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2012 Presidential Election part 3


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Well he finally had a press conference



I should watch this, but I think another bottle of wine is required.


Honestly, you may need a case.

Possibly The Worst Impromptu Presser Ever


August 21, 2012 | Filed under Barack Obama | Posted by Lady Liberty


I just put out an article yesterday morning mocking President Obama’s latest favorite choice of interviewers and media outlets and who should step in front of the White House press corps yesterday afternoon – after 8 weeks of hiding? Yeah. Him.


Boy. Wow. I mean, whew… did Obama BLOW IT.


I’m sure he doesn’t think he blew it, but yeah, he really did Scissors-32x32.png read more http://wizbangblog.com/2012/08/21/possibly-the-worst-impromptu-presser-ever/


Jake Tapper called after the departing President, “Don’t be a stranger!”

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Romney-Ryan Forces Americans to Finally Face Looming Fiscal Doom


By Ken Blackwell · August 21, 2012

Editor's Note: This column was coauthored by Ken Klukowski

We do not know who will win the White House in November. But we do know that American politics has crossed the Rubicon on spending and entitlements, and these issues will at long last complete the journey from a forbidden third rail to a central element of national politics. Even if Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan lose this year's battle to Barack Obama, they will win the war on the challenge of our generation.

Congressman Paul Ryan is best known for his budget, the Ryan Roadmap, which ties together the two sides of our fiscal-crisis coin: First, the major entitlements of Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid will soon be bankrupt and unable to provide for millions of beneficiaries. And second, our growing $16 trillion debt will result in an unprecedented economic disaster if not Scissors-32x32.png read more http://patriotpost.us/opinion/14472

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Government's first job is to secure the border ... and Barack Obama has failed




It's a deadly turf war: rival Mexican drug cartels battling for control of smuggling routes, power and money. The violence is not just coming here, it is here..Now Barack Obama using that failure as an excuse to force more gun control laws on the lawful Arizonans, New Mexicans and Texans his policies abandoned.

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Social Justice and Ryan the Heretic

Church liberals launch an odd line of attack against a free-market champion.




Say this for the liberal impulse in American Catholicism: In its day, it leavened the faith. Against the church's tendencies to clericalism, it promoted the contributions of the laity. Against suspicions in Rome, it championed the American experiment. In particular, the liberal impulse advanced the idea of religious liberty for all that would ultimately triumph in the 1960s at the Second Vatican Council.


No longer, alas. Today the liberal impulse in American Catholic life has substituted political for religious orthodoxy. In retrospect, the turning point is easy to spot: liberal Catholicism's acquiescence in the Democratic Party's drift toward supporting abortion at a time when church leaders had the influence to stop it.




Once upon a time, Catholic Democrats would explain away their position with the Mario Cuomo-inspired halfway apology: They were "personally opposed" to abortion but unwilling to do anything about it. These days we have moved to the full Nancy: House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi's complaint that Catholics need to overcome their "conscience thing" regarding abortion.


As for Mr. Ryan, what drives progressives bonkers is that he insists on talking about spending in terms of promises made to the American people. In this sense, "Can we pay for it?" is a moral as well as practical question.






Most of these attacks are started by these two groups:



Catholics for Choice: This nominally Catholic organization supports women's right to abortion-on-demand.


Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good: This political nonprofit group is dedicated to generating support from the Catholic community for leftwing candidates, causes, and legislation.


They are bankrolled by non other than our good friend George Sorosangry.png

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Most of these attacks are started by these two groups:



Catholics for Choice: This nominally Catholic organization supports women's right to abortion-on-demand.


Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good: This political nonprofit group is dedicated to generating support from the Catholic community for leftwing candidates, causes, and legislation.


They are bankrolled by non other than our good friend George Sorosangry.png


He's no friend of mine. He never calls, he never writes, and I can't remember the last time we went out to eat.

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Bring on Biden...


In Minnesota


"Osama bin Laden is dead, and General Motors is alive," Biden told a cheering noontime crowd of about 1,500 people at the Depot in downtown Minneapolis. "How's that for a bumper sticker?"


"The American people are looking for a president that will put the nation above his political interests."


"Over the objections — where they sound like squealing pigs — over the objections of Romney and all of his allies, we passed some of the toughest Wall Street regulations in history,"


Minneapolis Mayor adds: "Biden took on Dick Cheney. He won, and he didn't even get shot in the face doing it."

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Wargaming the Electoral College


August 22, 2012 - 10:30 am - by Stephen Green


This week we’re going to limit our focus to the battlegrounds and the leaners, and avoid all the Byzantine scenario building. Taking the latest from Rasmussen, Nate Silver, and some other sources, here’s the map we get.



