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This dear friends, is a recipe for Swineapple, a delicacy our Victorian friends enjoyed and one that is making the rounds again this summer. Basically you combine a pineapple with pork and it’s lip-smacking good.


1 ripe pineapple
pork chops
thick cut bacon
pork seasoning


Cut top off of pineapple. Cut the skin off the side including as much of the eyes as possible. Cut and scoop as much of the inside of the pineapple as possible. Cut pork chop meat into strips. Season with your pork seasoning of choice. Place the pork strips inside the pineapple and pack as much as you can fit inside. Take the top part of the pineapple and place back on top like a lid. With skewers attach the top so it doesn’t come off. Now it’s time to wrap it with bacon. With toothpicks wrap the pineapple with bacon until it’s covered. You can cook this on a grill, smoker or in the oven. Regardless of how you cook it you must put in a baking dish because you don’t want the bacon fat dripping on your coals or an open flame. Cook low and slow at approximately 225 degrees for approximately 3 hours. You want the internal temperature to be at least 160 degrees. After done slice it up and enjoy

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