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David Limbaugh Column: Obama Is Headed Anywhere But Forward


By David Limbaugh | May 02, 2012 | 13:08


You have to hand it to President Obama and his cabal of re-election strategists; they are masters of illusion. Their newly released Web video and its accompanying campaign slogan, "Forward," are science fiction-level fantastical.

We're all familiar with Obama's penchant for deflecting responsibility and blaming his policy failures on George W. Bush, but after more than three years in office for Obama, it has gone from childish mischief to juvenile delinquency. This is a question for Guinness: Has any other president run for re-election against the record of his retired predecessor?



Read more: http://newsbusters.org/blogs/david-limbaugh#ixzz1ugIHRpQA

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Daum: Too brainy to be president?

Obama's intellect doesn't have much currency in the political climate of extreme partisanship and pandering to a very low common denominator.

Meghan Daum


May 10, 2012


As devotees of Barack Obama know all too well, qualities that made him so attractive as a candidate — an affinity for subtle arguments, a tendency to carefully weigh his options — have at times proved less useful in his role as president. That carefulness has been read as indecisiveness. The subtle arguments have sounded, to some ears, like hedging. In response, the president has simplified his rhetoric. The nuances of the 2009 Cairo speech about relations between the U.S. and the Muslim world have given way to chest thumping over killing Osama bin Laden. The sophistication of the speech on race he delivered during the 2008 campaign has morphed into sentimental headline grabbers: "If I had a son, he'd look like Trayvon."


But the old-school Obama is on delightful and rather hilarious display in the June issue of Vanity Fair, which features an adaptation of some especially juicy portions of David Maraniss' forthcoming biography, "Barack Obama: The Story." Drawing from interviews with the president's old girlfriends (one kept letters; the other kept a detailed journal), Maraniss reveals an Obama brimming with the kind of existential angst and intellectual precocity usually reserved for characters in Woody Allen movies.


It's fitting that the setting was New York City, where Obama moved at age 20 when he transferred to Columbia University from Occidental College in Los Angeles. To Alex McNear, a girlfriend at Occidental, Obama holds forth on T.S. Eliot. He calls "The Waste Land" "an ecstatic vision which runs from Munzer to Yeats" and encourages McNear to "read [Eliot's] essay on Tradition and the Individual Talent, as well as Four Quartets, when he's less concerned with depicting moribund Europe.... Remember how I said there's a certain kind of conservatism which I respect more than bourgeois liberalism — Eliot is of this type."






I gues we are jus not ready for a smart Persident!

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How America really chooses its president


May 9th 2012, 13:36 by The Economist online


How America's electoral college works

THE electoral college is a relic of the 18th century that gives disproportionate weight to voters in smaller states and focuses attention on a dozen "swing" ones. Our videographic, below, explains more. Choose the full screen function to see state-by-state detail.




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How America really chooses its president


May 9th 2012, 13:36 by The Economist online


How America's electoral college works

THE electoral college is a relic of the 18th century that gives disproportionate weight to voters in smaller states and focuses attention on a dozen "swing" ones. Our videographic, below, explains more. Choose the full screen function to see state-by-state detail.





1st comment nails it!


HappinessIsFreedom May 9th, 13:56


It's a relic of the oldest stable democratic republic is what perhaps you meant to say.

The founders knew what they were doing.

The house allows representation by population, the senate allows equal representation by states and the electoral college balances the 2 by being in between.


It's important to remember that the US is a democratic republic, not a pure democracy.

The word "Democracy" cannot be found in the American Declaration of Independence, or the Constitution, or in the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag, or the Constitutions of any of the States.


"The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government …" – US Constitution, Article 4, Section 4.


"Between a balanced republic and a democracy, the difference is like that between order and chaos." – John Marshall (1755-1835), Chief Justice, U.S. Supreme Court


"Our country's founders cherished liberty, not democracy." – US House Congressional Resolution 48 "A Republic; not a Democracy",


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When sermons of Obama’s Chicago pastor, Jeremiah Wright, surfaced during the Iowa primaries, it threatened to derail Obama’s campaign. ABC aired one where Wright screamed, “Goddamn America!” Edward Klein interviewed Wright, who told him Obama’s team tried to buy his silence.

‘Man, the media ate me alive,” Wright told me when we met in his office at Chicago’s Kwame Nkrumah Academy. “After the media went ballistic on me, I received an e-mail offering me money not to preach at all until the November presidential election.”

The ‘bribe’ to silence Wright



Last Updated: 1:43 PM, May 13, 2012


QUIET, PLEASE: President Obama’s onetime pastor Jeremiah Wright says he was offered money not to preach.

“Who sent the e-mail?” I asked Wright.

