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8 Comments Obama's Mideast Speech Drops the Ball Again on Our Critical Alliance With Israel


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In his latest lecture to the Middle East, an ideologically purblind President Obama has again failed to acknowledge the facts on the ground, much to the detriment of American and Israeli strategic interests.

First, the President continues to confound "popular uprisings" with America's strategic interests. This fails to account for the inherent danger that such movements can be usurped—if not instigated and abetted by—radical elements bent upon usurping them for anti-American purposes, as is increasingly evident in Egypt. Providing the new Egyptian government billions in debt relief and loans without the conditions that the Camp David Accords must remain inviolable both in law and practice, is but the latest manifestation of this administration's Mideast dumbfoundment.

Secondly, the President's ill-conceived and incoherent policy and mission creeping into Libya has now resulted in the administration's diminished willingness to promptly call for Syria's President Bashar al-Assad to exit power, ergo, we witness the Obama administration being more resolute in precipitously demanding the removal of an ally in Egypt than of an enemy in Syria—let alone in Iran.

While an increase in human intelligence-gathering and grassroots support for nascent democratic and free-market institutions and movements within oppressed nations will help ensure these freedom movements are not hijacked by worse tyrants and steered into anti-American regimes, the Obama administration refuses to accept the reality that these uprisings' beneficent outcomes can best be effected by the success of Iran's Green Revolution. Succinctly, the removal of a murderous terrorist regime that stole a popular uprising in 1979, and its indigenous replacement with a true, free, antiterrorist republic, will serve as an example and deterrent to the present movements being perverted by would-be despots.

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Good comment from RedState -- msctex Thursday, May 19th at 5:54PM EDT


"This is yet another instance where it seems the difference between Obama and a hypothetical man in the same circumstance with absolutely no idea what he is doing is so negligible as to be beyond mention.


There remains only the other, more sinister possibility: that he knows exactly what he is doing, and is trying to bring about the end of the state of Israel. So we are left with the defining question of our age: is this man stunningly ignorant, or genuinely Evil? Because there do not seem to be any more alternatives."




the second is my take as well. Just add ... "end of the state of Israel and America as we know it"

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Tomorrow's meeting with Netanyahu should be very interesting. All we will get is the after-meeting statement of having a 'frank and candid' discussion. Wonder if he will ushered to leave via the back door of the WH?

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If I were Netanyahu, I would hold a news conference at the airport & state that he doesn't need to take advice on home protection from a burglar that just cased it for his thug buddies.


I know that most conservative legislators will pan his speech, but his Jewish contributors world-wide ought to get hit with a clue-bat.

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If I were Netanyahu, I would hold a news conference at the airport & state that he doesn't need to take advice on home protection from a burglar that just cased it for his thug buddies.


I know that most conservative legislators will pan his speech, but his Jewish contributors world-wide ought to get hit with a clue-bat.

If I were Netanyahu I would do what you said, shoutSrWoodchuck, and then turn right around, get back on the airplane and return home.

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shoutNickydog! The Israeli PM needs to address Congress, but after that......straight home. No sense waiting for an invite from Oblunder to the WH for not having din-din with his Excellency.


shoutValin! Thanks for the links. On FNC they showed a pretty big drop in popularity for Obama, in Mid East countries.

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Well, he ONCE AGAIN displayed that he is an anti-semite and a Mohammedan sympathizer...but I bet that he'll STILL get 70% of the "JINO vote" next year ... just a feeling ...


...BTW...anyone heard what Chuckie Schumer, Barb Boxer and "Lady" Di Feinstein had to say about Zero's speech? I must have missed it....

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I haven't found any quotes from Schumer, but did find an older-last month-description of what he thinks of the 0.


"Sen. Schumer: Obama’s counter-productive Israel policy has to stop

Politico reports and provides the transcript: “New York Senator Chuck Schumer harshly criticized the Obama Administration’s attempts to exert pressure on Israel today, making him the highest-ranking Democrat to object to Obama’s policies in such blunt terms.


"Schumer, along with a majority of members of the House and Senate, signed on to letters politely suggesting the U.S. keep its disagreements with Israel private, a tacit objection to the administration’s very public rebuke of the Jewish State over construction in Jerusalem last month.


