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So who stayed home?


I generally like to wait a few days before doing an complete analysis but one thing that immediately comes to mind is that while they are still counting some West Coast votes when they are all counted about 13 million people who voted in 2008 stayed home in 2012. Right now Obama has about a million vote less in his winning effort than John McCain had in a losing effort in 2008. With about 15% of California about still coming in that will close but all in all the tale of this election is going to be turnout.


Watch for things to go South for Obama very quickly. Too many things were pushed into 2013 and this electorate is resigned, not enthusiastic.


Right now total popular vote is 116.5 million They are still counting Washington State, Oregon, Idaho, California plus scattered results elsewhere but numbers are way down from the 131 million popular votes cast in 2008, When they are done Obama will probably have a few more votes than McCain in 2008.


My take is this. Negative ads greatly reduced turnout. Romney also made two key mistakes. He shouldn't have left negative ads go unanswered in swing states and he should have bought that 1/2 hour infomercial like Obama did in 2008 to make a closing positive case for himself.


Make a liberal mad today, Remind them Obama fell about 2 million short of Bush's 2004 total.

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Watch for things to go South for Obama very quickly. Too many things were pushed into 2013 and this electorate is resigned, not enthusiastic.


Don't send him South, send him to Haiti or Greenland as Ambassador

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Obama voters are scared of hard work, American ingenuity

but Obama washes away their fear,

these takers will not have to pay

in minds of many Obama voters 'the rich aren't sharing enough' 'we built everything they have'

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Just In Time For The 2nd Term!!!

Professor's book salutes Obama

Lanise Harris

Tuesday, November 6, 2012




Before a scarce crowd of nearly 100 people, Barbara Thompson, author of The Gospel According to Apostle Barack - In Search of a More Perfect Political Union as Heaven Here on Earth” hosted a book signing this weekend at the Southside Arts Complex.


The signing, which emphasized the achievements and accomplishments of President Barack Obama, stressed the need for his reelection.



(Oh it gets better)


Her son Gibran Thompson was the impetus behind the book. After a bad accident, Barbara Thompson prayed for her son to be healed. After her son’s healing, she had a dream when the spirit of God spoke to her and told her to “go on a journey with apostle Barack,” Thompson testified.



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If all this Romney hand-wringing is true, then how can one explain loses by people like Allen West. They argue Romney was a poor choice, but a bold conservative candidate like Bachmann who barely won her own conservative district was a better choice? Romney had a tough haul against an incumbent president with a protective media. That is all there is to it.


A sharp on point comment from a RedState reader

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If all this Romney hand-wringing is true, then how can one explain loses by people like Allen West. They argue Romney was a poor choice, but a bold conservative candidate like Bachmann who barely won her own conservative district was a better choice? Romney had a tough haul against an incumbent president with a protective media. That is all there is to it.


A sharp on point comment from a RedState reader



It goes deeper than that, IMO to much poll driven candidates/campaigns. To much Spin. To many political consultants media managers.

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....how can one explain loses by people like Allen West......


From the minute West stepped into his duties, he became a target for the left......dangerous because of his service & his color. He was taken care of through "redistricting" and an immense infusion of cash from George Soros.


I suspect that Mia Love's [utah] demise was the same thing....too dangerous as a figure head of clean, wholesome conservatism & black. They are the anti-Obama & had to be dealt with. In Mia's case, I don't know if Soros was involved, in the case of Alan West, it was known to many.

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Ok Question: What positive thing happened last night for Conservatives/GOP?


You finally find out who your friends are.


That's not quite what I am looking for. biggrin.png


Given last night was...brutal, I am trying to think of (say) a race tha twas won that wasn't expected. Something like that.

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Ok I am going back to my middle of the night statement.

This does not make sense.

The exit polls all showed - from what I have so far heard - the opposite of the vote.

How could Mia lose in UTAH!

How could Obama margin be so large and keeps growing.

How could we clean house in 2010 and now be so wrong.

It is hard to beat Santa Claus and very permissive parents but....


