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Gingrich to suspend presidential campaign next Tuesday, sources say


Newt Gingrich plans to formally suspend or end his presidential campaign next Tuesday, senior Gingrich aides told Fox News.

Gingrich will "more than likely" endorse Mitt Romney at that time, a source said.


Fox News

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Gosh He loves America! Oh be still my beating heart.


Looking at the current occupant of the WH- 'loving America' is something that is due for a comeback and a 'good thing'.


So, it appears you like many others are voting against Obama, not For Romney. Now you can't swing a dead cat without hitting this argument on our side...this says a great deal about our candidate...and none of it good.

I am not a big fan of those who say "I'm done voting for the lesser of two evils".....but...


The best I can say about Romney is he is a transitional president...assuming he wins, and there are those who question that he can.

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Gingrich to suspend presidential campaign next Tuesday, sources say


Newt Gingrich plans to formally suspend or end his presidential campaign next Tuesday, senior Gingrich aides told Fox News.

Gingrich will "more than likely" endorse Mitt Romney at that time, a source said.


Fox News


I know that over the last month(?) his Youtube channel has been very quite.

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Nope, your wrong. I know everyone was looking for exciting. O was supposed to be exciting and look where that took us. I think boring is OK. Kids think their parents are boring, but maybe it's because a good parent values responsibilty over excitement. I'll take the good parent.

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Nope, your wrong. I know everyone was looking for exciting. O was supposed to be exciting and look where that took us. I think boring is OK. Kids think their parents are boring, but maybe it's because a good parent values responsibilty over excitement. I'll take the good parent.


I'm not talking bells and whistlers, I'm talking ideas, and a willingness to talk to the voters like they are adults. Something I didn't really see from Romney. I'll vote for him, but pardon me if I am less than impressed with him.


I plan on being depressed and in a foul mood no matter who wins.

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Nope, your wrong. I know everyone was looking for exciting. O was supposed to be exciting and look where that took us. I think boring is OK. Kids think their parents are boring, but maybe it's because a good parent values responsibilty over excitement. I'll take the good parent.


I'm not talking bells and whistlers, I'm talking ideas, and a willingness to talk to the voters like they are adults. Something I didn't really see from Romney. I'll vote for him, but pardon me if I am less than impressed with him.


I plan on being depressed and in a foul mood no matter who wins.


Let's hope we both are pleasantly suprisedwink.png

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It can always get worse...and probably will.



I believe he has spent so much time and energy over the last 6 years on winning I wonder if he's given much thought about actually governing, about dealing with with is coming our way...and soon.



OTOH it's fun to watch TOS explode in anger over this. evil1.gif

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I think we will learn a lot when the D's start really going after the Mormon thing. At that point we will know they know they are losing. And wait until they unleash on whomever Mitt picks for VP. The dirtier they get, the more trouble they are in and know it.


The last few times I have seen Mitt speak, he was very impressive and took it to the prez. If I were Obama, I certainly would not be comfortable at the moment.


Brit Hume seems to be satisfied, calling Mitt a 'logical alternative' to Obama. ((Wasn't that how he phrased it?)) It is going to be a fun few months, looking forward to the fireworks.

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Rick Perry endorses Mitt Romney... after endorsing himself and then Newt. What an implosion in political power. I'm not sure he will get re-elected in Texas AND I HOPE if that is the case it occurs during the primaries.

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atwitsend.gif Am I the only one who has gotten really really tired of Dog Stories!

I mean if you are going to change your vote based on how Romney carried a dog 30-40 years ago, or Obama ate dog in his youth (BTW Dog can be quite tasty), then do me two favors...A. Don't vote, in fact don't leave your house, because being dumber than a box of rock you'll get lost, jaywalk get hit by a car and damage a perfectly innocent car. B. Don't breed (assuming you've figured out how this is done, which is...doubtful), there are more than enough idiots in the world.



Here endth the rant.

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Senate Democrats plan another trap for Romney with female voters


Senate Democrats are planning a new ploy to put Mitt Romney and Republicans on the defensive with female voters.

