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Trump, California, and the U.S. Federal Court System


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American Thinker

The wisdom of then Senate majority leader Harry Reid’s decision to change centuries-old Senate rules to allow a simple majority vote for appeals and district court justices was clearly warned against.  Many Republicans plainly stated to Democrats: do not do this.  Reid’s 2013 move reset the threshold for circuit and appeals judicial confirmation from 60 senate votes to 51 (It also set in motion a change in Supreme Court confirmations to the same 51 vote threshold stewarded by current Senate majority leader Mitch McConnell).

One of the most intriguing fallouts from Reid’s fateful decision is the battle within the confirmation battle that is raging in the Senate Judicial Committee’s mission to confirm judicial nominees.  This smaller engagement appears to be very apparent, not only the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals, but to three of the four district courts in California. Arguably, California is the leading liberal state in the U.S.  Sacramento absolutely comports itself as such with supermajorities in both legislative houses and the governorship and most (if not all) statewide elected offices.

Then came the election of Donald J. Trump as the 45th President of the United States. He was very clear early on in his campaign that the Federalist Society was going to provide the resource pool for his judicial nominees.  Well, that impact was definitely felt in the push to confirm judges for the Appellate Courts in the U.S. The effect in the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals was immense.  No other President has had more of his nominees confirmed than President Trump.  He has had ten nominees confirmed to that appellate court, meaning over 30% of that court are Trump nominees.  Given that quite a few current justices sitting in the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals were born in the early to mid-1940s, there may well be more confirmed if President Trump wins reelection in November.:snip:

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