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Ok Question: What positive thing happened last night for Conservatives/GOP?


You finally find out who your friends are.


That's not quite what I am looking for. biggrin.png


Given last night was...brutal, I am trying to think of (say) a race tha twas won that wasn't expected. Something like that.


Michelle Malkin


Once again, we have our work cut out for us. We lost this election, but we still live in the greatest country on the planet and we still have many ways to fight for and defend it.

My counsel to you tonight: Please, do not be bitter. Do not fall prey to the Beltway blame game. Do not get mired in small things. Do not become vengeful creatures like our political opponents who voted out of spite instead of love of country.

We still have boundless blessings to count — and to secure.

I remain a proud, unrepentant believer in the American Dream. And I know you do, too. Freedom will endure because we will keep fighting for it. We can’t afford not to, friends.

Earlier this evening, when many conservatives on Twitter started despairing, I quoted from Psalm 46:10. Elections come and go. Faith endures:

He says, “Be still, and know that I am God;

I will be exalted among the nations,

I will be exalted in the earth.”

Chins up. Stand tall. We’ll fight again tomorrow.

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Personally, for me, it is too soon to analyze, plan ahead, or try to be optimistic. I am still in a state of confusion. How the hell did this happen?

I'm with you on that.


Me, too.

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Personally, for me, it is too soon to analyze, plan ahead, or try to be optimistic. I am still in a state of confusion. How the hell did this happen?

I'm with you on that.


Me, too.


I'll ditto that

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Ok Question: What positive thing happened last night for Conservatives/GOP?


Wisconsin senate is once again Republican. So we have an all R state government.


My R congresscritter was reelected.

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It doesn't make sense to me that so many states are run by Rep governors and do better than the Dem states but then the idiots in the states turn around and vote for O.

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We Got Beat

Rob Long


Some thoughts:




2. Let's face facts: Nate Silver, the polls, the "establishment media" -- they were all right. It wasn't about weighting or poll skewing. They were right. We engaged in wishful thinking. We were in a bubble. Last night, that bubble was popped. The major polls called it close, and it was close. Barack Obama won about one half of one percent more of the popular vote than Mitt Romney. But that was enough. Mitt Romney may have won the popular vote, but the Electoral College map tells a different story: it was about population-center votes, not about enthusiasm or which side was more energized. They outsmarted us. We outsmarted ourselves


3. Last night was a complete and systemic failure of the Republican party -- both at the national and the state level. The DC-based Republican establishment couldn't deliver a victory -- couldn't deliver Florida. The state-level Republican operation failed, too. For example: in Missouri, a state that should be solidly Republican, the state operation nominated an ill-prepared, out-of-touch clumsy gaffe-machine for the Senate -- Todd Akin. Romney carried the state. But Claire McCaskill won a major victory. We forced our side to split the ticket. We muddied our message. The Republican party failed.


4. More facts to face: the media is liberal. The news organizations are liberal. They protected their candidate. And it worked. But that's part of the hand that we conservatives have been dealt. That ain't gonna change. We need to figure out a way to win despite the fact that we're swimming upstream in the culture. Whining about it isn't going to get us to a solution.


This guy is right. We were in a bubble. Or at least I was. Mr.n. has been switching from Fox to MSNBC to CNN for months. He never listens to talk radio. He predicted Obama would win via the electoral college. He drove me crazy! I told him it was his dark, pessimistic Norwegian genes talking. But he was right.

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does this mean Republicans have to get all touchy feely and give everyone what they want, it's fine if Susie and Billy want tol live together but not work so give them money or Sally has 4 kids without marriage or job so we have to support the children and so on and so on, because we can't let anyone do without if they aren't willing to work for it.

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@nickydog, I was in that same bubble, and my son warned me about it the night before the election.


He himself follows everybody from Ann Coulter to Rachel Maddow to Breitbart to HuffPost..................everything. He told me you have to know what the other side is saying/doing. It's not enough to just tune into your own side.


My problem is I can't bear to listen to the other side for more than half a minute..

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