“It was from one of Barack’s closest friends.”

“He offered you money?”

“Not directly,” Wright said. “He sent the offer to one of the members of the church, who sent it to me.”

“How much money did he offer you?”

“One hundred and fifty thousand dollars,” Wright said.

“Did Obama himself ever make an effort to see you?”

“Yes,” Scissors-32x32.png Read More


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Hmmm. That bribe thing is interesting.


Obama the Trojan Horse. To everyone who was not paying attention.

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Truth Before Dishonor


More Bad News For Wisconsin Democrats rolleyes.gif


Posted by John Hitchcock on 2012/05/14


The news coming out of Wisconsin continues to be bad for Democrats and good for the state. I have previously reported on the tens of millions of dollars Wisconsin schools have saved, with many schools going from deficit to surplus without raising taxes (in fact, property taxes were lower for the first time since 1999), while Democrats and Union thugs have spent tens of millions of dollars trying to rescue their tax-payer funded multi-million dollar cash cows and freebies, and used violence, threats of violence, destruction of public and private property in the process. I have also previously reported on the fact that Wisconsin has had its most improved economic forecast since 2003 and that its economic forecast improved more than any other state, after the Walker Budget was put in place.

Here’s what I said regarding the tens of millions of dollars Democrats and Union thugs spent in vain in Wisconsin in 2010 and 2011:

[Allahpundit] quotes that site I refuse to link (if I can avoid it) discussing the fact all those outside resources won’t be available to Recall Governor Walker in 2012 because there is the Obama campaign that needs fed, a US Senate campaign that needs fed, many other political races in Wisconsin that need fed, let alone all the campaigns across the other 49 states that need fed. After spending tens of millions of outside, Union dollars in 2010 and 2011 with next to nothing to show from it, there will be too many other needs in 2012 to be focusing in on a single Governor.

I previously wrote about the economic improvement of states that went from Democrat control to Republican leadership compared to the economic deterioration of Democrat controlled states. Multiple articles can be found in the TBD archives covering the economic disasters of Liberal-owned California and Illinois. Scissors-32x32.png Read More


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May 13, 2012

Deconstructing the TIME Breastfeeding Cover


By Marc Hopin

I don't read TIME Magazine. The only time I ever see TIME is during waiting time in a doctor's office. Time and again I have noticed some references in the news to something timely in TIME, but I don't recall anything in the recent portion of my lifetime that aroused enough interest to take the time to look at TIME.

However, upon seeing a number of tweets and other references to the May 21, 2012 issue of TIME, I decided to click over to their website and see for myself what all the commotion was about. Once there, I found myself looking at 26-year-old Jamie Lynne Grumet. She is standing erect with her three-year-old toddler close by her side. The toddler is standing on a small chair.


Wait -- the toddler is doing more than just standing next to her on a chair; he's breastfeeding. His adorable little face is turned just enough so that his eyes are looking at the camera while he enjoys his beverage.

My thoughts immediately skipped to the War on Women. Was there a congressional hearing that I missed? Had Mitt Romney, Rush Limbaugh, Mark Levin, or Sean Hannity said something negative about breastfeeding? Were the Obama or the Romney children still being breastfed? Did Kathleen Sebelius issue a regulation requiring breastfeeding until a certain age?

While pondering the possibilities, I looked at the picture again. I started noticing things that I had previously overlooked. Scissors-32x32.pngRead More http://www.americanthinker.com/2012/05/deconstructing_the_time_breast-feeding_cover.html

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Truth Before Dishonor


More Bad News For Wisconsin Democrats rolleyes.gif


Posted by John Hitchcock on 2012/05/14


The news coming out of Wisconsin continues to be bad for Democrats and good for the state. I have previously reported on the tens of millions of dollars Wisconsin schools have saved, with many schools going from deficit to surplus without raising taxes (in fact, property taxes were lower for the first time since 1999), while Democrats and Union thugs have spent tens of millions of dollars trying to rescue their tax-payer funded multi-million dollar cash cows and freebies, and used violence, threats of violence, destruction of public and private property in the process. I have also previously reported on the fact that Wisconsin has had its most improved economic forecast since 2003 and that its economic forecast improved more than any other state, after the Walker Budget was put in place.

Here’s what I said regarding the tens of millions of dollars Democrats and Union thugs spent in vain in Wisconsin in 2010 and 2011:

[Allahpundit] quotes that site I refuse to link (if I can avoid it) discussing the fact all those outside resources won’t be available to Recall Governor Walker in 2012 because there is the Obama campaign that needs fed, a US Senate campaign that needs fed, many other political races in Wisconsin that need fed, let alone all the campaigns across the other 49 states that need fed. After spending tens of millions of outside, Union dollars in 2010 and 2011 with next to nothing to show from it, there will be too many other needs in 2012 to be focusing in on a single Governor.

