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When Black Children Are Killed, Where's the Outrage From the White and the Woke?


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As street violence spikes in big cities across America run by Democrats, as parents grieve the loss of their children in the street gang wars, two things become terribly clear:

The first is that Black Lives Matter isn't promoting much, if any, public outrage at city halls run by Democratic Party mayors over urban street violence that is out of control.

BLM isn't a movement as much as it is a political and fundraising arm, founded by neo-Marxists and currently aligned with the Democratic Party. BLM sees no percentage in pressuring big-city mayors to stop street violence. Its outrage is select and reserved for white police officers who kill unarmed Black men.

But it's the second thing that hardly gets attention from media that skews left, and from Democratic Party politicians:

Those young, white and woke BLM supporters who filled the streets, masked, chanting and angry, in legitimate protests over the Minneapolis police killing of George Floyd by a white police officer aren't venting much public, organized outrage over Black children being slaughtered.


They shouted so loudly and passionately about defunding or abolishing the police, but aren't they also concerned about the lives of Black children being taken in street gang wars across the country?

It's possible they're just terrified and sad and don't know what to do without leaders to herd them. They might need a safe space, even though the children being shot to death don't have a safe space.

Or, could it just be that the protesters, so silent now, see no political advantage for the November elections in drawing attention to the Black children, some as young as 1, who are killed?

This is July. And what's on their mind is November, November, November.:snip:

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