This should be easy to read. Dark blue is safe for President Obama, while light blue states are his leaners. Dark red is Mitt Romney country, with light red leaners. Uncolored states are the toss-ups.

Three surprises this time around, one of which you might already be pointing and laughing at: “He has Illinois is a leaner? What a maroon!” Very likely, yes. But the only poll I’ve seen out of Illinois showed Obama with only 49% — in Cook County, home of Chicago. Any Democrat running statewide in Illinois needs to run up the numbers in Cook, because they’re going to get slaughtered downstate. Now, I don’t really think Illinois is in play, but until I see some other indicator, I’m putting it in the leans column. It might even stay there long enough for me to finish writing this paragraph.

Missouri got downgraded to leans Romney, thanks to the heroic jerkiness of one Todd Akin. Women will turn out in Scissors-32x32.png read more http://pjmedia.com/vodkapundit/2012/08/22/wargaming-the-electoral-college-34/

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Obama in High Seas


By R. Emmett Tyrrell · August 22, 2012

WASHINGTON -- It has been a very rough patch for Our President, and I do believe it is going to get rougher still. Do not be surprised, as the month goes on and August runs into September, that his campaign budget becomes tighter. President Barack Obama is spending more money than he is raising. It will get worse. A president who mismanages the federal budget the way Obama does cannot be expected to manage his campaign budget much better. Lavish spending, it turns out, is a way of life for the community organizer who became our 44th president. Lavish spending on Campaign 2012 will be looked back on and seen as one of the campaign's greatest weaknesses. He can spend the money, but my guess is he will not be able to raise it.

Yet this week he had other headaches too. This week, "Politico" finally reported the dissension and backbiting that have been rumored for weeks within the campaign. You will be hearing a lot about this in the weeks ahead. The magical team that David Axelrod and David Plouffe put together in 2008 is falling apart.

At "The American Spectator," we reported years ago that this team was in reality the greenest pack of greenhorns ever assembled to take over a White House. For over Scissors-32x32.png read more http://patriotpost.us/opinion/14496

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Obama in High Seas


By R. Emmett Tyrrell · August 22, 2012

WASHINGTON -- It has been a very rough patch for Our President, and I do believe it is going to get rougher still. Do not be surprised, as the month goes on and August runs into September, that his campaign budget becomes tighter. President Barack Obama is spending more money than he is raising. It will get worse. A president who mismanages the federal budget the way Obama does cannot be expected to manage his campaign budget much better. Lavish spending, it turns out, is a way of life for the community organizer who became our 44th president. Lavish spending on Campaign 2012 will be looked back on and seen as one of the campaign's greatest weaknesses. He can spend the money, but my guess is he will not be able to raise it.

Yet this week he had other headaches too. This week, "Politico" finally reported the dissension and backbiting that have been rumored for weeks within the campaign. You will be hearing a lot about this in the weeks ahead. The magical team that David Axelrod and David Plouffe put together in 2008 is falling apart.

At "The American Spectator," we reported years ago that this team was in reality the greenest pack of greenhorns ever assembled to take over a White House. For over Scissors-32x32.png read more http://patriotpost.us/opinion/14496


From the article....


Let us come to the point. Obama is reaching out to his very own special constituency. It is composed of those who believe that the Republicans would put up as their candidate for the presidency a person who in his business life would engage in fraud, tax evasion, even murder. Obama is casting his net for the moron vote. I do not believe that there are enough morons out there to reelect him.
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Obama today:


In a rally at Canyon Springs High School in North Las Vegas, Obama said, the GOP stinginess on education is “unfair to our kids” and “foolish for our future.” Obama’s comments were interrupted briefly by heckling. When the shouting subsided, he told the crowd, “That young man probably needed a good teacher.


So many problems with this statement. Obama needs to stay off teleprompter. Are his teachers responsible for his conduct as an adult? How does a "good" teacher make him not heckle? Is he saying public schools have bad teachers? How will hiring more teachers solve this?

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Video: Obama Says He's 'Pro-Choice' on Third-Trimester Abortions

4:31 PM, Aug 22, 2012 • By JOHN MCCORMACK


The Washington Post reports that President Obama is running his reelection campaign as a "culture warrior," trying to cast his opponents as extremists on such issues as abortion in the case of rape and requiring religious institutions to pay for contraception. But could Obama's own extremism on abortion come back to bite him?

During a 2003 press conference, Barack Obama indicated that he thought abortion should be legal in all situations, even late in pregnancy:


OBAMA: “I am pro-choice.”