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) will bring to the floor in coming weeks legislation to protect women from retaliation by employers if they inquire about salaries paid to male colleagues.


Republicans voted in unison to block the bill, the Paycheck Fairness Act, when it came to the floor in November of 2010.


Democrats say it will be difficult for GOP senators to back out of their opposition, especially because the U.S. Chamber of Commerce has staunchly opposed the legislation.

Mitt Romney will either have to split with Republicans and an important business group or take a position that could further erode his support among women.

"Romney's going to be on defense on the Paycheck Fairness Act," said a senior Democratic aide.


"Women are making 70 cents on a dollar of what a man is making. This will resonate with females across the spectrum. If Republicans to a person are coming down against it, it will be at their political peril," the aide said.


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And even appointed liberal judges to ensure his liberal progressive policies would be upheld.

1,998 posted on Saturday, April 28, 2012 7:45:10 PM by Jim Robinson (Rebellion is on!!)



Or he did what he could do, not being a Messiah and all.


Romney's Judical Appointments

Romney was faced with the reality that every judicial pick he made as governor would go for approval before the Governor’s Council, where Democrats held 8 of 9 seats. It was going to be extremely difficult for Romney to turn the Massachusetts court system in a more conservative direction.


Romney came up with a partial solution which sought to remove politics from the judicial process completely. He issued an Executive Order reestablishing a Judicial Nominating Commission.


The commission would receive resumes of applicants for judicial posts and they would be viewed without certain knowledge of the candidate such as race, sex, or any political leanings. This process, Romney hoped, would result in the selection of the most qualified candidate for the job without regards to any other political or social factor.

Romney’s own words on the subject might give us more insight into his thinking. Romney defended all of his appointments.


He stated that “With regards to those at the district court and clerk magistrate level, their political views aren’t really going to come into play unless their views indicate they will be soft on crime…”


Romney stated that his only criteria in picking lower court judges was that they were tough on crime, something he emphasized throughout his time as governor. Romney further elaborated by saying that his criteria would change if an opening were to come on the Massachusetts Supreme Court and then he would focus more on ensuring that the judge had a “strict constructionist, judicial philosophy.”


In addition, Romney’s attempts to turn the Massachusetts courts right can be seen in the appointment of Christopher Moore to chair the Judicial Nominating Commission. Christopher Moore is a conservative who is a member of the Federalist Society, which fights against judicial activism. As chair of the Judicial Nominating Commission, Moore was in an excellent position to ensure he could limit the selection of liberal activist judges who would legislate from the bench.

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RNC might block entire Nevada delegation over Ron Paul delegate mischief


The Republican National Committee is warning the Nevada GOP that if supporters of Ron Paul are allowed to take too many slots for the national convention, the party may opt against seating the state's entire convention delegation.


"I believe it is highly likely that any committee with jurisdiction over the matter would find improper any change to the election, selection, allocation, or binding of delegates, thus jeopardizing the seating of Nevada’s entire delegation to the National Convention," said John R. Phillippe, Jr., the chief counsel for the RNC, in a letter obtained by the Las Vegas Sun.


The RNC is concerned that the Paul campaign will game the state-level convention this weekend that selects delegates to the national convention. While Mitt Romney should be awarded 20 of the state's 28 delegates, based on his dominating win in the state's primary, it's possible that Paul supporters could exploit their strength in the Nevada GOP to get named to some of those delegate slots.


The national party is apparently concerned those delegates would then ignore party rules that would bind them to vote for Romney on the first round of balloting.


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RNC might block entire Nevada delegation over Ron Paul delegate mischief




The RNC is concerned that the Paul campaign will game the state-level convention this weekend that selects delegates to the national convention.


Translation...Use the rules to their advantage.


Smooth move RNC. I've got no use for the Paulbots, but I have to ask the RNC a small simple question...Are you guys nuts or what? Hey let's give the Ron Paul people another reason to stay home on election day....it's that new math thing where less is actually more.

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