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Saying goodbye:


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Saying goodbye:

No Hong Konger is under the illusion that Beijing has any intention to respect our basic rights and honor its promises to us. Mass arrests have already begun on the first day of the National Security Law’s implementation.
2. At the @HouseForeign hearing yesterday, I spoke about the regime’s lawlessness in hopes that the world would not forget about what’s going on in Hong Kong. Of course, I knew my speech and appearance would put my own safety in serious jeopardy given the circumstances.
3. The international front is what Hong Kongers must still defend — in parallel to street activism — even as the risk of doing so locally are now immeasurably high. Multiple articles of the new NSL target this kind of work I have undertaken for years.
4. As a global-facing activist, the choices I have are stark: to stay silent from now on, or to keep engaging in private diplomacy so I can warn the world of the threat of Chinese authoritarian expansion. I made the decision when I agreed to testify before the US Congress.
5. There was a lot to consider, including what can be said and what must be kept secret, with my own wellbeing and that of others always in mind. Making this announcement isn’t easier either, and my responsibilities will only get heavier down the road.
6. I thank my friends for their understanding, and I apologize for the ambiguities when it comes to my personal information. Criticisms ahead of me will stem not only from misunderstanding, disheartenment, and anxieties, but also ill intentions. These are all mine to face.
7. But one shall never walk alone on the right path. The July 1 crowds show once again that the fire of Hong Kongers’ determination will not be easily extinguished. We must sustain our resistance on all fronts.
8. So I bade my city farewell. As the plane took off the runway, I gazed down at the skyline I love so much for one last time. Should I have the fortune to ever return, I hope to still remain as I am: the same young man with these same beliefs. Glory to Hong Kong.  

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