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EXCLUSIVE: CIA operators were denied request for help during Benghazi attack, sources say


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I honestly am at a loss for expression here - so ok - here goes-apparently the gay community as exemplified by now VERY conservative voting Hillbuzz believes that our ambassador was gay and was repeatedly raped before and after death to prove a point.

Their main question is: why the liberal idiocy of sending a gay to Libya as ambassador and even advertising that a " same sex" couple would be ok as housekeepers etc.


@righteousmomma! You may, or may not want to know this, but here is a source for why:

Sexual Jihad - Demoralising and Humiliating the Infidels by Sexual Degradation




Sexual Jihad - the need to degrade and humiliate the Infidels - provides the religious motivation for Islamic gang rapes and pedophile abductions.

Sexual jihad, using rape and other forms of sexual humiliation and sadism, has been employed as a weapon of war against infidels since the time of Mohammed. Sexual jihad, including gang rapes and pedophilic abductions of Christian children, continues unabated wherever Muslims come into contact with infidels.

Demoralising and humiliating the infidels by sexual degradation of both adults and children is one of the most repulsive tactics of Islamic supremacism.


In this culture, males sexually penetrating males becomes a manifestation of male power, conferring a status of hyper-masculinity. It is considered to have nothing to do with homosexuality. An unmarried man who has sex with boys is simply doing what men do. As the scholar Bruce Dunne has demonstrated, sex in Islamic societies is not about mutuality between partners, but about the adult male's achievement of pleasure through violent domination.


BTW- Gaddafi was sodomized with what the Muslims called a "bicketti" but was actually their phrase for a BKT [becker Knife & Tool].....and it is a combat knife, or a type of bayonet. [i have one] They think that he may have been dying from intestinal hemorrhaging, due to the stabbing, prior to them shooting him in the head.


The Ambassador was known by other gay diplomats [from other countries] as being gay & they have expressed dismay that he was posted to an Islamic country. The two SEALs managed to kill around 60 of the up to 200 attackers & were incensed that only 2 men could do that much damage, so they were probably in a "blood lust", when they found the 4 Americans.

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In an astonishing display of media malpractice, CBS News quietly released proof--two days before the election, far too late to reach the media and the public--that President Barack Obama lied to the public about the Benghazi attack, as well as about his later claim to have called the attack "terrorism" from the beginning.





You are not seeing double, CBS witheld even more footage

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