I previously wrote about the economic improvement of states that went from Democrat control to Republican leadership compared to the economic deterioration of Democrat controlled states. Multiple articles can be found in the TBD archives covering the economic disasters of Liberal-owned California and Illinois. Scissors-32x32.png Read More



Read an article today that the Wisconsin Democrats are...less than thrill with the support they've been getting from the national party.

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Red State


Narcissist in Chief Adds Himself to Every Presidential Biography


(Except Ford)



Posted by Ben Howe (Diary)

Tuesday, May 15th at 11:03AM EDT




Many have called President Obama’s election historical, and rightly so. His presidency however, is another matter entirely. It’s historical in a lot of senses be it his record breaking debt accumulation & spending or his being the first president to have a rainbow halo placed on his head. But compared to the historical achievements of other presidents that did things like ending slavery or saving the planet, he falls woefully short.

Unless you ask him.Scissors-32x32.png Read More


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One Afternoon In a Garage in Reno, Nevada

Good afternoon! Hello, residents of Whispering Hills subdivision! Thank you for that fine reception. How's everybody doin' out there?

Now that's what I call spirit - Reno spirit. American spirit! Yessir, what you folks might lack in numbers, you make up for in enthusiasm. Just like Reno is the 'Biggest Little City in the USA,' I've gotta say you folks are the Biggest Little Garage Sale Crowd in Reno this afternoon. So give yourself a Biggest Little Hand!


Oh, uh, sorry about that. Billy, can we bring down the EQ on the driveway monitor? I'm getting some nasty feedback here. Okay. Check. Check. Pop. Poppop. Check check, testingggg one two. Okay, I think we got that.

Okay! As I was about to say, it's no accident I'm here today at the Kellers. You all know Paul and Val here as great neighbors, the kind of hardworking friendly neighbors any neighborhood in America would want. And as President of the United States neighborhood, I've worked tirelessly to make sure that neighbors like Pal and Vaul have the financial support they need to stay right here in Whispering Hills.

Yeah! Sure, you can applaud! Come on, give it up for the Kohlers!

That's why, when the housing crisis occurred during the previous administration, we got to work on programs to provide support to families struggling with mortgage payments. As you all know their were a lot of...

How's that? Oh. I'm sorry but could it possibly wait? Scissors-32x32.png

Read More http://iowahawk.typepad.com/iowahawk/2012/05/one-afternoon-in-a-garage-in-reno-nevada.html

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The Stupid Party


Posted by Bruce Thornton Bio ↓ on May 15th, 2012

The presidency of Barack Obama has established once and for all that modern liberalism is now the stupid party. Very little of liberal thought these days represents anything fresh or new, but rather comprises what Lionel Trilling once reduced conservatism to: “irritable mental gestures which seek to resemble ideas.” Now it is liberal ideas that young in the 19th century today stumble around like zombies in the liberal mind, mindlessly repeating hoary clichés of the sort Jonah Goldberg documents in his new book.

Obama’s presidency and reelection campaign have already produced an abundance of examples. Take the looming fiscal crisis of unfunded social welfare entitlements, run-away federal spending, and accelerating debt and deficits. Even with the monitory example of a rapidly disintegrating Europe before our eyes, the Democrats still can’t do the math. The “Buffett rule” taxes on the “rich” that the president has been touting amount to the equivalent of couch-cushion change compared to our debt and unfunded liabilities. Indeed, confiscating outright all the wealth of the richest 400 Americans would barely cover one year of Obama deficits. The economic history of the past half-century backs up the math: only by reducinarty

g spending can we get our fiscal house in order, and raising taxes on the productive stifles economic growth and reduces tax revenues, thus hastening the downward spiral. The fundamental wisdom known by every village explainer––spend more than you earn and you’ll go broke, give people something for nothing and they will expect something for nothing forever, there is no free lunch, if something can’t go on forever it won’t––doesn’t seem to penetrate the minds of the self-styled “genius” party.

Yet despite this crisis, all the liberals can do is recycle old class-warfare Scissors-32x32.png Read More


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The First Street Journal



ropelight says:

May 15, 2012 at 10:30

Perry, first Solyndra went belly-up and now LightSquared has filed for bankruptcy. That’s not speculation, that’s the result of Obama’s cynical use of taxpayer money to reward his campaign contributors.

It’s a scam, like in the movie, The Producers, Zero Mostel set up a production designed to fail, but which would reward him and his co-conspirators, while leaving the investors holding the bag.

