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Five Things to Watch for in Tuesday’s Democratic Debate


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We got barfed out early and will wait for the talking heads to tell us what we thought about the "performances".... Watching old reruns on Hallmark Mysteries channel...

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Cooper Anderson has a really creepy head. It's oddly distracting from the rest of his body.


It's a fair question. How do you enforce a no fly zone with the Russians there?

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#1 Couldn't take it and #2 could not get on to the site (server down message) - so I figure it was a sign. Watching Grimm reruns on DVR. Night Peeps!

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Webb is the only one who doesn't think climate change is a national security threat. Is he in the right party?

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I hung in there for 2 hours. When I realized they were going to go on for another 1/2 hour I had to leave. This was an incredibly boring debate!!!

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Ever heard the phrase “dance of the lemons”? It’s a term invented to describe the rather distasteful annual spectacle within public education wherein failed unionized teachers who cannot be fired by a public school system are merely shuffled from one bad school to another each summer.


In a different context, that phrase could also be applied to the collection of retreads, failures, and kooks assembled on stage in a Las Vegas casino ballroom Tuesday night in front of the CNN cameras for the first Democrat debate. The privileged, tenured, and thoroughly talentless politicians on display by that party gave us a two-and-a-half-hour demonstration of just how hollowed-out the Democrats are after seven years of Barack Obama, and made a prophet of Donald Trump who suggested most of America wouldn’t last more than 10 minutes in watching them.


We endured it so you didn’t have to. And here are seven moments illustrating just how awful it was.


1. HILLARY: “I didn’t take a position on Keystone until I took a position on Keystone.” Yes, she actually said that, and the context of the statement didn’t help her. It came in answer to a question about her serial flip-floppery over the course of her career, and it was preceded by a declaration that everybody on the stage had changed their positions once or twice.


She then dropped the Keystone dodge-as-principle bomb, in the knowledge that Democrat primary voters are, generally speaking, the people the Nigerians seek out to victimize in e-mail scams. Were they not, the sheer audacity of making a virtue out of a long-standing display of political cowardice before buckling to Tom Steyer would be too much for them.Scissors-32x32.png



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“A little bit of this town goes a very long way,” Hunter S. Thompson said. “After five days in Vegas you feel like you've been here for five years.”


That went triple for the miserable parade of hypocrisies that was the Democratic debate where a gaggle of establishment political hacks claimed to be the voice of political change and where men and women whose combined net worth could break banks ranted about the rich in a debate hosted in a $2.7 billion dollar luxury resort and casino with its own Ferrari dealership so that the candidates can take a break from their income inequality spiels to test drive a 2015 Maserati GranTurismo.


The Democratic debate only ran hours, but it seemed to last for years as the Democratic Party’s crazy Socialist grandpa Bernie Sanders nervously waved his hands, struggled to follow the answers of the other candidates and talked about himself in the third person.


Sanders’ support comes from his authenticity and he was certainly authentic tonight promising to make Americans love Socialism, claiming that Global Warming was the greatest national security threat and warning that the planet will soon be uninhabitable.Scissors-32x32.png



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The Debate Lesson: America Now Has an Openly Socialist Party


Sure, this batch of candidates sounded like a bunch of loons. They contended socialism is mostly about standing up to the richest one percent and promoting entrepreneurs and small business; climate change is the biggest national security threat facing the nation; college educations should be free for everyone; all lives don’t matter, black lives do; Obama is simultaneously an enormously successful president in managing the economy and the middle class is collapsing and there’s a need for a “New New Deal” which is in fact an Old Old Idea, considering how FDR called for a Second New Deal in 1935. The audience in Nevada applauded higher taxes, believes that Hillary Clinton doesn’t need to answer any more questions, supports the complete shutdown of the NSA domestic surveillance program, and that Obamacare benefits should be extended to illegal immigrants. There are kindergarten classes with more realistic assessments of cost-benefit tradeoffs than the crowd watching this debate at the Wynn Las Vegas.


