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Since "Change" [man, I've grown to hate that word] is the only constant....and you, Valin are fed up with the same-old, same-old....respectfully...enlighten us with your best plan.



That is not my job. I am not in the policy making business, Greenfield (and others) are. What happened was, he needed a column, and this was a quick easy column to write, sure to appeal to his readership, and not requiring him to actually say anything constructive.


I'm just getting tired of the sniping without the

Here's my idea






All this does is make the fine folks at the DNC happy.





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Since "Change" [man, I've grown to hate that word] is the only constant....and you, Valin are fed up with the same-old, same-old....respectfully...enlighten us with your best plan.



That is not my job. I am not in the policy making business, Greenfield (and others) are. What happened was, he needed a column, and this was a quick easy column to write, sure to appeal to his readership, and not requiring him to actually say anything constructive.


I'm just getting tired of the sniping without the

Here's my idea






All this does is make the fine folks at the DNC happy.


Ya.....unlike Rove's nuking those horrible Tea Party zealots....


You're not in the "policy making business"....you're in the "complaining about a self-determined stupid post business."


Mr. Greenfield is in the "run a blog & comment on politics" business.


I assumed we were all allowed a modicum of freedom for our views here, but evidently if it doesn't fit into your pre-concieved box of truths that should be beyond reproach, it isn't valid. Saying his article is not as complete as you'd like, because he doesn't offer valid points to give remedy is.....kind of like what I just said to you.


BTW-The column was appropriate for the timing.....since Rove has just recently declared a war on the Tea Party & has begun to take donations from conservatives, to accomplish his war operations.....and the politics....since what Greenfield said about the Tea Party 2010 victories & the "new blood" is apt....but then that's just my opinion, if I'm still allowed to have one....

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Found @ KnuckleDraggin'MyLifeAway.......from an article at NR, here: https://www.nationalreview.com/nrd/articles/338651/right-bear-arms-and-popular-sovereignty



The Right to Bear Arms and Popular Sovereignty

By Charles C. W. Cooke



Brutally put, it makes little philosophical sense for the elected representatives of a government that is subordinate to the people to be able to disarm those people. As an enlightened state may by no means act as the arbiter of its critics’ words, it may not remove from the people the basic rights that are recognized in the very document to which it owes its existence. “Shall not be infringed” and “shall make no law” are clear enough even for the postmodern age.Scissors-32x32.png

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I think you're missing the point. And probably because I'm not putting it correctly. my point is this name calling on both sides needs to stop...Calling "Tea Party" types knuckleheads and "Establishment Types" RINOS only serves to help the opposition.

I've met some people at Tea Party events that are in fact knuckleheads (at best), as for the Establishment of the GOP, I too share a distrust of them. They really need to spend some time looking at Ideology when choosing candidates, and conversely Tea Party needs to ask themselves can this person win.

If I were a political operative at the DNC looking at this fight, I'd be wearing a Big Smile....and saying "lets you and him fight,"


You can criticize without getting nasty. See Maybe Rove Has a Point

David Harsanyi

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I think you're missing the point. And probably because I'm not putting it correctly. my point is this name calling on both sides needs to stop...Calling "Tea Party" types knuckleheads and "Establishment Types" RINOS only serves to help the opposition.

I've met some people at Tea Party events that are in fact knuckleheads (at best), as for the Establishment of the GOP, I too share a distrust of them. They really need to spend some time looking at Ideology when choosing candidates, and conversely Tea Party needs to ask themselves can this person win.

If I were a political operative at the DNC looking at this fight, I'd be wearing a Big Smile....and saying "lets you and him fight,"


You can criticize without getting nasty. See Maybe Rove Has a Point

David Harsanyi


Thanks, @Valin.


I read the link you provided....and, just my opinion....it still sounded like a whiny rant [that validates Rove]...but from a slightly different perspective.


