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Yes, George Soros Sent Money to Fund the Riots—and So Did Taxpayers


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Ever since the protests turned to riots over the death of George Floyd in police custody in Minneapolis, rumors have flown that George Soros and his Open Society Foundation had to be involved. After all, OSF funded Black Lives Matter in 2015. It didn’t take long to reveal the financial ties to current riots and to show that OSF and George Soros directly support the movement today. Particularly infuriating are the taxpayer-funded grants received in conjunction with the Soros funding.

Daniel Bice of the Milwaukie Journal-Sentinel reports that a group called Freedom, Inc. has received grants from the Wisconsin Department of Justice:

The Madison-based nonprofit has advocated for the release of all African Americans from jail and the defunding of police departments. As for the current protests, the group’s leaders say “all actions against racist state violence are justified.”

“Stop murdering black people, and your glass will be safe,” Monica Adams, co-executive director for Freedom Inc., said while leading the third day of police protests in the state’s capital on Monday.

“Thank all the youth freedom fighters who were in the streets fighting (Sunday) night and Saturday night,” said Mahnker Dahnweih, community power-building coordinator for Freedom Inc. “Every action is a contribution to liberation.”

So where does a group like this get the money it needs to promote its agenda?

A lot of it comes from you.

Records show that the state has awarded contracts and grants worth $3.6 million to Freedom Inc., which advocates for minority and LGBTQ communities, over the past five years.

That includes $876,674 in federal grants awarded by the state Department of Justice since January 2019, when Attorney General Josh Kaul took office. The state Department of Children and Families has paid out $732,403 to Freedom Inc. under Gov. Tony Evers over the past 1½ years.:snip:

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Who Is Funding and Organizing the Antifa Insurrection?

Someone is organizing criminals and vandals to loot and destroy cities but the corporate media don’t seem all that interested in getting to the bottom of it. In fact, Democrats and their allies in the press have been actively engaging in misdirection, lamely accusing white supremacists of being behind the mayhem plaguing “peaceful protests.”

A looter who was caught by the police in Santa Monica, California on Sunday was very candid with a local reporter when he was asked about his motive.

The man told FOX 11’s Bill Melugin that he wasn’t actually protesting police brutality but was “point blank” just doing it “to get some money.”

“That’s it, just trying to get some dough, that’s it,” he said.

A group of looters broke into the store and began to flee, and as they got into a car, one of them wasn’t fast enough and was left behind by his group. Police were able to catch him, and he was taken into custody.

When asked if his actions were related to what happened in Minnesota, the man said it might have a little bit to do with that, but “not really, I’m out here for “the dough.”

When asked if it was worth it, the man said “obviously not,” while turning to show the reporter his cuffed hands behind his back.:snip:

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Riots, Brought To You By District Attorneys Who Won’t Prosecute

Radicalized district attorneys in cities across America are putting violent rioters and looters back on the streets, and letting other hardened criminals walk. More than anyone, one man is responsible for this outrage: Billionaire socialist George Soros.

St. Louis is a case in point. There, prosecutor Kim Gardner let 36 people arrested for looting and rioting go scot-free, according to the St. Louis Post-Dispatch. Gardner’s office used the pathetic excuse that it needed “essential evidence” from the police, implying it had none.

One wonders how people caught in flagrante delicto could simply be released. The answer is, Gardner is a far-left acolyte of Soros, having been the recipient during her 2016 election of no fewer than three separate donations from a Soros-backed political-action committee. 

It’s not the only example of Soros’ malign influence. Philadelphia District Attorney Lawrence Krasner, who was elected with Soros money, reportedly “has no interest” in prosecuting rioters in the city. As infuriating as this and other instances of prosecutorial misconduct are to many of us, it’s likely we’ll see more of it in the future.

“Financier and left-wing philanthropist George Soros contributed large sums to progressive candidates running for district attorney all around the country, apparently in hopes of changing the law enforcement system at the county or district level,” according to a December 2019 report from the Capital Research Center.:snip:


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