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Primary 2012


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"As for how the Obama Presidency stacks up against past Presidencies, that’s not a matter of speculation either: Barack Obama is the most arrogant, the most personally corrupt and officially destructive chief executive in our nation’s history, taken together his record in office indelibly marks him out as the worst President the American people have ever had to endure."


OK....so is it official. Does the stain presidency eclipse both carter and clinton as "worst presidents"?


If so...it's time for a party.

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Disagree. Rev Wright is so-2008; McCain wouldn't pursue it then - the opportunity was lost. Let it go. You can't re-fight the last war or you will lose this one as well.




I think Mitt gets points for doing this. NO ONE wants to hear about Jeremiah Wright. Wright has done his damage already with his recent quotes about Obama. Let those words simmer - but HAMMER on the economy!!!


The one thing I noticed about Romney from the git-go was that he was no McCain regarding attacking the enemy and calling a spade a spade - let the "Great Distractor" continue shrinking himself with more insane navel gazing while the economy burns - and let Mitt keep focused like a laser on the economy.

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I understand what you are saying, but given what we've seen from the 4th best President's campaign so far, these attacks must be answered, otherwise people start thinking..there must be something there.


What aggravates so many of us is during the primaries pretty much all Romney did is throw mud...now lets take the high road.

Wright was important in 08, and it is just as important today, it speaks to the 4th best Presidents character. Remember so many polls say people think he's a fine upstanding guy, listening to these tapes shows him a a ambitious Chicago politician who will say and do anything to win.


I think Mitt gets points for doing this. NO ONE wants to hear about Jeremiah Wright. Wright has done his damage already with his recent quotes about Obama. Let those words simmer - but HAMMER on the economy!!!


His campaign can't chew gum and walk at the same time?



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Ace of Spades


Five Things That Can Change the Wisconsin Recalls




On the high of a growing projected lead for Walker, enormous GOP enthusiasm, and an incresingly-depressed Democratic party, it is easy to overlook a few things. Or remembering to smack them down.

1- A heightened effort against the Lt Governor. This race remains very, very close, with the few Democrats who have abandoned the fight against Walker now focusing on this one. If the numbers reverse into her challenger's favor, more Democrats could potentially show, and close the top ticket race up. However, the overall trend is depression on the Dem end, elation on the Rs, so it would take an all-in against her to have such a damaging effect.

2- A John Doe investigation "surprise". Since the investigator is a Democrat, and this has been talked about at length by Democrats already, a last minute indictment may move the race by only a point or two. Wait too late (like the last week) and its political nature looks even more obvious, backfiring and hurting Barrett. Barrett has tomorrow and next week to pull such a trick out. Even then, the politcal nature of those involved, and Marquette polling showing more voters think it's politics and not serious (among those who already know about it), makes this "last straw to grasp" a weak one. Scissors-32x32.png Read More


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Texas Senate race important target for DC conservative organizations

By Cameron Joseph - 05/18/12 06:00 AM ET



Conservative groups — including the Club for Growth, FreedomWorks and Sen. Jim DeMint’s (R-S.C.) Senate Conservatives Fund — are pivoting toward Texas’s Senate race after their embarrassing defeat in Nebraska’s Senate primary.

The Tea Party-linked groups were riding high after helping to beat Sen. Dick Lugar (R-Ind.) in his primary 10 days ago. But they hit a low this week when their preferred candidate in Nebraska’s Senate primary finished a distant third after they combined to spend $2.5 million on the race.

Now Texas looms large as a chance for redemption — and for the groups to show that Indiana was not a fluke.

“It’s very important,” said Brendan Steinhauser, the state campaigns director for FreedomWorks. “We’re putting a lot of energy there.”

Texas, Utah, Arizona and Wisconsin remain the big Senate races that at least some of the groups are targeting; all three of them are involved in Texas.

The groups will receive a lot of credit if they can help former Texas Solicitor General Ted Cruz ® make the runoff election against Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst ® — but if Dewhurst wins the primary on the first round with 50 percent of the vote,Scissors-32x32.png Read More http://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/228197-texas-senate-race-important-target-for-dc-conservative-organizations

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Ace of Spades


Five Things That Can Change the Wisconsin Recalls




On the high of a growing projected lead for Walker, enormous GOP enthusiasm, and an incresingly-depressed Democratic party, it is easy to overlook a few things. Or remembering to smack them down.

1- A heightened effort against the Lt Governor. This race remains very, very close, with the few Democrats who have abandoned the fight against Walker now focusing on this one. If the numbers reverse into her challenger's favor, more Democrats could potentially show, and close the top ticket race up. However, the overall trend is depression on the Dem end, elation on the Rs, so it would take an all-in against her to have such a damaging effect.

