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From The You Never Know What You'll Find File


Jun 15, 2015

Sydicated radio host, columnist and author Dennis Prager joins Steve Paikin to discuss the culture in the U.S. that supports media slanted to conservative thinking.



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laugh.png What a cute little squirrel.



Sweet @nickydog!


.Oh.....sure...and that's how they lure you in...it's so cute...

....it's so little....then....WHAM!!!


rabies, fleas....and this one now has a criminal record......


BTW: Happy Birthday!!!

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Thoughts from the ammo line
Scott Johnson
July 17 2015

Ammo Grrrll returns with timely thoughts on NEGOTIATING 101. She writes:

I have been married to Mr. Ammo Grrrll for 48 happy years. God forbid anything should happen to this marriage, but if it should, I want Barack Hussein Obama and John FibSwiftboat Kerry to be the attorneys for my husband.


Me: I want the house in Arizona and both cars. Plus alimony of $10 million a month. In gold. I need to buy a lot more guns. A lot. He can have the Papa Murphy coupons, all science fiction, and any souvenir t-shirts or caps mentioning the Chicago Cubs. I need substantial child support as well.


HBO/JK: Fine. We are just hunky-dory with that. We weren’t aware you had a little dependent child.


Me: He’s 42. Still on my insurance under Obamacare’s newest extension. I also want the house in Minnesota and all the CDs. Also the CD player.




HBO/JK: We see that you are holding his four boxes of baseball cards hostage. Could we possibly mention that he would like those back before we conclude here?


Me: No.


HBO/JK: You seem bitter and angry even though you’ve won. Will you promise not to kill him any earlier than 10-15 years from now?


Me: Absolutely.


HBO/JK: You do know, right, that crossing your fingers is childish and does not invalidate this negotiation that 99% of the whole wide world supports?


Me: Neener, neener.


HBO/JK: Well, guess we’re done here. Another successful settlement. Where’s our Peace Prize?

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A “picky” bear with a hankering for sweets broke a window at a Colorado family bakery and gorged himself on 24 pies, leaving one flavor behind — strawberry rhubarb.



Picky is not the word I would use. Discerning is a better choice. I give you my share of the worlds strawberry rhubarb pie....Actually I give my share of the words rhubarb!

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The Week in Pictures: Brick in the Wall Edition

Steven Hayward

July 18, 2015



I commiserated with Mona Charen on the radio Monday that it’s been a bad month for conservatives, and it got worse as the week went on. First, the Iran agreement. Then the Chattanooga shootings that have the media and the government baffled as to motive. Gosh, if only the perp had a Confederate flag handy, everything would have been easy to figure out. At least Pluto was cool.













































Trump’s limousine?







































And finally. . .




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A “picky” bear with a hankering for sweets broke a window at a Colorado family bakery and gorged himself on 24 pies, leaving one flavor behind — strawberry rhubarb.



Picky is not the word I would use. Discerning is a better choice. I give you my share of the worlds strawberry rhubarb pie....Actually I give my share of the words rhubarb!



I will gladly take your share!

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A “picky” bear with a hankering for sweets broke a window at a Colorado family bakery and gorged himself on 24 pies, leaving one flavor behind — strawberry rhubarb.



Picky is not the word I would use. Discerning is a better choice. I give you my share of the worlds strawberry rhubarb pie....Actually I give my share of the words rhubarb!



I will gladly take your share!




You got it!

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A “picky” bear with a hankering for sweets broke a window at a Colorado family bakery and gorged himself on 24 pies, leaving one flavor behind — strawberry rhubarb.



Picky is not the word I would use. Discerning is a better choice. I give you my share of the worlds strawberry rhubarb pie....Actually I give my share of the words rhubarb!



I will gladly take your share!




You got it!


Rhubarb by itself, not so much. Mixed with apples or strawberries it's very tasty. Why not do the apples or strawberries by themselves then, you say. The rhubarb gives it a different refreshing flavor. I used to have rhubarb at my previous abode, don't have any here.

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Trump... (he picked up steam by speaking off the cuff.... he crashes and burns by speaking off the cuff....)


Speaking of McCain...


“He was a war hero because he was captured,” Trump said at the Family Leadership Summit, in Ames, Iowa. “I like people who weren’t captured.”

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Trump... (he picked up steam by speaking off the cuff.... he crashes and burns by speaking off the cuff....)


Speaking of McCain...


“He was a war hero because he was captured,” Trump said at the Family Leadership Summit, in Ames, Iowa. “I like people who weren’t captured.”

I am not a big fan of Jeb, but I also did not like all the cracks he made about his wife last week either. It was classless for a normal citizen, much lees a President.

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A “picky” bear with a hankering for sweets broke a window at a Colorado family bakery and gorged himself on 24 pies, leaving one flavor behind — strawberry rhubarb.



Picky is not the word I would use. Discerning is a better choice. I give you my share of the worlds strawberry rhubarb pie....Actually I give my share of the words rhubarb!



From the link:

“We have a feeling he knows it’s here, so he’s going to come back,” she said, The Guardian reported.


Perhaps a barrier of Strawberry-Rhubarb pies...like wreaths of garlic...would do the trick. As a youngster, I'd visit my grandpa in his home (Columbus, Montana) on the Yellowstone river. An old German...he grew his own horseradish....and rhubarb. The plants were right next to the old chicken beheading block, which was used before Sunday dinners....when a hen or two would be sacrificed. Us grandkids had to stand between the chopping block & the river bank....to keep the headless chickens from running in and getting a last "swim." It was a place of mystery....the executioners block, the smell & sound of the river....the rhubarb & horseradish.....all next to the "bunkhouse"....a place where my uncles & other ranch hands stayed....falling into decay...but with old books & stuffed birds. We ate the rhubarb freshly picked. We didn't have any money....and if we did...we'd be down in town at the Yellowstone bakery....chowing a fresh "Maple-Stick." (called long-johns) or at the bowling alley, listening to the pins fall & slurping a vanilla or cherry coke.


Rhubarb. I guess it could sustain you for a while before starving....but not happily.

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A “picky” bear with a hankering for sweets broke a window at a Colorado family bakery and gorged himself on 24 pies, leaving one flavor behind — strawberry rhubarb.



Picky is not the word I would use. Discerning is a better choice. I give you my share of the worlds strawberry rhubarb pie....Actually I give my share of the words rhubarb!



From the link:

“We have a feeling he knows it’s here, so he’s going to come back,” she said, The Guardian reported.




Rhubarb. I guess it could sustain you for a while before starving....but not happily.




Could not have put it better! smile.png

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When the SHTF....this is what will come boiling out of the city...to "claim" what is theirs....



Via FaceBook

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