"But Schumer dramatically sharpened his tone on the politically conservative Jewish Nachum Segal Show today, calling the White House stance to date “counter-productive” and describing his own threat to “blast” the Administration had the State Department not backed down from its “terrible” tough talk toward Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.


“This has to stop,” he said of the administration’s policy of publicly pressuring Israel to end construction in Jerusalem.


“I told the President, I told Rahm Emanuel and others in the administration that I thought the policy they took to try to bring about negotiations is counter-productive, because when you give the Palestinians hope that the United States will do its negotiating for them, they are not going to sit down and talk,” Schumer told Segal. “Palestinians don’t really believe in a state of Israel. They, unlike a majority of Israelis, who have come to the conclusion that they can live with a two-state solution to be determined by the parties, the majority of Palestinians are still very reluctant, and they need to be pushed to get there."




I don't see how this speech of the 0 could make Chucky very happy. Maybe he is being quiet to allow his head to heal after exploding this morning.

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shoutNickydog! The Israeli PM needs to address Congress, but after that......straight home. No sense waiting for an invite from Oblunder to the WH for not having din-din with his Excellency.


shoutValin! Thanks for the links. On FNC they showed a pretty big drop in popularity for Obama, in Mid East countries.

Now that's a speech I'll listen to.

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Obambi is already losing Egypt and Tunisia, so he throws Israel under the bus. Not even Jimmy Carter, or the Three Stooges for that matter, could have bungled this so badly. :blink:

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Obambi is already losing Egypt and Tunisia, so he throws Israel under the bus. Not even Jimmy Carter, or the Three Stooges for that matter, could have bungled this so badly. :blink:


I'm not sure I accept bungled. It seems very deliberate.

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Deliberate, yes; but incredibly naive.


Nicky - it only seems naive only if you look at his actions from an American point of view.

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What Netanyahu Did Today

John Podhoretz




Has there ever been a moment like the one Benjamin Netanyahu had today following his meeting with President Obama? I can’t think of one. When has a president ever made a joint appearance with the leader of an ally in the wake of a controversial policy proposal, only to have that ally push back against him publicly? Netanyahu’s powerful—and surprisingly graceful, considering the context—remarks can be read in full here. The only moment that even remotely compares wasn’t a diplomatic one; it was when Elie Wiesel, during the dustup over Ronald Reagan’s visit to the Bitburg cemetary in West Germany in 1985, was given a Medal of Freedom and with beautiful understatement said to the president, “This place is not your place.” We got a glimpse of the Bibi that so electrified the world in the late 1980s and early 1990s when he was serving as Israel’s chief spokesman in the English language in this stunning passage:


We’ve been around for almost 4,000 years. We have experienced struggle and suffering like no other people. We’ve gone through expulsions and pogroms and massacres and the murder of millions.


But I can say that even at the dearth of — even at the nadir of the valley of death, we never lost hope and we never lost our dream of re-establishing a sovereign state in our ancient homeland, the land of Israel. And now it falls on my shoulders as the prime minister of Israel at a time of extraordinary instability and uncertainty in the Middle East to work with you to fashion a peace that will ensure Israel’s security and will not jeopardize its survival.


I take this responsibility with pride but with great humility, because, as I told you in our conversation, we don’t have a lot of margin for error and because, Mr. President, history will not give the Jewish people another chance.


It was very nervy of Bibi, and certainly opens him up to the charge of being chutzpahdik with Israel’s greatest ally. But what exactly did he have to lose? He faces a hostile president, but one who governs a country overwhelmingly supportive of Israel. Could things get worse with Obama than they were last year? And could things get better for Netanyahu if Obama finds he is paying a price for being at odds with the American people on one of the few foreign policy issues they care about?

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I loved it when Bibi stared straight into Obama's face and spoke those words in front of the entire world. It is eloquent and without teleprompters.

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I loved it when Bibi stared straight into Obama's face and spoke those words in front of the entire world. It is eloquent and without teleprompters.


But, but, but Obambi killed bin Laden, with his own hands!


I suspect that the pimple of a boost he got in the polls for knocking off OBL has burst...

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