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GOP debate crunchtime: 'The time for lowering expectations is over'


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So you’ll know, Ted Cruz won the debate Wednesday night, and Marco Rubio came in second. More on that in a little while.

There are many variables surrounding the debate participants and whether their performance will have a major effect on the state of the still-crowded GOP race, but one thing appears immutably clear — and that is the growing inevitability of Jeb Bush’s demise as a major presidential candidate.

The fact is, Jeb just doesn’t have it.

It’s not that he can’t present policy solutions; he can. Jeb Bush has put out some very good — and very conservative — policy. What he can’t do, unfortunately, is articulate them with force and verve.

We thought Jeb’s brother, who managed to get elected and re-elected before leaving office with a 22 percent approval rating and a party in shambles wide open to lose to Barack Hussein Obama, of all people, was inarticulate. George W. used to sound like he had marbles in his mouth half the time, but until the weight of the foreign overreaches in Iraq and Afghanistan and the demoralization of his own base dragged him down he at least had some charm about him, in a “he ain’t perfect but he’s a nice guy and he’s tryin’” sort of way.

With Jeb, there is none of that. He doesn’t think on his feet, he can’t speak with passion, he looks tired and beaten and it’s clear he’s not enjoying the campaign. That doesn’t make him a bad person; no normal human being would put himself through the hell we’ve made a modern political race into.Scissors-32x32.png



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Huckabee Sees Runaway Blimp As Metaphor for 'Our Government'

(CNSNews.com) - "If you saw that blimp that got cut loose from Maryland today, it’s a perfect example of government," former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee said at the Wednesday night debate hosted by CNBC.


"I mean, what we had was something the government made — basically a bag of gas — that cut loose, destroyed everything in its path, left thousands of people powerless, but they couldn’t get rid of it because we had too much money invested in it, so we had to keep it.


"That is our government today. We saw it in the blimp. That's exactly what we saw."


The audience applauded him for the remark.Scissors-32x32.png





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CNBC Beclouds Itself


There is not a sentient human on the planet who does not know, without a shadow of doubt, that the mainstream media is a left-wing collective or that its main mission is to ridicule, demean and render irrelevant anyone with conservative views. Its inhabitants have been indoctrinated in the universities they attended, and have marched into their media jobs with all the proper left-wing credentials; they are almost all Democrats who have never questioned WHY they are Democrats.


Since critical thinking is no longer a skill taught in any American educational institutions, they do not know that they should or are allowed to question the orthodoxy with which they have been imbued. That the three principal panelists for CNBC were so smug, and thought they were so cleverly mocking, is a sad commentary on our elite media. They are not remotely elite. They are pathetic. So certain of their intellectual superiority, they ran headfirst into self-immolation. Anyone who watched the CNBC debate had to be embarrassed for them, for their unabashed pomposity.


But there is always the Left who will most likely cheer and celebrate what they will somehow perceive as a victorious evening. These are the same people who think Obama has been a great President who saved the economy rather than starving it, prevented war rather than fomenting it around the world, that he has promoted equality rather than exacerbated it, ended racism rather than promoted it, and expanded health care rather than destroyed it. These are the folks who think gun-free zones prevent crime, that global warming is a more pressing problem than ISIS, that there is a "war on women" in America but are not bothered by the sexual slavery in all its savagery in the Middle East. These are the folks who watch MSNBC and think Chris Matthews is sane. They do not realize that he and his MSNBC colleagues have been driven insane with hatred for anyone and anything to the right of Lenin, Stalin, Che or Chavez. Scissors-32x32.png



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It’s No Longer the Trump Show


Boulder, Colo. — It was a new world order at Wednesday’s Republican presidential debate here in Boulder.


With just three months to go until the first GOP nominating contest, voters are beginning to get serious about making decisions, and candidates could not get by just introducing themselves. At this debate, they had to prove that they deserved to be on everybody’s short list.


For the first time, the outsider candidates — Donald Trump, Carly Fiorina, and Ben Carson — were largely sidelined in favor of people who conventional wisdom would say are the safer bets to win the nomination — specifically, Marco Rubio.



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Jeb Swings at Rubio, Misses, and Finds Himself on the Ropes


Swing and a miss.


It was the story of the night, the story of the debate, and it might soon be the story of Jeb Bush’s campaign.


After months of flicking passively at Marco Rubio — all the while dismissing talk of their collision course, and rolling his eyes at the narrative of “master vs. apprentice” — Bush finally launched a public broadside against his friend and former protégé during the third GOP presidential debate Wednesday night.


His timing was logical and yet inopportune; CNBC’s Carl Quintanilla had been quizzing Rubio about his mounting number of missed Senate votes, which prompted a Florida newspaper to call for his resignation. Rubio responded forcefully by decrying the newspaper’s “double standard” of endorsing Democratic candidates who had similarly missed votes. The audience rallied behind Rubio, roaring with approval — and just then, Bush decided to jump in.Scissors-32x32.png




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What Ted Cruz Did in Wednesday’s Debate Was So Much More Than an Applause Line

In one moment, Senator Ted Cruz managed to do what no other candidate for the Republican nomination for president has done to this point: unite Republicans. He did so by pushing back against the ridiculously biased questions presented by CNBC moderators. The Hollywood Reporter transcribes:


“The questions that have been asked so far in this debate illustrate why the American people don’t trust the media,” said the U.S. senator from Texas, instantly earning applause.


