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2012 Presidential Election part 3


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Michelle Obama: 'Get to the Polls on November the 2'


Aug 23, 2012


Michelle Obama, speaking yesterday at a campaign event in Florida:


So that one new voter that you register in your precinct -- think about it -- that one neighbor that you get to the polls on November the 2 I want you to understand, that could be the one that makes the difference. That one conversation, that one new volunteer you recruit, that could be the one that puts this over the top.




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Michelle Obama: 'Get to the Polls on November the 2'


Aug 23, 2012


Michelle Obama, speaking yesterday at a campaign event in Florida:


So that one new voter that you register in your precinct -- think about it -- that one neighbor that you get to the polls on November the 2 I want you to understand, that could be the one that makes the difference. That one conversation, that one new volunteer you recruit, that could be the one that puts this over the top.




OK so can the R's run that clip as an ad the last week of Oct., over and over....?

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Please find an important message from Senate Conservatives Fund below:


header_demint.png rounded-top.jpg

Fellow Conservatives:

If you want to stop the massive growth of our federal government and save America's future, we must change the United States Senate.Scissors-32x32.png



These eight candidates are unique in that they have conservative records, have earned support from the grassroots in their states, and have the courage to stand up for our values -- even if it means going against their own party's leadership.Scissors-32x32.png




Jim DeMint

United States Senator

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Updated August 23, 2012, 7:35 p.m. ET

Strassel: The Silent Second-Term Agenda


Despite the Democrats' shellacking in 2010, the president moved left. Re-election in November will reinforce his view that he was correct to do so.


President Obama has a reputation for talking, but not necessarily for saying much. He has achieved new levels of vagueness this election season. Beyond repeating that he's in favor of making the "rich" pay for more government "investment," he hasn't offered a single new idea for a second term. This is deliberate.

The core of the Obama strategy is to make Americans worry that whatever Mitt Romney does, it will be worse. That's a harder case for Mr. Obama to make if he is himself proposing change. And so the Obama pitch is that this election is a choice between stability (giving Mr. Obama four more years to let his policies finally work) and upheaval (giving Mr. Romney four years to re-ruin the nation).

The pitch is profoundly dishonest. While the Scissors-32x32.png read more http://online.wsj.co...3771401124.html


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Barack Obama: Social Issues Extremist




Efforts to paint Romney-Ryan as extreme on social issues may backfire

BY: Andrew Stiles

August 24, 2012 5:00 am

Democrats have seized on Rep. Todd Akin’s (R., Mo.) incendiary remarks about “legitimate rape” in an effort to paint Republicans as “extreme” when it comes to abortion and, by extension, all social issues.

Not only does this strategy expose the Democratic Party’s reluctance to talk about jobs and the American economy—which continues to struggle through the worst recovery in American history—but it also raises questions as to which party is actually more out of touch with public opinion on social issues.

Mainstream media outlets have intensely scrutinized, and in many cases distorted, Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan’s positions on abortion. President Obama’s position on the issue has received far less attention—but is arguably more “extreme” Scissors-32x32.pnghttp://freebeacon.com/barack-obama-social-issues-extremist/

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Obama asks eurozone to keep Greece in until after election day

US officials are worried that if Greece exits the eurozone, it will damage President's election hopes

Oliver Wright



The Obama administration will pressure European governments not to let Greece fall out of the eurozone before November's Presidential elections, British Government sources have suggested.




American officials are understood to be worried that if they decide Greece has not done enough to meet its deficit targets and withhold the money, it would automatically trigger Greece's exit from the eurozone weeks before the Presidential election on 6 November.


They are urging eurozone Governments to hold off from taking any drastic action before then – fearing that the resulting market destabilisation could damage President Obama's re-election prospects. European leaders are thought to be sympathetic to the lobbying fearing that, under pressure from his party lin Congress, Mitt Romney would be a more isolationist president than Mr Obama.



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AP Source: Biden skipping stop in Tampa so resources won’t be diverted from storm response



How will this be spun? Only Dems care about the people, the evil Republicans will waste the community resources by having their wasteful, selfish convention.

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Obama Campaign Breaking an Honored Gentlemen's Agreement








The lengths to which the media will go to excuse the negative campaign that President Obama is running seem to know no bounds. The latest example is its dismissal of the interference that Obama and his minions are planning during the GOP convention, as if he has to engage in the negative attacks, as if some outside force is making him do it.


Not only is Barack Obama running the most negative campaign in many decades; he’s about to break another covenant of campaign civility.

In the past, Democrats have kept a low profile during the GOP nominating convention, and when the Democrat Party held its convention, the GOP would similarly remain respectfully at a distance. This was, of course, a gentlemen's agreement, each civilly allowing the other to have their moment in the spotlight.

"Traditionally, there was a kind of courtesy extended to the party having the convention Scissors-32x32.png read more


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Updated August 24, 2012, 6:53 p.m. ET

Negative $4,019


The Obama years have been brutal on middle-class incomes.




The Presidential race is boiling down to one dominant issue: which party's policies will do more to help the financially stressed American middle class. President Obama's campaign theme is that Mitt Romney and the Republicans cater to the rich, while Mr. Obama cares about struggling families.

He may care, but he sure hasn't done much for them. New income data from the Census Bureau, tabulated by former Census income specialists at the nonpartisan economic consulting firm Sentier Research, reveal that the three-and-a-half years of the Obama Presidency have done enormous harm to middle-class households.

n January 2009, the month President Obama entered the Oval Office and shortly before he signed his stimulus spending bill, median household income was $54,983. By June 2012, it had tumbled to $50,964, adjusted for inflation. (See the chart nearby.) That's $4,019 in lost real income, a little less than a month's income every year.

