measures to ensure our fiscal strength, protect our national security, achieve energy independence, spur economic growth and accomplish health care reform that actually works – it won’t matter to me whose signature is on the bills. Only that the bills become laws that get us to the goal.


And while I am disappointed, there are more than a few silver linings to doing this work outside the context of a presidential campaign. The process by which we choose our nation’s leader is ridiculous. There is little focus on policy substance and even less on candidates’ governing skills. If you’re not warding off some wild accusation, you’re explaining away a “gaffe,” which is usually the sort of slip of the tongue that anyone can make, but because some reporter heard it, it turns into a news-cycle narrative with a shelf life of six or seven days.


As I said during my announcement on Saturday, becoming president was Plan A. Anyone with a big goal needs to recognize that you might need a Plan B, and our Plan B has a lot going for it.


Six months ago, most of you had never heard of me. You have now. A lot of what you’ve heard is not true, but I’ve got your attention. Keep listening, and if you care about the future of our country like I do, get involved. Unlike a presidential campaign, what we’re doing now can’t be stopped by scandal-mongering or polls. We’ll only be defeated if we give up.


And we’re not going to do that.


Author: Herman Cain

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Thanks, Save. LOVED the article and sent it off to several of our "kids". NCT titled the email "The soft bigotry of low expectations" LOL


:lmfao: George W. Bush was ahead of his time, in some ways.

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