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Dems missing from Wis. Capitol ahead of union vote


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The Wisconsin state Assembly intends to vote on Gov. Scott Walker's proposal to strip collective bargaining rights from nearly all state employees.


Assembly Speaker Jeff Fitzgerald said Friday they intend to take up the bill sometime later in the day.


The Senate planned to debate it on Thursday, but all 14 Democrats staged a boycott delaying the action for at least a day. Several of them escaped to northern Illinois for several hours.


Democrats were present in the Assembly when it convened briefly. :snip:


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Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker issued an order this morning for the State Patrol to round up any Democratic State Senators they can find and bring them back to the Capitol in Madison.

Fourteen Democratic Senators fled to Rockford, Ill., Thursday. Their whereabouts this morning are not yet known.

Assembly Speaker Jeff Fitzgerald (R-Horicon) said this morning he believes Sen. Mark Miller (R-Monona) is home. If State Patrol officers find Miller, he will be arrested and brought back to the Capitol, Fitzgerald said.

Walker only needs one Democratic Senator to be found in the state. That Senator would be taken back to the Capitol and forced to vote on Walker’s budget repair bill

This seems to contradict that.....


Will they cuff them when they bring them in?

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The Wisconsin state Assembly intends to vote on Gov. Scott Walker's proposal to strip collective bargaining rights from nearly all state employees.



Except this is not what he intends to do.

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Jessie Jackson has shown up in Madison....


Dems are researching Gov. Walker's contributors and started publishing their names and suggesting boycotts/protests of them.

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Boehner blasts Obama:


Boehner Condemns President Obama’s Special-Interest Allies Backing ‘Greece-style’ Protests Across America


Washington (Feb 18)

House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) issued the following statement in response to reports that ‘Organizing for America’ – President Obama’s political operation – is helping to incite protests against reform-minded governors across the country:


“The President of the United States has a unique opportunity and responsibility to lead this nation. President Obama has acknowledged the challenges we face, but – thus far – he has done nothing to offer solutions. Now, worse, his political organization is colluding with special-interest allies across the country to demagogue reform-minded governors who are making the tough choices that the President is avoiding.


“This is not the way to begin an ‘adult conversation' about solutions to the big challenges facing our country. Rather than inciting protests against those who speak honestly about the challenges we face, the President and his advisers should lead.


“When the American people watched the people of Greece take to the streets to protest cuts to unsustainable government programs, they worried it might foreshadow events in our nation’s distant future – but today, we see the same sort of protests on the streets of Madison, fueled by President Obama’s own political machine.


“Rather than trying to ‘win the future,’ the President’s political allies are trying, desperately, to cling to a failed past by fighting reforms our nation needs to liberate our economy from the shackles of debt and create a better future for our children and grandchildren. The President should make it clear to his friends that the people of Wisconsin, and states across America, can handle their own affairs without Washington special-interest money and meddling.


“There is a better way. Later today, in Washington, House Republicans will pass a spending bill that contains more than $100 billion in cuts in the next seven months – exceeding our Pledge to America. We are making the tough choices necessary to rein in government spending, stop job-killing regulations and uncertainty, and help the private sector create jobs. That’s how we will win the future, and build a path to prosperity.”


NOTE: According to The Washington Post, “The president's political machine worked in close coordination Thursday with state and national union officials to mobilize thousands of protesters to gather in Madison and to plan similar demonstrations in other state capitals.” And, the Associated Press reports the President’s special-interest allies plan to spend money to gin up similar protests in Florida, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, New Jersey, Ohio, Missouri, New Hampshire, Maine, and Pennsylvania.

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I've been searching for something about legal limitations around a quorum. It seems like there should be one, or else any minority could just go hide in a bar any time they were in this situation. After so many hours/days, there should be a vote by who shows up.

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Can't they take a "Page'O'Pelosi" & "deem" it passed?


