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2012 Presidential Election part 3


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An Early Electoral College Guide: Which States Will and Won't Matter in 2012


William Galston


August 26, 2012 / 11:30pm

2012 is shaping up as an election in which the winner may earn victory not by virtue of winning the most votes, but on account of the Electoral College. If one candidate enjoys a popular vote edge of 2 percentage points or more, there’s virtually no chance that the other candidate will achieve a majority of the electoral votes. But given how close the election seems this year—average the six national surveys conducted since mid-August, and you get 46.5 percent for Obama and 45.5 percent for Romney—the final results may not be so clean cut.

If the Electoral College does come into play, on what will the outcome hinge? As we head toward to Republican convention, here’s a late-summer assessment—not so much a prediction as a viewer’s guide to the fall contest.

Let’s begin with the Scissors-32x32.png read more http://www.tnr.com/blog/plank/106519/early-electoral-college-guide-which-states-matter-which-states-dont

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Poll raises question: How is this election even close?

8/27/2012 01:32 PM

By: David Harsanyi


Here’s a new Washington Post-ABC New poll — with a sample favoring Democrats by 9 points — that shows Mitt Romney leading Barack Obama by 47-46 percent among registered voters.

Once you begin to look more deeply at these national polls, you have to wonder: how is this thing even close? Obviously, there are cultural, geographical, religious and … well, endless reasons why people vote the way they do. But, beyond the political debate, if you simply focus on the perceptions and opinions of the people being polled, it’s difficult to understand how we get to a national tie.

For instance:

Q: Generally speaking, would you say you favor (smaller government with fewer services), or (larger government with more services)?

56 percent says “yes,” while 33 percent say no.

Most voters say they want smaller government and most voters believe — whether it’s true or not — that Mitt Romney wants smaller government, as well. Remember, the case against Scissors-32x32.png

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Luntz: Ads about disappointed Obama voters work best with swing voters


posted at 4:01 pm on August 27, 2012 by Mary Katharine Ham


Maybe this Romney guy is onto something.


Conservatives have to grapple with the fact that, whether we agree or not, many people find President Obama likeable. Yes, those likeability numbers have dipped recently, as they should have while Obama was launching a $120 million barrage of negative ads on Mitt Romney and refusing to denounce the idea his opponent might cause cancer in former employees.

But, the fact remains, many people think he’s a nice guy who inherited a pretty bad economic mess. Many of those voters took a chance on a relative unknown in 2008 and don’t feel he’s handled the job well, but they’re also not carrying protest signs into the fray against him. Hence, a handful of ads from right-leaning groups which take a “more in sadness than in anger” tone. I was glad to see one of this style from the RNC in Virginia in July, and now there’s some data to show the approach may work.

Americans for Prosperity’s ad in this mold has been Scissors-32x32.png






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Luntz: Ads about disappointed Obama voters work best with swing voters


posted at 4:01 pm on August 27, 2012 by Mary Katharine Ham


Maybe this Romney guy is onto something.


Conservatives have to grapple with the fact that, whether we agree or not, many people find President Obama likeable. Yes, those likeability numbers have dipped recently, as they should have while Obama was launching a $120 million barrage of negative ads on Mitt Romney and refusing to denounce the idea his opponent might cause cancer in former employees.

But, the fact remains, many people think he’s a nice guy who inherited a pretty bad economic mess. Many of those voters took a chance on a relative unknown in 2008 and don’t feel he’s handled the job well, but they’re also not carrying protest signs into the fray against him. Hence, a handful of ads from right-leaning groups which take a “more in sadness than in anger” tone. I was glad to see one of this style from the RNC in Virginia in July, and now there’s some data to show the approach may work.

Americans for Prosperity’s ad in this mold has been Scissors-32x32.png








He is, but it is going to drive the red meat conservatives, who often don't have a single liberal or unaffiliated friend, crazy with it. I KNOW this is the best way to win at this point. It really is.

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Luntz: Ads about disappointed Obama voters work best with swing voters


posted at 4:01 pm on August 27, 2012 by Mary Katharine Ham


Maybe this Romney guy is onto something.


Conservatives have to grapple with the fact that, whether we agree or not, many people find President Obama likeable. Yes, those likeability numbers have dipped recently, as they should have while Obama was launching a $120 million barrage of negative ads on Mitt Romney and refusing to denounce the idea his opponent might cause cancer in former employees.

But, the fact remains, many people think he’s a nice guy who inherited a pretty bad economic mess. Many of those voters took a chance on a relative unknown in 2008 and don’t feel he’s handled the job well, but they’re also not carrying protest signs into the fray against him. Hence, a handful of ads from right-leaning groups which take a “more in sadness than in anger” tone. I was glad to see one of this style from the RNC in Virginia in July, and now there’s some data to show the approach may work.

Americans for Prosperity’s ad in this mold has been Scissors-32x32.png








He is, but it is going to drive the red meat conservatives, who often don't have a single liberal or unaffiliated friend, crazy with it. I KNOW this is the best way to win at this point. It really is.


Is This true? I question that. Expand please on why these ads would drive people like me (just a little to the right of Attila The Hun) crazy?



Very effective IMO

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@Valin. Despite the fact that you are to the right of Atilla the Hun, you are not my definition of a red meat conservative. My observation came from reading hundreds of responses to this article on other sites. I was embarrassed and shocked by the number of posters who I normally agree with who seem to prefer bloodying the other guy than winning the election. Shouting idiot libtard and secret muslim socialist marxist at people will do nothing to get you to vote for you, and yet I was stunned at the number of people who wanted ads that went that direction. I wanted to write the responses off as just liberal trolls, but they are not. They are regular people who are so angry they are flailing around like two year olds in the midst of a good tantrum.