2- A John Doe investigation "surprise". Since the investigator is a Democrat, and this has been talked about at length by Democrats already, a last minute indictment may move the race by only a point or two. Wait too late (like the last week) and its political nature looks even more obvious, backfiring and hurting Barrett. Barrett has tomorrow and next week to pull such a trick out. Even then, the politcal nature of those involved, and Marquette polling showing more voters think it's politics and not serious (among those who already know about it), makes this "last straw to grasp" a weak one. Scissors-32x32.png Read More



This is what I am holding my breath about @Draggingtree. They have done everything they can and have gotten nowhere and I think that this is the ace up their sleeves. Something that will eventually be proven untrue, but they will drop right before the election so it can't be answered in time.

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Ace of Spades


Five Things That Can Change the Wisconsin Recalls




On the high of a growing projected lead for Walker, enormous GOP enthusiasm, and an incresingly-depressed Democratic party, it is easy to overlook a few things. Or remembering to smack them down.

1- A heightened effort against the Lt Governor. This race remains very, very close, with the few Democrats who have abandoned the fight against Walker now focusing on this one. If the numbers reverse into her challenger's favor, more Democrats could potentially show, and close the top ticket race up. However, the overall trend is depression on the Dem end, elation on the Rs, so it would take an all-in against her to have such a damaging effect.

2- A John Doe investigation "surprise". Since the investigator is a Democrat, and this has been talked about at length by Democrats already, a last minute indictment may move the race by only a point or two. Wait too late (like the last week) and its political nature looks even more obvious, backfiring and hurting Barrett. Barrett has tomorrow and next week to pull such a trick out. Even then, the politcal nature of those involved, and Marquette polling showing more voters think it's politics and not serious (among those who already know about it), makes this "last straw to grasp" a weak one. Scissors-32x32.png Read More



This is what I am holding my breath about @Draggingtree. They have done everything they can and have gotten nowhere and I think that this is the ace up their sleeves. Something that will eventually be proven untrue, but they will drop right before the election so it can't be answered in time.


And Geee I think you are pretty well correct something will come out --true or not

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I have not voted yet, but I have ever Intention of voting for Cruz rolleyes.gif


What is the problem with Ted Cruz?

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The RACE CARD Don't leave home without it.


As the campaign goes on we will see more and more of this. If Obama loses in Nov. you will not be able to swing a dead cat without hitting a story about what a racist nation were are...and (of course) how it is all George Bush's fault.

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NARN, Minnesota GOP Convention Show #1



Update: Kurt Bills won the endorsement for the US Senate nomination on the second ballot, with 64% of the vote. Bills is a solid conservative state legislator and economics teacher in Rosemount, and he had the backing of the considerable contingent of Ron Paul supporters. That’s a big win for them.



Two points

A. I have not been following this race all that closely, so this is something of a surprise.

B. Things are decided by those who show up.

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What's at Stake in the Wisconsin Recall Election


What unions really want is legal standing to sue employers and prevent any changes—in wages, hours or other conditions of employment—unwanted by their members.






Wisconsin's recall election is on, pitting Gov. Scott Walker against Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett. If Mr. Walker is voted out of office on June 5, what other politician will be willing to step forward to address America's entitlement challenges?

Mr. Walker's record is well known: He limited collective bargaining for government labor unions and trimmed health-insurance and pension benefits, bringing them more in line with private business. Organized labor thinks Mr. Walker's reforms should be the end of his career.

They argue, first, that public workers just wanted to "have a voice" in their employment. But public-school teachers are more than welcome to participate in school-board meetings or sit down with principals to discuss how to achieve better results. What unions really want is legal standing to sue employers and prevent any changes—in wages, hours or other conditions of employment—unwanted by their members. Their call to continue combative litigation hardly promotes the kind of statewide unity that they, and Mr. Barrett, have called for.

Public employers deal with thousands of grievances that result in discussion, negotiation, mediation and arbitration. In 2010, the last full year before the reforms, the Wisconsin Employment Relations Commission issued 129 decisions in cases that went to a full hearing. That is a lot of litigation.

Unions frequently abuse their standing to sue. In 2009, during the height of the recession, many government agencies furloughed employees to save taxpayer money. In Milwaukee County, the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees successfully sued to prevent this—and won $6 million in back pay and interest, at a time when every local government was drowning in red ink.

In 2006, the Wisconsin Education Association Council (WEAC) sued the Cedarburg School District for terminating a teacher who had viewed pornography on his school computer. An arbitrator initially reinstated the teacher and awarded back pay. Only after much time and expense did the Wisconsin Court of Appeal upholdScissors-32x32.png

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Obama’s electoral lock




The Obama campaign has had to deal with a rash of bad news lately. A souring economy combined with a series of gaffes and missteps has made the president look weak and defensive. Poll numbers are down and anxiety is rising in some Democratic quarters.

Fear not, others counsel. The Electoral College will save the day. A number of analyses show that even with public opinion evenly divided between the two major candidates, the Democrats’ advantage in the electoral vote count makes victory in November probable if not inevitable for the currant occupant of the White House.

