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Al Sharpton: ‘Some People Exploiting Differences Between Us for Their Own Advantage’


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I am seriously wondering when the White House is going to painted - probably green.

When the current occupants move out they'll have to fumigate and paint inside and out.


.....but will they take all the "O's" off the computers when they go?


They probably can't find the "O's"



"O" well......

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I am seriously wondering when the White House is going to painted - probably green.

When the current occupants move out they'll have to fumigate and paint inside and out.


.....but will they take all the "O's" off the computers when they go?


They probably can't find the "O's"



"O" well......


"O" sh*t

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I wonder sometimes if these people understand how mind blowingly stupid they sound?

Nope... for the most part.


Must have been of a "sick day" when the concept of "Black Holes" was covered in their science class.


This kind of "thinking" comes from viewing every person, word, or situation primarily though the lens of your skin color.




.... come to think of it, this product kinda offends me!





May 3, 2009


In order to illustrate the absurdity that is political correctness, the Centurion decided to see if they could get Lucky Charms banned. Our argument was that this cereal was derogatory towards Irish people because of its characterization of all Irishmen and women as short, red-haired leprechauns with hordes of kids always trying to steal their pots of gold. Anyway, we actually succeeded in removing the racist cereal from Rutgers for a time. Even we were surprised...




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Isn't it Lucky Charms which has been taken up as a symbol, by the gay community? Or is it Fruit Loops?

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Isn't it Lucky Charms which has been taken up as a symbol, by the gay community? Or is it Fruit Loops?

I haven't a clue.

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‘BLACK FATIGUE’ SETS IN ACROSS WHITE AMERICA http://angrywhitedude.com/2013/08/black-fatigue-sets-in-across-white-america/#l03vtqFceFm8Kgco.99


Ever heard the term “mind over matter?” With whites being labeled the ubiquitous term ‘racist’ at every turn these days, a more contemporary interpretation of ‘mind over matter’ would be ‘if you don’t mind, it doesn’t matter.’ And this is exactly how more and more white people in America are dealing with blacks who hide the voluminous problems for society caused by their fellow brothers and sisters with political correctness and labeling anyone who dares criticize bad behavior as “racists.”


The majority of whites in America were more or less raised to judge people by their actions and not skin color. It’s very apparent to anyone who can see that the majority of blacks were raised to hate white people.


Sure, there are whites who hate all black people. These are the minority of the white population. Generally, their beliefs come from negative experiences with black people. Black males commit over 50% of violent crimes and murder in America but make up less than 6% of the population. That is totally reprehensible and white people should not be blamed or feel guilt for crossing the road when they see young black males approaching. It’s nothing more than self-preservation instincts based on reality. Politically incorrect reality, but reality nonetheless.


Most whites recognize that young black males and females are responsible for vast majority of violence in America but do not hold that violence against all black people. AWD includes himself in this majority. We recognize there are many peaceful, law-abiding black people who contribute to America and are valued as productive members of society. We try to live in a color-blind society judging everyone by their actions. But in 2013, politically correct white liberals and black professional race-baiters make a color-blind society impossible. They both have a political and financial agenda in the propagation that every black person is a victim of whites and every white is a racist.


Personally, AWD isn’t concerned when two black Jehovah’s Witnesses approach my home. It would be quite different if they were covered in tattoos and wearing their pants hanging off their asses. If black people don’t want whites (or other blacks like Jesse Jackson) to cross the road when they approach, try not to look like a threat. More than that, don’t be a threat! Show courtesy, smile and greet people while wearing appropriate clothing and you’ll see a different reaction from those you pass.


The actions of black people in the Trayvon Martin/George Zimmerman trial were as shocking to white people in this generation as the reactions of black people were to whites after the OJ Simpson verdict twenty years ago. In both cases, white people generally wanted justice and believed in the rule of law. We simply accepted the verdict although many disagreed. Black people wanted blood in the case of Trayvon and a not guilty verdict for OJ, even though evidence was overwhelmingly against him. Because of political correctness, the OJ trial was turned from the evidence proving the culpability of a murderer to one of whether a LA cop had ever used the N word. AWD knew in the OJ trial he would walk because the District Attorney foolishly seated blacks on the jury.


Zimmerman’s attorney wisely seated no black jurors. What America learned with OJ and still exists today, blacks will never, ever go against a black person. Even if the accused is guilty, blacks on a jury will never vote to convict. We see the same actions today when police rarely receive information or leads when a crime is committed in a black community because blacks hate the police (viewed as white) more than the black criminals who turn their communities in to violent hellholes.


White liberals and race-baiting preachers and propagandists manufactured a “racial incident” in the Martin/Zimmerman case. AWD wrote he would wait for the trial and evidence presented to form an opinion. Once the evidence (or lack thereof) was presented, it became apparent this was a case that only came to trial because of the PC agenda of white liberals and the hatred of whites by black America.


While the now-proven thug Trayvon is now a household word, a hero to the black community, nary a word is said about the tremendous black on white crime that occurs daily in America. White Americans, who try to judge everyone on their actions, are tired of the double standard where a Hispanic man is manufactured to being a creepy ass cracka who murdered an angelic black boy (who turned out to be a ghetto thug criminal) when not one word is ever mentioned when blacks attack whites every day.


The blogger Daily Kenn recently posted this list of recent black on white violent crimes that have recently occurred but have not been mentioned by the mainstream propaganda media, PC white liberals, or race-baiting preachers or propagandists:


2013-08-01 STABBING Natasha Martinez.
2013-07-31 MOB ATTACK unnamed man.
2013-07-30 MOB ATTACK T.C. Maslin
22013-07-29 SCHOOL BUS ATTACK 13-yr-old boy.
2013-07-29 ASSAULT cab driver.
2013-07-29 ASSAULT young mother.
2013-07-28 MOB ATTACK unnamed man.

Scissors-32x32.png Much more @ AWD

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Isn't it Lucky Charms which has been taken up as a symbol, by the gay community? Or is it Fruit Loops?

I haven't a clue.


Well spoken.

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Isn't it Lucky Charms which has been taken up as a symbol, by the gay community? Or is it Fruit Loops?

I haven't a clue.


Well spoken.


I'll leave that to others who pay more attention to the "Gay" community. And to be truthful it really doesn't interest me all that much.

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Isn't it Lucky Charms which has been taken up as a symbol, by the gay community? Or is it Fruit Loops?

I haven't a clue.


Well spoken.


I'll leave that to others who pay more attention to the "Gay" community. And to be truthful it really doesn't interest me all that much.


You got me.....I'm a lesbian.


Lucky Charms - the Official Cereal of Gay Pride http://www.drudge.com/news/169851/lucky-charms-official-cereal-gay


BTW-If you aren't interested...it must not exist.

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Isn't it Lucky Charms which has been taken up as a symbol, by the gay community? Or is it Fruit Loops?

I haven't a clue.


Well spoken.


I'll leave that to others who pay more attention to the "Gay" community. And to be truthful it really doesn't interest me all that much.


You got me.....I'm a lesbian.


Lucky Charms - the Official Cereal of Gay Pride http://www.drudge.com/news/169851/lucky-charms-official-cereal-gay


BTW-If you aren't interested...it must not exist.



Would that it were true. Alas there are many things that exist that I have very little interest in...Polka Music....the Kardashians....the mating habits of the prairie chicken come immediately to mind.

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