Maybe I'm embracing my inner "knucklehead," but I'd rather group myself with them than allow another stolen, double-voting for payola, gimme election. What do you do when the guy who planned all your political ploys since 2000, is now a "loser" both in deed & in his own mind. How much difference from accepting the ruling, Progressive Obamacrap & Obamacrap Lite with a Rovian cherry on top? Do we include the "knuckleheads"....who BTW, have the only Repub victories since 2004; or do we allow them to sit at home again in 2016, punishing the whole nation, and thereby allowing another progressive to provide the coup de grace to America? Should we think about any of this at all before 2014, when we might regain some control of the legislative body, [including the ability to vote down another radical Supreme] or should we just let them know that their successful past efforts are not needed? Rove is no different than Obama, if he seeks to divide & destroy the "knucklehead" Tea Party. Evil with good intention is only slightly less painful.

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Who’s your daddy? Hilarity ensues as citizens school Chris Rock on why it’s not Obama...





Calvin Hernandez @C_H813



Surely, if @BarackObama is my daddy, then there'd be child support involved. Instead I'm paying him... What's wrong with this @chrisrock?



5:24 PM - 06 Feb 13




David Burge @iowahawkblog



@chrisrock If Obama is my dad, how come I'm the one paying the allowance?



6:27 PM - 06 Feb 13




Rob Womack @Rojowo



@jtLOL @TwitchyTeam you can't be 'dad of the country' when you're wearing #MomJeans @ChrisRock



5:39 PM - 06 Feb 13



Found @ iOTW

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I think you're missing the point. And probably because I'm not putting it correctly. my point is this name calling on both sides needs to stop...Calling "Tea Party" types knuckleheads and "Establishment Types" RINOS only serves to help the opposition.

I've met some people at Tea Party events that are in fact knuckleheads (at best), as for the Establishment of the GOP, I too share a distrust of them. They really need to spend some time looking at Ideology when choosing candidates, and conversely Tea Party needs to ask themselves can this person win.

If I were a political operative at the DNC looking at this fight, I'd be wearing a Big Smile....and saying "lets you and him fight,"


You can criticize without getting nasty. See Maybe Rove Has a Point

David Harsanyi


Thanks, @Valin.


I read the link you provided....and, just my opinion....it still sounded like a whiny rant [that validates Rove]...but from a slightly different perspective.


Maybe I'm embracing my inner "knucklehead," but I'd rather group myself with them than allow another stolen, double-voting for payola, gimme election. What do you do when the guy who planned all your political ploys since 2000, is now a "loser" both in deed & in his own mind. How much difference from accepting the ruling, Progressive Obamacrap & Obamacrap Lite with a Rovian cherry on top? Do we include the "knuckleheads"....who BTW, have the only Repub victories since 2004; or do we allow them to sit at home again in 2016, punishing the whole nation, and thereby allowing another progressive to provide the coup de grace to America? Should we think about any of this at all before 2014, when we might regain some control of the legislative body, [including the ability to vote down another radical Supreme] or should we just let them know that their successful past efforts are not needed? Rove is no different than Obama, if he seeks to divide & destroy the "knucklehead" Tea Party. Evil with good intention is only slightly less painful.


Welcome to the wide wonderful world of Politics!

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Interesting reading and discussion here on the GOP issue.

Have to say I agree with most of Greenfield's attitude toward the National GOP .

Just some thoughts to keep in mind ( and btw I very much like Rubio. Always have. )


1. We presently do not have a free press. They are over 85 % Self Admitted Demorats liberals. They are solidly in the O's tank and are incapable of common sense reality and seeing and speaking Truth.

2. I like Karl rove as a person. However I would like to balance that with the fact that for 8 years W was left undefended by Rove, by W himself and by the powers that be GOP/Republicans.

