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Dems missing from Wis. Capitol ahead of union vote


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shoutMozie.. what's the weather like there?


at 2 PM EST Walker to be on Fox(today)



I believe that is a repeat from Fox News Sunday if someone didn't see it this morning!

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shoutMozie.. what's the weather like there?


at 2 PM EST Walker to be on Fox(today)


Snowing up here. Not sure what's going on in Madistan.

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shoutGhost go to the Urban Dictionary and look up fib.


You will get it!


OMG, I looked it up! LOL, I haven't laughed so hard in weeks!!! :lol:


Edited to add, #4 in particular.

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shoutGhost, in answer to hour question re: weather in Madison: according to weather.com they are having a "wintry mix".......snow, sleet, freezing rain. But the winter storm warning for them was cancelled; it's going to be messy but not a foot of snow, like we are supposed to get.
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On the bright side, tomorrow all our government workers have off, so nobody has to call in sick! Party Party!


All of us private sector schleps ... back to work.

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@AnnCoulter if the WI state workers want free benefits make them federal prisoners.


What gets my stomach flaring is the doctors going around the protest handing teachers a "Sick slip". Don't throw the teachers in prison, suspend the doctors' licenses for a year for fraud, and once that well dries up, Walker should pull a Reagan and fire the teachers.


BTW: an interesting thing I heard on FNC earlier is that the 14 RAT senators hiding out in Illinois may be facing recall efforts in their districts. B)

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HERE is transcript of interview



Oh that's just Fox News...you one believe anything they say. That's why I get all my news from the Ed Show....the true voice of the common man...I mean woman...I mean person, the common person. Hold on I don't want to be accused of specism, so we'd better make that entity, the common entity



Wow that was a close call.

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Union Protester Arrested for Trying to Sabotage Madison Tea Party Sound System


Yesterday, a pro-union thug was arrested for trying to sabotage the sound system at the tea party rally in Madison, Wisconsin. I was standing up near the stage and completely missed this due to the size of the massive crowd.

"He was really angry, violent and not a fan of free speech... They're not nice people."snip

video at link

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MSNBC: All heat, no light in Wisconsin coverage

by David Zurawik Baltimore Sun


MSNBC is making a lot of self-important noise about its coverage of the protests in Madison, Wis., over attempts by Republican Gov. Scott Walker to cut the budget.


On the plus side, MSNBC was the first of the cable news channels to commit to intense coverage of this story earlier in the week -- following up with Ed Schultz broadcasting live from Madison Thursday night.


On the minus side, its coverage has been partisan and rabble-rousing to the point where it seems as if cable show hosts like Schultz are exploiting the anger of the situation, rather than reporting the story and trying to bring context, clarity and understanding to a troubled situation.


I know this territory well. I grew up in Milwaukee, earned a graduate degree in journalism at the University of Wisconsin in Madison and worked my first grown-up job in that capitol building as a speech writer and press secretary to the lieutenant governor of the state of Wisconsin. My father and older brother were career-long civil service employees.


It is laughable when Rachel Maddow, with much passion in her voice, says how "seeing" Schultz "out there" in Madison makes her "so proud" to be on the air with him. All that's missing is a little bit of "Union Maid" playing in the background.




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I see what's going on in Libya, and I wonder how many in Wisconsin appreciate their right to protest "paying a little bit of their benefits." And they carry banners depicting Warner as Hitler. And they are the knowledgeable people that teach kids. What a sense of entitlement and lack of perspective. I wonder what the party crowd would be like if the rules were "at any time, we might open fire on you." Suddenly, the small cut doesn't seem so bad, and probably a lesser turn out. (micro /rant)

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Protests losing steam?


Wis. union head calls on teachers to go to work


Mary Bell is president of the Wisconsin Education Association Council. She said on Sunday that it's time for her members to return to work. For districts that do not recognize Monday as the President's Day holiday, she said teachers should go to work. Others should report as scheduled on Tuesday.


Bell says teachers will continue opposing the proposal.

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Protests losing steam?


Wis. union head calls on teachers to go to work


Mary Bell is president of the Wisconsin Education Association Council. She said on Sunday that it's time for her members to return to work. For districts that do not recognize Monday as the President's Day holiday, she said teachers should go to work. Others should report as scheduled on Tuesday.


Bell says teachers will continue opposing the proposal.


Methinks Ms. Bell has seen the latest polls of Wisconsin voters and the results don't look all that great for the teachers union or the RATS.

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Protests losing steam?


Wis. union head calls on teachers to go to work


Mary Bell is president of the Wisconsin Education Association Council. She said on Sunday that it's time for her members to return to work. For districts that do not recognize Monday as the President's Day holiday, she said teachers should go to work. Others should report as scheduled on Tuesday.


