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Now that is good! It would have been great if someone had thought of painting a chair like that for Clint Eastwood's comedy routine last night.

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Matthews calls Romney video ‘a failure’


The Hardball host shares his thoughts on the biographical video and says the only strong presence was the clips of Mitt Romney’s father, George.




Nope no bias here....

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Matthews calls Romney video ‘a failure’


The Hardball host shares his thoughts on the biographical video and says the only strong presence was the clips of Mitt Romney’s father, George.




Nope no bias here....


How MSNBC Became Fox’s Liberal Evil Twin


August 31, 2012




Chris Matthews, who hosts a Sunday talk show syndicated by NBC and a daily MSNBC show, seemed determined during this convention to outflank his most outspoken rivals, including Mr. Sharpton.


He started with a bruising harangue against Reince Priebus, the Republican National Committee Chairman, that made even his hosts on “Morning Joe” wince. Mr. Matthews looked almost thuggish on Wednesday night when the Arizona governor, Jan Brewer, 67, speaking from the din of the convention floor, complained she couldn’t hear his question.


“You can’t hear me?” he said. “Well, that’s convenient.”


On Thursday, Mr. Matthews fulminated against Paul Ryan’s — admittedly misleading — assertion that Mr. Obama did nothing to prevent the closing of a GM plant in 2008. Then Fox News attacked media figures who attacked Mr. Ryan. CNN took the harder course of parsing the entire issue: The correspondent Tom Foreman gave a long, industrious analysis that explained where and how Mr. Ryan finessed the facts.





Actually it is not all that bad an article.

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Approaching a table of men he knew to be Greek, the VP said, “I’m Joe Bidenopoulos.”

“Ask George,” he said – unclear who George was, maybe someone at the table --“who’s the most Greek Irishman he’s ever known.” Sounded like Biden was suggesting he is.

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ICE Chief of Staff Suzanne Barr submitted her resignation in a letter, obtained by FoxNews.com, to ICE Director John Morton. She rejected the allegations against her as "unfounded" but said she didn't want to distract from the agency's mission.

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Matthews calls Romney video ‘a failure’


The Hardball host shares his thoughts on the biographical video and says the only strong presence was the clips of Mitt Romney’s father, George.




Nope no bias here....


How MSNBC Became Fox’s Liberal Evil Twin


August 31, 2012




Chris Matthews, who hosts a Sunday talk show syndicated by NBC and a daily MSNBC show, seemed determined during this convention to outflank his most outspoken rivals, including Mr. Sharpton.


He started with a bruising harangue against Reince Priebus, the Republican National Committee Chairman, that made even his hosts on “Morning Joe” wince. Mr. Matthews looked almost thuggish on Wednesday night when the Arizona governor, Jan Brewer, 67, speaking from the din of the convention floor, complained she couldn’t hear his question.


“You can’t hear me?” he said. “Well, that’s convenient.”


On Thursday, Mr. Matthews fulminated against Paul Ryan’s — admittedly misleading — assertion that Mr. Obama did nothing to prevent the closing of a GM plant in 2008. Then Fox News attacked media figures who attacked Mr. Ryan. CNN took the harder course of parsing the entire issue: The correspondent Tom Foreman gave a long, industrious analysis that explained where and how Mr. Ryan finessed the facts.





Actually it is not all that bad an article.



Tim Groseclose.com

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The article above is another classic case re the loss of critical thinking and hyper sensitive subjective " hearing". One person accuses another of misleading and so a full fledged investigation is launched on justifying misleading when the first person was misled in his own thinking about what the other person originally said. Ya get it?

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The article above is another classic case re the loss of critical thinking and hyper sensitive subjective " hearing". One person accuses another of misleading and so a full fledged investigation is launched on justifying misleading when the first person was misled in his own thinking about what the other person originally said. Ya get it?



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