A. Recall Pelosi and Reid calling W an utter failure non stop - drip drip drip

B Recall Pelosi and Reid and others calling Petraeus "betraeus" Press went right along. Which of course led to more attacks on W and his imperialism balanced by his stupidity balanced by his and Rove's Machavelian tastes balanced by.........ad nauseum

C. Recall the daily troop death numbers.

D. Recall the daily gas price numbers

E. Recall that all of us here and at other sites were sounding the warning that political correctness would kill us . It did.

It is .

F. Recall the " fiscal irresponsibility attacks" and spending to protect Big Business, Big Oil, Pharmasuticals , Insurance Co etc etc etc

I could boringly list 20 more "issues" but you all know them.

G. Except for one more - it is now the Mission of the Democrat controlled press, msm, Hollywood, WH and Washington to seek and destroy individual conservatives and the " extremists" like the Tea Party , and any possible opposition

Rubio is a marked target. Palin was a marked target. She was destroyed.


Well over half the Country is under great deception and delusion. Out here in real people land we are split and divided and angry - frustrated - but those of us who are Lovers of God and of the Judeo/Christian tradition know that we are as helpless to change anything as we are able to effect global warming or climate change.

We just remember.


Let us not forget "their" mission and their willing dupes.

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The Anchoress has a great read here:


Our Future Will be Hunger Games USA

February 8, 2013 By Elizabeth Scalia



The nation is already accustomed to watching “reality shows” where ordinary folk — their foibles and failures — are served up as entertainment. And we’re already comfortable with an idea of separate standards for the elite folk who fly private jets to global warming conferences and the rest of us, who are meant to stay home and hang out the wash.


So, these two headlines crawling across my twitter timeline, one right behind the other, did not surprise me at all:


1) Most Literate City is Washington DC: well, that’s not really surprising. People with degrees from good schools (who have both connections and student loans) need to go where the jobs are, and our expanding government has created lots of excellent-paying jobs with good benefits. Lots of bureaucrats need to be put in place to oversee and enforce all of the new rules-for-little-people being signed into law.


Read the whole thing and stay with it for the video here:



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@saveliberty! That was a great read and a wonderful speech. Ben Carson is a hero to my children. They studied him extensively in grade school.


There are till people out there willing to tell the truth.

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George W. Bush Is a Good Painter!

Jerry Saltz



OMG! Pigs fly. I like something about George W. Bush. A lot. After spending more than a decade having almost physiological-chemical reactions anytime I saw him, getting the heebie-jeebies whenever he spoke — after being sure from the start that he was a Gremlin on the wing of America — I really like the paintings of George W. Bush. A hacker today released what are apparently Bush family photos and three of W's own "in-progress" paintings. They all look finished to me. We knew Winston Churchill was a painter. But George W. Bush?! Our W.! I didn't even think he had an inner life, let alone a muse that called him to art! Gawker calls them "awkward" and "simple." Gawker is wrong — way wrong.



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George W. Bush Is a Good Painter!

Jerry Saltz



OMG! Pigs fly. I like something about George W. Bush. A lot. After spending more than a decade having almost physiological-chemical reactions anytime I saw him, getting the heebie-jeebies whenever he spoke after being sure from the start that he was a Gremlin on the wing of America I really like the paintings of George W. Bush. A hacker today released what are apparently Bush family photos and three of W's own "in-progress" paintings. They all look finished to me. We knew Winston Churchill was a painter. But George W. Bush?! Our W.! I didn't even think he had an inner life, let alone a muse that called him to art! Gawker calls them "awkward" and "simple." Gawker is wrong way wrong.




His reaction to GWB is exactly my reaction to Obama. Sorry, @Valin. I know you disapprove of OBS, but I can't help it.

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Sleeping it Off: How Alcohol Affects Sleep Quality


By Maia Szalavitz Feb. 08, 2013



Having a drink (or two) is one way to nod off more quickly, but how restful is an alcohol-induced slumber?


The latest research, published in Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research shows that while a nightcap may get you to doze off, you’re more likely to wake up during the night and may not feel as rested following your sleep .



H/T Instapundit

Edited by saveliberty
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