Unfair, you say, because Mr. Obama inherited a recession? Scissors-32x32.png read more


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The Obama Campaign’s Monopoly On ‘Bigoted’ Humor

By Jonah Goldberg

August 25, 2012 11:18 A.M.


Probably what bothers me the most about all of the fake and opportunistic outrage over Romney’s birth-certificate joke is . . . the fake and opportunistic outrage. There is no serious argument to be made that Romney’s joke was intended to actually move voters in anyway. If you’re a birther you’re not voting for Obama. If you’re not a birther, Romney’s joke isn’t going to bring you over.

More to the point, Romney was simply Scissors-32x32.png


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I wonder if your average member of the Left understand the level of derision birthers (or as the Democrats spel it Brithers) get from the Vast majority of us on the Right? I know the leaders do, after all they read our stuff, but the rank and file, is what I am talking about.

This brings up another point...if those leaders on the left know this,...why do they keep pretending we're all a bunch of Birthers?

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I wonder if your average member of the Left understand the level of derision birthers (or as the Democrats spel it Brithers) get from the Vast majority of us on the Right? I know the leaders do, after all they read our stuff, but the rank and file, is what I am talking about.

This brings up another point...if those leaders on the left know this,...why do they keep pretending we're all a bunch of Birthers?

I think the reason they keeping bring the birthers subject up it is like chicken feed to the “Blydmann“ in the Democrat Party.

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Posted on August 26, 2012 by Scott Johnson in 2012 Presidential Election

The outside story of the Obama campaign


There is a certain quality to the Obama campaign. Howie Carr captures it this morning in “Be afraid, be very afraid of RNC (say the Dems).” The whole constellation of alleged crime, rapine, murder, and felony murder goes over the top. It reeks of desperation. And this is just for openers. The authors of the campaign are trying to fight their way out of a hole.

Obama’s stump speech this time around is also off in tone. It lectures. It hectors. It whines. Toby Harnden derides the Obama campaign as “a joyless slog.” Andrea Tantaros observes its “relentless negativity.”

Obama makes one thing perfectly clear, as Richard Nixon used to say. It ain’t morning in America, and it’s not getting better any time soon.

The Obama campaign gives us a jumble of falsity. Yuval Levin takes apart the campaign’s latest Medicare ad. Grace-Marie Turner adds “More Obamacare fiction.”

By the lights of the campaign, our enormous deficit problems can be meaningfully addressed by raising taxes on the rich. And Scissors-32x32.png read more http://www.powerlineblog.com/archives/2012/08/the-outside-story-of-the-obama-campaign.php

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Wargaming the Electoral College


August 22, 2012 - 10:30 am - by Stephen Green


This week we’re going to limit our focus to the battlegrounds and the leaners, and avoid all the Byzantine scenario building. Taking the latest from Rasmussen, Nate Silver, and some other sources, here’s the map we get.



This should be easy to read. Dark blue is safe for President Obama, while light blue states are his leaners. Dark red is Mitt Romney country, with light red leaners. Uncolored states are the toss-ups.

Three surprises this time around, one of which you might already be pointing and laughing at: “He has Illinois is a leaner? What a maroon!” Very likely, yes. But the only poll I’ve seen out of Illinois showed Obama with only 49% — in Cook County, home of Chicago. Any Democrat running statewide in Illinois needs to run up the numbers in Cook, because they’re going to get slaughtered downstate. Now, I don’t really think Illinois is in play, but until I see some other indicator, I’m putting it in the leans column. It might even stay there long enough for me to finish writing this paragraph.

Missouri got downgraded to leans Romney, thanks to the heroic jerkiness of one Todd Akin. Women will turn out in Scissors-32x32.png read more http://pjmedia.com/v...ral-college-34/





Academic model: Romney will take 52.9% of the vote, 320 electoral votes



posted at 8:41 pm on August 22, 2012 by Allahpundit


Three reasons why: Economy, economy, economy.


Supposedly, the model’s been accurate to within 20 or so electoral votes in every election since 1980. Dude?


Using a state-by-state analysis of unemployment and per-capita income, academics Kenneth Bickers and Michael Berry of the University of Colorado project that Romney will win 52.9% of the popular vote and 320 electoral votes. The political scientists discuss their findings here.


Their forecast suggests that President Obama will lose in almost all Scissors-32x32.png read more http://hotair.com/archives/2012/08/22/academic-model-romney-will-take-52-9-of-the-vote-320-electoral-votes/

Obama Campaign Email: 'Hell No, It Isn't the End!'


by Tony Lee25 Aug 2012


Obama’s campaign manager Jim Messina sent an email Saturday that makes the Obama campaign seem like it is clinging to its last days in power.



In response to an email sent two days earlier titled, “The end?,” Scissors-32x32.png read more http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Government/2012/08/25/Obama-Campaign-E-Mail-Hell-No-It-Isn-t-The-End

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by Tony Lee25 Aug 2012


Obama’s campaign manager Jim Messina sent an email Saturday that makes the Obama campaign seem like it is clinging to its last days in power.





In response to an email sent two days earlier titled, “The end?,” Scissors-32x32.png read more http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Government/2012/08/25/Obama-Campaign-E-Mail-Hell-No-It-Isn-t-The-End


TWS: Obama Calls Money Shortage 'Critical'

Daniel Halper

August 26, 2012


In a fundraising email to perspective donors, President Obama says, "This is critical." Obama explains that he is being outspent in states likes Iowa by Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney.


Here's the entire email:



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