Additionally, the JP Morgan executives who recently lost $2 Billion on risky investments are out of a job. Shouldn’t the same yardstick be applied to Barack Obama? He’s lost a couple of hundred times that amount, and it was money the taxpayers will have to repay plus interest. That’s Obama’s malfeasance masquerading as bureaucratic incompetence.

As for how the Obama Presidency stacks up against past Presidencies, that’s not a matter of speculation either: Barack Obama is the most arrogant, the most personally corrupt and officially destructive chief executive in our nation’s history, taken together his record in office indelibly marks him out as the worst President the American people have ever had to endure.

Those are the facts and they can not be evaded, Obama is both corrupt and incompetent. He should resign before he’s overwhelmingly rejected in November along with a great many of his Democrat Party accomplices. flagday.gif

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Deb Fischer Primary Victory Shocks Political World

Tony Lee



Nebraska state Senator Deb Fischer rocketed out of nowhere to win the GOP senate primary on Tuesday, sending shockwaves across the political world from Nebraska to Washington, D.C.


The Republican establishment spent nearly $3 million to support state attorney general Jon Bruning. The Washington conservative establishment spent nearly $3 million to prop up their candidate, Don Stenberg, who never got traction despite all of his endorsements. But it took just 135 words from former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin to propel Fischer to the head of the pack and give her the momentum, buzz, and name identification to capitalize on some of the groundwork she had diligently laid.


The message was clear: the conservative grassroots are fed up and candidates favored by both the Republican and the Washington conservative establishment are not safe.




She now goes up against Bob Kerry.

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You Have To Admire A Broken Record That Can Skip For 3+ Years

Posted on | May 16, 2012 |

by Smitty (The Other McCain)

Younger readers may not understand that, historically, recordings were distributed on vinyl discs, with audio information transferred from the vinyl to amplification electronics via a needle. The information was laid out in a spiral on the disc. It was fragile, and slight damage could turn that spiral into an infinite loop.

Bush did i–Bush did i–Bush did i–Bush did i–Bush did i–Bush did i–Bush did i–Bush did i–. . Scissors-32x32.png

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Report I heard on the raido this morning in Harris County in the first couple of day's voting about 7,400 people have voted, Worse than that I ended up in Jackson Lee's district losing Poe at end of yr. sad.png

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All three of the candidates running against Kerry each one had more votes than he had.

So I’m saying this is a red state so we should pick up another Senate seat.

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Report I heard on the raido this morning in Harris County in the first couple of day's voting about 7,400 people have voted, Worse than that I ended up in Jackson Lee's district losing Poe at end of yr. sad.png

Having Jackson Lee represent me would be enough to make me move or worse.

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PJ Media


A Key Difference in the Texas Senate Race


Early voting has started in the May 29 Texas primary. The race to watch this year is the Senate race on the GOP side. Whoever wins that is the odds-on, locked in favorite to succeed retiring Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison. Democrats have not won a statewide race in Texas in a generation, and there are no signs of that changing any time soon.

Two major candidates and a pair of less-known candidates — Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst and former solicitor general Ted Cruz, and then former Dallas Mayor Tom Leppert and former ESPN host Craig James, respectively — are vying for the seat. Being a GOP primary, the candidates are all running as the authentic conservative and they all do mostly agree on the big issues, though Leppert has some leftish baggage from his Dallas days to explain. But there are differences within each candidate’s public statements and platforms. One key difference truly stands out: Only one of the four candidates has signed the Repeal ObamaCare pledge. And that’s Ted Cruz.

Cruz also recently won the endorsement of former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin. According to campaign manager John Drogin, that endorsement has kicked the Cruz campaign into overdrive.

.Scissors-32x32.pngelephant.gif Read More http://pjmedia.com/tatler/2012/05/16/a-key-difference-in-the-texas-senate-race/

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Ok, there are some real cheap shots at the end, but also some good advise for Romney.




How to Act Human: Advice for Mitt Romney From Inside the Actors Studio

James Lipton


A few months ago, Brian McFadden’s weekly comic strip in the Sunday Times offered ways for Mitt Romney to improve his image. One panel showed him with me on the set of Inside the Actors Studio, under the heading “Take Acting Lessons to Appear More Relatable.”


Initially amused by this unsolicited enlistment, I’ve found myself returning spontaneously and with increasing frequency to the task, sometimes starting awake in the middle of the night with acting advice for the candidate. Convinced that the only way to exorcise this possession is to confront it, I offer the following counsel.


In this media-saturated era, the line between politics and performance has virtually vanished, and the public is having a hard time believing Mr. Romney’s persona (as in dramatis personae) — a potentially fatal flaw for any actor, but especially for a presidential candidate. Why doesn’t Mr. Romney’s audience believe him?





Well I guess the Romney campaign can kiss off the Manhattan vote!



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