REPORTER: “In all situations including the late term thing?”

OBAMA: “I am pro-choice. Scissors-32x32.png read more http://www.weeklystandard.com/blogs/video-obama-says-hes-pro-choice-third-trimester-abortions_650524.html

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Wargaming the Electoral College


August 22, 2012 - 10:30 am - by Stephen Green


This week we’re going to limit our focus to the battlegrounds and the leaners, and avoid all the Byzantine scenario building. Taking the latest from Rasmussen, Nate Silver, and some other sources, here’s the map we get.



This should be easy to read. Dark blue is safe for President Obama, while light blue states are his leaners. Dark red is Mitt Romney country, with light red leaners. Uncolored states are the toss-ups.

Three surprises this time around, one of which you might already be pointing and laughing at: “He has Illinois is a leaner? What a maroon!” Very likely, yes. But the only poll I’ve seen out of Illinois showed Obama with only 49% — in Cook County, home of Chicago. Any Democrat running statewide in Illinois needs to run up the numbers in Cook, because they’re going to get slaughtered downstate. Now, I don’t really think Illinois is in play, but until I see some other indicator, I’m putting it in the leans column. It might even stay there long enough for me to finish writing this paragraph.

Missouri got downgraded to leans Romney, thanks to the heroic jerkiness of one Todd Akin. Women will turn out in Scissors-32x32.png read more http://pjmedia.com/v...ral-college-34/




Academic model: Romney will take 52.9% of the vote, 320 electoral votes



posted at 8:41 pm on August 22, 2012 by Allahpundit


Three reasons why: Economy, economy, economy.


Supposedly, the model’s been accurate to within 20 or so electoral votes in every election since 1980. Dude?


Using a state-by-state analysis of unemployment and per-capita income, academics Kenneth Bickers and Michael Berry of the University of Colorado project that Romney will win 52.9% of the popular vote and 320 electoral votes. The political scientists discuss their findings here.


Their forecast suggests that President Obama will lose in almost all Scissors-32x32.png read more http://hotair.com/archives/2012/08/22/academic-model-romney-will-take-52-9-of-the-vote-320-electoral-votes/

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“Independent” watchdog on energy loans turns into big Obama donor

Ed Morrissey



Well, well, well … what a coinky-dink. The man who got picked to review more than $23 billion in Department of Energy loans and gave them a clean bill of health — without reviewing loans to already-defunct Solyndra and Beacon Power — waited a whole two weeks to start donating to Barack Obama’s re-election effort (via Drudge):




How much of a scandal is this? It’s not as bad as it would have been if Allison had been contributing heavily to Obama before getting the appointment, obviously. At worst, this looks like a quid pro quo for getting the job, but that’s a pretty ridiculous take, given that Allison hardly needs the work. But the two-week difference still raises a lot of questions about when Allison stopped being an independent reviewer and started being a fan. Allison addressed this by saying that his contacts with the Obama administration impressed him:


Allison said he made his decision to support Obama after he saw “his administration in action and decided that I believe broadly in the things he’s trying to accomplish.”


Fine and dandy; it’s Allison’s money, and he can do with it what he wants, within the law, of course. However, the question arises whether he was so impressed during his “independent” review that he became an advocate rather than an analyst. The curious decision not to probe the Solyndra and Beacon Power loans when both were the biggest examples of Obama administration mismanagement — and when Solyndra’s loan had ties to another big Obama donor, George Kaiser — raises that question even further. Having decided that he liked the cut of Obama’s job so much that he wanted to fork over $52,000, did Allison temper his report to boost the object of his new political affections? Adding to that impression, the Associated Press reports that Allison had never donated more than $2,000 to anyone before now.



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Regarding the CU Election Prediction


August 23, 2012 | Filed under Categories | Posted by Dan Karipides

Yesterday I posted on a election prediction study from the University of Colorado. In the comments a few readers wondered about the track record of the study from previous presidential elections. This issue is addressed in a LA Times article about the study:

But Bickers said much of the polling thus far means relatively little, with much of the electorate still not focused on the race. The academics said their model focuses on the preeminent issue of the economy. Applied retrospectively, the model predicts the correct winner in every presidential contest going back to 1980, they said.

The model missed by an average of 20 electoral votes when applied to those prior elections, Bickers said. He said the formula employed in the analysis is unusual because it measures the states, rather than trying to predict a popular vote for the entire nation.

Of course past performance is no guarantee of Scissors-32x32.png read more http://wizbangblog.com/2012/08/23/regarding-the-cu-election-prediction/

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