Many models show President Obama with a likely base of 252 electoral votes out of the 270 needed to win. This includes the West coast, all the states northeast of Maryland except for New Hampshire, and seven other states in the Great Lakes region (Illinois, Michigan and Minnesota) the west (Colorado, New Mexico and Nevada) plus Hawaii. The Republican base in the South and West is around 191. This leaves 95 tossup electoral votes of which Mr. Obama needs only 18.

However, those 18 will be hard to get. Scissors-32x32.png Read More


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Liberals are invoking the framers of the Constitution in their latest attempt to employ judges to subvert the institutions of government. At issue is the

Senate’s cloture rule, the requirement for three-fifths of voting members to vote to end debate and vote on a bill. Supporters of the Dream Act, which passed the House but couldn’t get to cloture in the Senate, are suing to have the practice overturned as an unconstitutional imposition on majority rule.

The argument in Common Cause et al. v.

Joseph Biden et al. centers on essays by Alexander Hamilton and James Madison in the Federalist Papers that opposed requirements for supermajority votes in the legislature. The six exceptions - which include ratifying treaties, impeachment, expulsion from the legislature and amending the Constitution - are by this logic the only intended examples of permitted supermajority voting. Cloture imposes a de facto supermajority requirement and, in the words of Hamilton, substitutes “the pleasure, caprice or artifices of an insignificant, turbulent or corrupt junta, to the regular deliberations and decisions of a respectable majority.”

It’s tricky business invoking the framers, especially for liberals, who have to face a mass of contradictions. After all, they usually argue the Constitution is infinitely flexible and never intended to be a captive of the “dead hand of history.” Suddenly discussing original intent when it is convenient comes across as hypocritical.

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The Future’s So Bright I Gotta Wear Shades

Posted by John Hitchcock on 2012/05/17












The 36-year Indiana US Senator who hasn’t lived in Indiana in 36 years lost to a Conservative grass-roots supported challenger.

The Establishment candidate in the Cornhusker State lost to a TEA Party supported challenger.

Orrin Hatch, the lifetime member of the US Senate out of Utah, could not garner enough Establishment support in the Caucus to defeat his grass-roots Conservative opponent and must now face that opponent in a grass-roots Primary.

After spending tens of millions of dollars per year for each of 2010, 2011, 2012, the Democrat-loved Socialist Union thug campaign up in Wisconsin is headed for another resouding defeat, wiping out multiple tens of millions of dollars they could have had available to fight in other, more winnable, places.

Ted Cruz is looking like he’ll defeat his Establishment opponent (who’s busily lying about Ted Cruz’s record).

The US Senate will, without doubt,Scissors-32x32.png Read More http://truthbeforedi...ta-wear-shades/

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I'm from the federal government, and I'm here to help, not exactly.

When the government claims it's here to help, you should turn and try to run away as fast as you can. When government is involved in supposedly looking out for your best interest, none of their good deeds go unpunished on your behalf. In Utah, Davis High School was fined $15,000, because the school sold sodas during "lunch hour". Federal law requires the school and other schools to turn off their soda machines during the lunch period for 45 minutes.When the federal government gets involved in trying to micro manage people's lives in the name of "helping them", it never works out. Correction, it works for the government, because it allows itself to get ever bigger and in the process be able to take away even more freedoms from the individual. So across the country in tens of thousands of schools during a typical six to seven hour school day in which the soda machines are all on, the federal government's mandate they the machines be turned off for 47 minutes accomplishes what exactly? Here's a crazy idea. How about just letting the parents worry about their children's health. It's not like the federal government has a sterling track record in actually fixing problems in society.Scissors-32x32.png Read More http://wakeupblackamerica.blogspot.com/

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Multi-Stage Moby Fired At The First Street Journal




Posted by

John Hitchcock on 2012/05/19



and had the same success as the multi-stage North Korean rocket launch.


For those ignorant few who don’t know what a Moby is, the Urban Dictionary has as its top definition a very clear encyclopedic definition of a Moby. It is very unusual in that it gives an accurate definition and provides a very accurate history for the resulting term.

An insidious and specialized type of left-wing troll who visits blogs and impersonates a conservative for the purpose of either spreading false rumors intended to sow dissension among conservative voters, or who purposely posts inflammatory and offensive comments for the purpose of discrediting the blog in question.

The term is derived from the name of the liberal musician Moby, who famously suggested in February of 2004 that left-wing activists engage in this type of subterfuge: “For example, you can go on all the pro-life chat rooms and say you’re an outraged right-wing voter and that you know that George Bush drove an ex-girlfriend to an abortion clinic and paid for her to get an abortion. Then you go to an anti-immigration Web site chat room and ask, ‘What’s all this about George Bush proposing amnesty for illegal aliens?’”

The strategy has been frequently attempted on conservative blogs, but has not been nearly as effective as Moby envisioned, since false rumors are easily debunked by fact-checking minions, and cartoonishly extreme commenters often get immediately identified as mobys and banned.

I not only found a Moby, but I found a multi-stage Moby Read More http://truthbeforedi...street-journal/

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