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Enrollment Rate For College Freshmen Drops By Double Digits


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The Daily Wire

Eric Quintanar

Oct 16, 2020

Enrollment rates have declined for undergraduate students at colleges and universities across the United States, and much of it can be attributed to fewer freshman choosing to attend, according to a new study released on Thursday.

Figures from the National Student Clearinghouse Research Center show that first-year students have enrolled in college at a 16% lower rate than first-years in 2019. This group of students accounts for 69% of the total decline in the national undergraduate enrollment rate, a figure that currently stands at a 4% decline. 

The data also show that community colleges have been particularly affected by the decline, experiencing a roughly 23% drop in enrollment among first-year students over last year, a time when those colleges showed a 1.4% increase in enrollment. Total enrollment is down at community colleges by 9.4% over last year. 


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