They may have to issue an invitation to the Dem's for debate; prior to locking the room & voting.


Then.........does anyone have a large, unused gavel to strut around the capitol?

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Unlike their opponents, most of the state Republicans are honorable...


More on Je$$e Jacka$$ showing up:


Of Course, Jesse Jackson Descends on Wisconsin

With Senate Democrats still missing, the Wisconsin Assembly convened at 9 a.m. Friday to take up Walker's budget-repair bill as activists continue to fill the State Capitol, drinking coffee, banging drums and digging in for another daylong drama.


On the first floor of the Capitol rotunda, Democratic activist Jesse Jackson was cheered by the crowd Friday at noon. Surrounded by people on all sides and peering down at the ground floor from the upper-level railing, Jackson addressed the crowd with a bullhorn and most of his speech could not be heard clearly. But he lead the throng in chants of "we're not going away" and "kill the bill" and in singing the civil-rights era standard "We shall overcome."

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I'm waiting for only natural next step... death threats to the family and children of the Republican state senators. Once the death threats are out, that cues the Dems to come home from their party at the Scottish bar.

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Herman Cain says "Tomorrow I will address both the "Stand with Scott Walker" rally in WI .... (via Twitter)


And, from Freedom Works:


As the debate rages over Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker's, "Budget Repair" bill it is important that we stand behind his valiant effort. Local and national tea party groups are organizing a "Stand with Walker" rally for this Saturday at the Wisconsin state capitol building that I urge you to attend. The unions are mounting a big attack, as seen by the thousands demonstrating the governor's proposal; we must respond!


The time for action is now; no longer can the taxpayers of Wisconsin afford to pay for the benifits of a group of public sector unions. Please show your them your support by making your voices heard at Saturday's rally.


I stand with Walker Rally


Time: Saturday, February 19, 12:00pm-3:00pm


Location: Wisconsin state capitol, south steps




Things could really heat up tomorrow at this rally. Of course, teachers and union goons don't work on weekends so maybe it will be ok. Personally, I would have the National Guard on standby.

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Republicans are fighting back!


Just got a phone call: "This is an all-points bulletin. Your State Senator Dave Hansen is missing. If you see him please call the Wisconsin State Patrol"...........and it went on to talk about how thousands of school children are being kept out of school, etc. etc. etc.

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OMG! I had no idea how much teachers make in some states. And they think they are UNDERpaid??

The link didn't work for me. But clearvision was saying that Rush said that when you add in the pension and healthcare benefits that a teacher who makes $40k a year is actually making $80k.

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Republicans are fighting back!


Just got a phone call: "This is an all-points bulletin. Your State Senator Dave Hansen is missing. If you see him please call the Wisconsin State Patrol"...........and it went on to talk about how thousands of school children are being kept out of school, etc. etc. etc.

Ha. Love it.

This is a battle that cannot be lost.

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I'm waiting for only natural next step... death threats to the family and children of the Republican state senators. Once the death threats are out, that cues the Dems to come home from their party at the Scottish bar.





Scott Walker's calmness in the face of this mob is marvelous. Contrast Scott Walker with Trumka.


Threats could easily be made, a result of loud mouths whipping up the easily led. All part of a plan.

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OMG! I had no idea how much teachers make in some states. And they think they are UNDERpaid??

The link didn't work for me. But clearvision was saying that Rush said that when you add in the pension and healthcare benefits that a teacher who makes $40k a year is actually making $80k.


It's from Drudge and it appears it is getting slammed at the moment.


But yes, that's correct. Amazing, isn't it?

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Praying for our governor!!!!!!!!!May God give him strength, courage and protection!!


I am pretty impressed by his courage. Praying for him and the legislators who have the courage to stick to their jobs!

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Praying for our governor!!!!!!!!!May God give him strength, courage and protection!!


I am pretty impressed by his courage. Praying for him and the legislators who have the courage to stick to their jobs!

Joining in and Amen!

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