So yes, the candidates sounded like hard-Left, pie-in-the-sky, free-ice-cream-for-everyone, Socialist pander bears. But they do so because that is what the Democratic Party’s primary voters demand. Don’t blame them; blame the party rank-and-file that craves these promises, rhetoric, and worldview.Scissors-32x32.png


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The Evil Party and the Stupid Party Debate


Republicans should wake up because, stultifying and predictable as the Democrats were Tuesday night (in case you missed it, Lincoln Chafee is a Man of Peace — or was it granite?), much as “climate change” is now the official religion of their party (someone should lead a prayer to Gaia at the beginning of their debates), much as they promise endless new pie-in-the-sky social programs without the slightest hint of how they intend to pay for them (other than taxing Donald Trump), the “evil party” didn’t spend much of the evening tearing each other down. Quite the contrary. With the most minor exceptions, they provided a cheering section for each other.


If Republicans continue their approach in their next debate, bashing each other at will and in extremis, they are likely going to lose in November 2016 and then we all lose. The country loses, maybe even disappears as we know it. Republicans aren’t the “stupid party” for nothing — and that includes the Tea Party and RINOS, both equally dopey, not to mention Kevin McCarthy who may have made the greatest unforced political error of the no-longer-young century. Republicans should focus like the proverbial lasers on the opposition, not each other. Fiorina and Rubio have both showed how to do this on different occasions.


Now that that’s out of the way, let me make a few comments on the only interesting moment in the entire Democratic debate on Tuesday night — that is, of course, when Bernie Sanders (a fatuous moral narcissist who reminds me of a Jewish Norman Thomas) gave an immense gift to Clinton by pushing the email scandal to the side, saying the American public wasn’t interested in such tiresome peripheral stuff when the middle class was suffering, shaking hands with Hillary on that “brilliant” insight and getting a huge ovation from the partisan audience for his trouble.Scissors-32x32.png


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Hillary finds footing as Sanders falls flat


LAS VEGAS — A confident Hillary Clinton was the easy winner of the first Democratic presidential debate Tuesday night.


Her main rival, Sen. Bernie Sanders, largely fell flat and was forced onto the defensive as the debate spent substantial time on foreign policy and gun control, subjects on which he is less comfortable than he is on issues such as economic equality and climate change.


The other three candidates confirmed their status as also rans, stumbling, complaining about the lack of time they were given by CNN, and avoiding throwing heavy rhetrorical punches at Clinton.


As the debate progressed Clinton frequently spoke as though she were already the nominee rather than merely the front runner for it. She said she could "take the fight to the Republicans" and she often did so in a dominant performance.Scissors-32x32.png



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Hillary Clinton and the four dwarves


Remember when Carly Fiorina crushed the competition in the Republicans' first undercard debate? That's what Hillary Clinton's performance was like at the first Democratic debate Tuesday night.


No, Clinton has never been as consistently smooth a communicator as Fiorina has proven to be this year, much less her husband Bill. But like Fiorina debating Jim Gilmore and company, this came across as a polished professional among amateurs, even though everyone on both stages was actually accomplished.


The difference for Clinton is that unless Joe Biden gets into the race, this is the only competition she's likely to face for the Democratic presidential nomination.Scissors-32x32.png



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Clinton Allays Doubts With Strong Debate Performance

Alexis Simendinger
October 14, 2015


LAS VEGAS – Tuesday night’s first debate among five Democratic presidential candidates did not shake up the race for the nomination.


And in that sense, Hillary Clinton cleared a significant hurdle after months of weak poll numbers and public preoccupation with her email server. She went in as the field’s leader, and came out that way. Her next challenge comes Oct. 22, when the former secretary of state will spend a day testifying before a Republican-led House committee.


But perhaps Clinton’s biggest question, unanswered at the Wynn Las Vegas hotel and casino, is what Vice President Joe Biden plans to do. If he decides to enter the race, Clinton’s practiced performance as the inevitable heir to President Obama could be upended.







Question: How strong do you have to be against the likes of Marty O'Mally...not to mention Bernie?


My thanks to all who took part in this last night. You have a stronger stomach than I do.



I'll unpin this later today.

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