To complain that Mitt isn't conservative enough because he is out there flailing with you at every negative Obama attribute is, frankly, not very good strategy. Obviously, it is not how bruised the other guy is that matters, it is how effective every punch is. Despite the mildness that is Mitt, it is pretty clear from watching that he is delivering punches in a way that is leaving Obama stumbling around disoriented, making mistakes and relying on the msm...but not making it so ugly the audience is turning away. That takes discipline and honestly, enormous talent.


This is a VERY powerful ad. This is the kind of thing that wins elections.


So that is what I was talking about, lamely. My friends who are independents or "vote for the man" or even left of center will discount anything that says "socialism, marxism, muslim, liberal, progressive." They don't care. Those things are passed off as the things fringers would say...along with extreme right, facist, racist, anti-women and tea baggers. What they look at is how the economy is doing for them, for their lives and their towns. If it is struggling and they trust the other guy to not be too nutty...they're going to give him a chance.


Edited to add: Insulting another person's vote is never a good way to win it this time. The mushy middle will never dislike and distrust President Obama as much as we do. Even if they should. ;)

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Here’s The Latest Paul Ryan “Scandal” You’re Supposed To Care About


August 27, 2012 | Filed under 2012 Presidential Race,Paul Ryan,The Looney Left | Posted by Doug Johnson


Ever notice how these overheated supposed scandals tend to start at Huffington Post? Well here’s the latest from HuffPo writer Paul Slansky.


Last week, Paul Ryan gave an interview in which, defending his position that there should be no excuses for abortion, he referred to rape as a “method of conception.”

Wow, right? Talk about a benign euphemism. Rape — RAPE! — is now a “method of conception.” You know, like love-making, just without the love. Scissors-32x32.png




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I can't speak for anyone else, but if that happened to me, I would be pretty mad at the perpetrator. However, it is not the child's fault, and that child is mine. I could not for a single second take my anger at the father out on an innocent human being.


Ryan is absolutely correct. The definition of life does not include a definition of how that child was conceived.

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This is important !!



Governor Bryant of Mississippi has a better looking sign language interpreter than the Mayor of New Orleans.




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This is important !!



Governor Bryant of Mississippi has a better looking sign language interpreter than the Mayor of New Orleans.







Thank you. Now I can make comments about clothes.

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The Quote of the Decade:



"The fact that we are here today to debate raising America's debt limit is a sign of leadership failure. It is a sign that the US Government cannot pay its own bills. It is a sign that we now depend on ongoing financial assistance from foreign countries to finance our Government's reckless fiscal policies. Increasing America 's debt weakens us domestically and internationally. Leadership means that, "the buck stops here.' Instead, Washington is shifting the burden of bad choices today onto the backs of our children and grandchildren. America has a debt problem and a failure of leadership. Americans deserve better."


~ Senator Barack H. Obama, March 2006

(it was so nice of him to give us this great quote for posterity!)

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"As most of you know I support civil marriage for gay couples And marriage is important. But before you get married, you need a date, and everybody knows you can’t get a date without a job."

Jimmy LaSalvia

GOProud co-founder and Executive Director



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Groups to protest at Democratic convention in NC


The Associated Press



Published September 1, 2012


CHARLOTTE, N.C. — Several groups, including labor organizations and those opposing President Barack Obama's positions on various issues, plan to demonstrate outside the Democratic National Convention in Charlotte in tge coming days. On Sunday, protesters will take part in the March on Wall Street South — a demonstration that will focus on economic inequality, social injustice and other issues. It will kick off a week of protests and rallies by groups such as:


— Occupy Wall Street. A protest movement that began last year and claims that corporations have undue influence over the U.S. government, its activities have fizzled somewhat in 2012. The nationwide movement has issued a call for protesters for the Democratic convention in Charlotte, where an Occupy Charlotte tent city was disbanded last winter.


— AFL-CIO. The largest federation of labor unions in the United States, it is hoping to put a spotlight on worker issues, especially those specific to North Carolina. The state has the lowest percentage of unionized workers in the United States. The group is planning a massive canvassing effort this fall in all 50 states to turn out voters for Obama.


— Southern Workers Assembly Scissors-32x32.png http://galvestondailynews.com/ap/2b9424/

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We have to remember there are those on the Left that are not happy with "The One" because, A. They say he has not governed far enough leftward for them, B. They actually believed the hype, and are now shocked yes Shocked that it didn't happen.



Something else I've been seeing lately is the Party regulars and Democrats in congress are not happy because he is hurting heir chances of getting reelected, particularly those in Purple states, and he's killing their fund raising with both large and small donors.

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Romney rocks Obama like a hurricane [Reader Post]

By: DrJohn


I think it’s likely over, but as Glenn would advise- don’t get cocky.

Coming off a terrific Republican National Convention Mitt Romney decided to visit New Orleans, which is suffering the aftereffects of Hurricane Isaac.

LAKELAND, Fla. — In a last-minute change of plans, Mitt Romney will head to visit storm-affected areas in New Orleans today, skipping a previously scheduled joint rally with running mate Paul Ryan in the battleground state of Virginia this afternoon. Snip http://floppingaces.net/2012/08/31/romney-rocks-obama-like-a-hurricane-reader-post/


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