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When is a job not a job?



posted at 11:01 am on May 6, 2012 by Jazz Shaw




No, it’s not a riddle. (At least not a very funny one.) But it’s a question which many recent college graduates are likely now asking themselves, particularly given the fairly bleak jobs numbers for April. The Paper of Record reports that new job seekers, facing a market where a paycheck is hard to come by, are turning to unpaid internships in record numbers. And while such positions were traditionally common in media and charitable foundations, they are now spreading across all sectors of the private market.


The idea is that such a position gets your foot in the door, teaches you valuable skills and gives you something to put down as the first entry on your resume. But for many who take on these positions, the reality is quite different.

Confronting the worst job market in decades, many college graduates who expected to land paid jobs are turning to unpaid internships to try to get a foot in an employer’s door…

Although many internships provide valuable experience, some unpaid interns complain that they do menial work and learn little, raising questions about whether these positions violate federal rules governing such programs…
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The Lonely Guy



posted at 12:31 pm on May 6, 2012 by Ed Morrissey




The first rule of Campaign Club is to pick a venue that produces an overflow crowd. The second rule of Campaign Club is that the first rule is critically important for the kickoff event. Barack Obama and his team managed to violate both rules, and Breitbart’s Alexander Marlow noticed:

Barack Obama launched his campaign in unspectacular fashion today at Ohio State University, the largest college in the crucial swing state. A photo
by Mitt Romney’s campaign spokesman Ryan Williams reveals sparse attendance. The above image, according to Williams, was taken during the President’s first official campaign speech.
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Four Years of Obama Undoes Eight Years of Reagan


Tommy De Seno · May 4 at 7:46am







Wow this graph really says it all.


The Labor Force Participation Rate shows what percentage of people are working, looking for a job and not looking for a job. It is a better yardstick to measure the workforce in America than is the usually cited "unemployment rate" which doesn't count people who are so frustrated they stopped looking for a job.




H/T Instapundit

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The ‘Rubio Doctrine’: Sen. Marco Rubio Gets Serious About Russia


His policy speech on how to handle the Putin regime is well-considered.




Kim Zigfeld



May 5, 2012 - 12:00 am



Florida Senator Marco Rubio recently gave a speech at the left-leaning Brookings Institution, where he was introduced by his colleague Joe Lieberman. In the speech, Rubio announced a bold new policy towards Russia. Considering two frightening recent pronouncements from Putin supporters, this new Rubio Doctrine cannot be implemented soon enough.


The five principles of the Rubio Doctrine:

  1. Recognition
  2. Leadership
  3. Circumvention
  4. Displacement
  5. Revolution

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David Burge@iowahawkblog

Washington DC: The Arsenal of Stupidity.



2h 2375_84984116216_633511216_2728356_7132856_n_normal.jpgDavid Burge@iowahawkblog

I'm hoping to get quoted in the NY Times. Should I change my name to "Many Experts" or "Growing Consensus"?



2h 2375_84984116216_633511216_2728356_7132856_n_normal.jpgDavid Burge@iowahawkblog

Chicago May Day marchers have a fever and the only cure is MORE STALIN http://marathonpundit.blogspot.com/2012/05/occupy-chicago-may-day-march-pics-you.html #IhateIllinoisNazisandCommies



2h 2375_84984116216_633511216_2728356_7132856_n_normal.jpgDavid Burge@iowahawkblog

@VodkaPundit "Fortunately, I keep my hashtags numbered in the event of just such an occasion." #FoghornAxelrod



2h 2375_84984116216_633511216_2728356_7132856_n_normal.jpgDavid Burge@iowahawkblog

Mystery solved: Obama campaign buys its hashtags from ACME. #attackwatch #Julia

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George F. Will Opinion Writer


Taking a scythe to the Bill of Rights





By George F. Will,




Controversies can be wonderfully clarified when people follow the logic of illogical premises to perverse conclusions. For example, two academics recently wrote in the British Journal of Medical Ethics that “after-birth abortions” — killing newborn babies — are matters of moral indifference because newborns, like fetuses, “do not have the same moral status as actual persons” and “the fact that both are potential persons is morally irrelevant.” So killing them “should be permissible in all the cases where abortion is, including cases where the newborn is not disabled.” This helpfully validates the right-to-life contention that the pro-abortion argument, which already defends third-trimester abortions, contains no standard for why the killing should be stopped by arbitrarily assigning moral significance to the moment of birth.


Now comes Rep. Jim McGovern (D-Mass.) with a comparable contribution to another debate, the one concerning government regulation of political speech. Joined by House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), 26 other Democrats and one Republican, he proposes a constitutional amendment to radically contract First Amendment protections. His purpose is to vastly expand government’s power — i.e., the power of incumbent legislators — to write laws regulating, rationing or even proscribing speech in elections that determine the composition of the legislature and the rest of the government. McGovern’s proposal vindicates those who say that most campaign-finance “reforms” are incompatible with the First Amendment.

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Just so you know what the partisans in Massachusetts are focusing on as they are unaware that Elizabeth Warren's campaign bungles daily:




Health coverage: Helping Ayla Brown





May 05, 2012


The 23-year-old professional singer Ayla Brown surely ran into the same issue many other workers her age face: If a young, self-employed worker needs health insurance, the most affordable way for her to get it is to stay on her parents’ policy, as allowed under Massachusetts law and President Obama’s 2010 health care law. The fact that her father, Scott Brown, opposed Obama’s health care overhaul doesn’t make him a hypocrite, as critics charge.

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May 6th, 2012



Once in a super moon



Did you see the supermoon last night? I was driving my car right around the time the moon rose, and I saw it without having read anything about the phenomenon beforehand. So I didn’t know what I was seeing, but it was quite obviously spectacular.




click on the link to see beautiful pictures.

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Yes, it's possible to make fun of Obama; liberals just don't want to do it



Isn't this just special? SNL apparently wrote a skit making fun of Obama's spiking the football over killing Osama bin Laden for their opening last night, but they scrapped it for a skit to make fun of Fox and Friends.In the skit, President Obama addresses Americans soon after the first anniversary of the killing of Osama bin Laden — and he makes sure to remind viewers that all credit for the raid on the terrorist leader’s compound belongs to him.

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What Sarkozy Loss Really Means for America










by Joel B. Pollak 4 hours ago 64 post a comment



The mainstream media will attempt to spin French President Nicholas Sarkozy's loss today to Socialist challenger François Hollande as a rejection of "austerity" policies--and to urge American voters to reject the deficit-cutting politics of the Tea Party when we go to the polls in November. In fact, there are important lessons from France--and they are the precise opposite of what the media is telling us.


First, to call Sarkozy's policies "austerity" is to insult both austerity and socialism. The French government--like other European governments--sought to close its budget gap primarily by raising taxes, not by cutting the size and cost of government. Neither Sarkozy nor Hollande had the courage to confront the basic, failed structure of France's welfare-state economy, which is the fundamental cause of its budget problems.

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Brokaw: White House Correspondents' dinner hurting the press

"That’s another separation between what we’re supposed to be doing and what the people expect us to be doing, and I think that the Washington press corps has to look at that, and by the way I’m a charter member of the White House Correspondents Association, I was there early on and often enjoyed it, but it’s gone beyond what it needs to be.”
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