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So how many New Year's resolutions have been broken so far? :)



Not making any...I'm batting a thousand....of course the year is young, but I am hopeful.

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So how many New Year's resolutions have been broken so far? :)



My New Year's resolution was to make no New Years resolutions. It is going fine so far :lol:;)

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So how many New Year's resolutions have been broken so far? :)



My New Year's resolution was to make no New Years resolutions. It is going fine so far :lol:;)



We at the American Society of Steve's are at last ready to announce after our 2012 predictions.


cue the trumpet fanfare



The envelope please...(gosh I'm soooo excited, I'm beside myself in eager anticipation)



2012 will bring.......

A. One Damn Thing After Another.



I know smaller minds will say this is just way too bold, too extreme but we at A.S.S live on the edge, always willing to go where others are not willing to go, let others play it safe.

So remember you read it here 1st.

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Prepare yourself for a shocking revelation,


ok ready?




Maureen Dowd doesn't like Rick Santorum


Well knock me over with a feather!


Well as far as I'm concerned that's it for Santorum! I am of the belief that when choosing a candidate we on the right should always look to that bright shining light of consistent conservatism Maureen Dowd. That's just one man opinion, but I feel I'm on pretty safe ground.

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Well MSNBC achieved it's objective. It got Mitt and Newt to savage one another big time.


Newt was already primed to savage Romney due to the negative ads and out of context quotes Mitt's superpac made during the Iowa campaign. He was waiting for the debate to vent face to face, but he has been publicly assaulting Romney for a week on every talk and opinion show that would give him air time.

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  • 2 weeks later...



Checking shouts and checking in. Have a great weekend, RandyM.



Same to you, Pepper.


Looks like we'll see lots of southern rain this weekend.

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