“This is not a cage match,” he continued. “Look at the questions. ‘Donald Trump, are you a comic book villain;’ ‘Ben Carson, can you do math;’ ‘John Kasich, will you insult two people over here;’ ‘Marco Rubio, why don’t you resign?;’ ‘Jeb Bush, why have your numbers fallen?’ How about talking about the substantive issues people care about?”


Cruz contrasted moderators’ treatment of Republicans with their treatment of Democrats:


…every fawning question from the media was, “Which of you is more handsome and wise? …”Scissors-32x32.png



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'Why Won't Republicans Fight?': 'Kiddie' Debaters Weigh in On Budget Deal


Although many pundits predicted the last kiddie debate would be the last, here we are again. Bottom-tier candidates Jindal, Santorum, Pataki and Graham returned to the stage ahead of the top ten debate at 8 p.m. on CNBC. The economy was the theme of tonight’s questioning. Up first was the controversial (and not exactly conservative) budget deal that passed Wednesday afternoon, which increases spending $85 million over the next three years. Here’s where the candidates came down on the compromise, as well as other economic concerns.


Budget Agreement


Bobby Jindal came out the strongest against today’s budget deal. The Louisiana governor said Pelosi and Obama “forced socialism down our throats" and asked why "Republicans won't fight?" "This was a bad budget,” he said.


George Pataki agreed it was a “bad deal,” yet said he would have voted for it because Obama is “holding our military hostage.”


Lindsey Graham was the only candidate on stage to strongly support the agreement. “The threat to our homeland is real,” he said. The budget is necessary, he insisted, because it will put $40 billion back in the Defense Department.




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After CNBC debacle, Carson camp vows revolt over debates


Boulder, Colo. — After a performance by CNBC moderators that Republicans characterized as both biased and inept, a manager for a top GOP campaign says he will try to organize other campaigns to force the Republican National Committee to make "wholesale change" in the debate process.


In an interview shortly after the debate, Barry Bennett, manager of the Ben Carson campaign, called the session here in Colorado "unfair to everyone" and said the current debate structure should not remain in place. "I think the families need to get together here, because these debates as structured by the RNC are not helping the party," Bennett said. "There's not enough time to talk about your plans, there's no presentation. It's just a slugfest. All we do is change moderators. And the trendline is horrific. So I think there needs to be wholesale change here."


Bennett said he will call Donald Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski Thursday to propose a unified call for change. "Corey and I talk regularly, so I will talk to him," Bennett said. "I will call Frank Sadler (Carly Fiorina's campaign manager), I will call those guys and say listen, we can choose our own network and our own format. We don't need to be led around like prize steers."Scissors-32x32.png



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So you’ll know, Ted Cruz won the debate Wednesday night, and Marco Rubio came in second. More on that in a little while.

There are many variables surrounding the debate participants and whether their performance will have a major effect on the state of the still-crowded GOP race, but one thing appears immutably clear — and that is the growing inevitability of Jeb Bush’s demise as a major presidential candidate.

The fact is, Jeb just doesn’t have it.

It’s not that he can’t present policy solutions; he can. Jeb Bush has put out some very good — and very conservative — policy. What he can’t do, unfortunately, is articulate them with force and verve.

We thought Jeb’s brother, who managed to get elected and re-elected before leaving office with a 22 percent approval rating and a party in shambles wide open to lose to Barack Hussein Obama, of all people, was inarticulate. George W. used to sound like he had marbles in his mouth half the time, but until the weight of the foreign overreaches in Iraq and Afghanistan and the demoralization of his own base dragged him down he at least had some charm about him, in a “he ain’t perfect but he’s a nice guy and he’s tryin’” sort of way.

With Jeb, there is none of that. He doesn’t think on his feet, he can’t speak with passion, he looks tired and beaten and it’s clear he’s not enjoying the campaign. That doesn’t make him a bad person; no normal human being would put himself through the hell we’ve made a modern political race into.Scissors-32x32.png




Jeb should have listened to his mother.

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Ted Cruz Had a Very, Very Good Night

By: Erick Erickson (Diary) | October 29th, 2015 at 10:36 AM


Last night at the CNBC debate, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) 100% had a very, very good night. Even leftwing activists liked his answers and attack on the media. Liberal Hollywood comedian Patton Oswalt tweeted, “I hate Ted Cruz with the power of a million chainsaws revving but I agree with everything he just said.” Scissors-32x32.png


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'What Is Your Biggest Weakness?'

By Nate Jackson




"What is your biggest weakness and what are you doing to address it?" That was the first of many hostile, biased, personally insulting and just plain stupid questions the 11 Republican candidates fielded from the moderators in the debate last night. Has there ever been a debate in which the moderators behaved so poorly?


Indeed, CNBC's Carl Quintanilla's opening question could be turned around on the moderators. He, Becky Quick and John Harwood didn't even attempt to conceal their contempt for the candidates on stage, and they ended up making themselves the story. Perhaps that's to be expected when, for the last 30 years, conservatives have increasing cried "foul" on Leftmedia bias, and the general public no longer trusts the press. The moderators seemed to have concluded they needn't bother feigning objectivity, opting to move on with their Democrat activism. No wonder the audience booed them.


On the flip side, the moderators' petulant bias prompted some great moments from the candidates who rejected the premise of the questions and turned their fire toward Democrats. Three candidates did particularly well in this department: Chris Christie, Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio Scissors-32x32.pnghttp://patriotpost.us/articles/38569

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