Bell says teachers will continue opposing the proposal.


Methinks Ms. Bell has seen the latest polls of Wisconsin voters and the results don't look all that great for the teachers union or the RATS.



Let's not step on the taboo working on Presidents day, after days of illegitimate protest.

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Since this thread seems to have been buried in new news or has just run its time...I was hoping OCTex would post Sarah Palin's Facebook editorial on this matter.

Why? Because OCTex sent it to NCTexan and myself last week and since that time I have not heard or read one word about it in the "Lame Stream Media". Guess it just does not fit their agenda for her. :o:lol:

I post this solely for the fact they they have totally ignored her on this issue while trolling for every negative item they can find:



Union Brothers and Sisters: Seize Opportunity to Show True Solidarity

by Sarah Palin on Friday, February 18, 2011 at 8:32pm


The union-led school closures and demonstrations in Madison have left most ordinary Americans shaking their heads in disbelief. Months ago, I penned a message to my fellow union brothers and sisters when I found myself on the receiving end of union boss Richard Trumka’s wrath. Yesterday’s demonstrations reminded me of the full-page ads taken out against me when I put my foot down in dealing with union demands while I served as governor. My message then and now to good union brothers and sisters is that you have another option. You don’t have to kowtow to the union bosses who are not looking out for you, but instead are using you. You can join millions of other union members in a commonsense movement to help fight for the right causes in our great country – for budgets that share the burden in a truly fair way and for commonsense reforms that take power away from vested interests like union bosses and big business lobby groups, and put it back where it belongs – with “We the People.”



Here we are still struggling to get out of a deep recession and coping with high unemployment, record deficits, rapidly rising food prices, and a host of other economic problems; and Wisconsin union bosses want union members out in the streets demanding that taxpayers foot the bill for unsustainable benefits packages. I am a friend to hard working union members and to teachers. I come from a family of teachers; my grandparents, parents, brother, sister, aunt, and other relatives worked, or still work, in education. My own children attend public schools. I greatly admire good teachers and will always speak up in defense of the teaching profession. But Wisconsin teacher unions do themselves no favor by closing down classrooms and abandoning children’s needs in protest against the sort of belt-tightening that people everywhere are going through. Union brothers and sisters: this is the wrong fight at the wrong time. Solidarity doesn’t mean making Wisconsin taxpayers pay for benefits that are not sustainable and affordable at a time when many of these taxpayers struggle to hold on to their own jobs and homes. Real solidarity means everyone being willing to sacrifice and carry our share of the burden. It does no one any favors to dismiss the sacrifices others have already had to make—in wage cuts, unpaid vacations, and even job losses—to weather our economic storm.



Hard working, patriotic, and selfless union brothers and sisters: please don’t be taken in by the union bosses. At the end of the day, they’re not fighting for your pension or health care plan or even for the sustainability of Wisconsin’s education budget. They’re fighting to protect their own powerful privileges and their own political clout. The agenda for too many union bosses is a big government agenda that only serves the union bosses themselves – not union members, not union families, and certainly not the larger community. Everybody else is just there to foot the bill; and if that bill eventually takes the form of thousands of teachers and other public sector workers losing their jobs because the state of Wisconsin can no longer afford to keep them on the payroll, that’s a risk the union bosses are willing to take as long as their positions are secure. Union brothers and sisters: you are better than this and you deserve better. Don’t be led astray.




One final word of warning to my fellow Americans: back in 2009, I warned about what would happen if states accepted short-term unsustainable debt-ridden “Stimulus Package” funds. Accepting those funds allowed states to grow government, increase already unsustainable levels of spending, kick the can down the road on reforming entitlements, and create public expectations that they would continue financing these new mandates once the federal funds ran out. States were not in a position to grow government and take on new financial commitments then, and now the chickens have come home to roost. As goes Wisconsin today, so goes the country tomorrow.


- Sarah Palin

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RM, that is a good one


will post it in our FB TRR page maybe today or tomorrow


have spent all morning at computer (well, partly at TV trying to fine tune the interfaces)

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I'm getting real tired of the press misrepresenting this bill. It only limits collective bargaining to standards set by THE TAXPAYERS in open referendum. What can be more fair than letting the people who actually pay the salaries and provide the benefits decide how much they are willing to pay? That's the way its done in the private sector, even in unionized businesses.

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I'm getting real tired of the press misrepresenting this bill. It only limits collective bargaining to standards set by THE TAXPAYERS in open referendum. What can be more fair than letting the people who actually pay the salaries and provide the benefits decide how much they are willing to pay? That's the way its done in the private sector, even in unionized businesses.



EXACTLY! It's been driving me crazy!

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