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Two Americas: Lockdown Left vs. Re-open Right


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The novel coronavirus currently working its way through America isn’t political, we’ve been told repeatedly, and doesn’t discriminate between Democrats or Republicans. This much is true. But after two months of social distancing and government mandated stay-at-home orders, Americans are increasingly viewing the pandemic, and our leaders’ response to it, through a partisan lens. 

The political divide among the public is stark. According to a CBS News/YouGov poll released Thursday, 88% of Democrats believe the top priority of America is to “stay home, slow virus spread.” Only 12% said the top priority should be “back to work, get economy going.” Sixty-two percent of Republicans, on the other hand, favored getting the economy going as the top priority, while 38% felt staying at home is the top priority. Put another way, the net difference between Democrats and Republicans on what the top priority of the country should be is 50 percentage points.

Not surprisingly, these partisan differences show up when voters are asked about the re-opening of specific places and institutions. In a survey released earlier this week from The Economist/YouGov, Republicans were roughly four times more supportive than Democrats of “definitely” re-opening parks and schools, five times more in favor of re-opening restaurants and beaches, and nearly seven times more in favor of re-opening churches.:snip:


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1. This is something I've watching for a while now.

2. Two from the Comments section

Princes Bay
Are you kidding? Democrats and their media cohorts have been on their knees, with their hands held up to the sky, begging and praying for 3 long years, for something, anything, to hit the economy because they think it will hurt Trump. They finally got it. Do you really think they are going to let it go so easily? Why do you think reporters are wearing masks all the time? They do a report, outside, in the middle of nowhere, with nobody around them, with a mask on. Totally unnecessary. All politics. Wearing a mask on TV projects fear. Fear keeps us from going to work, or to a store. That keeps the economic activity nice and low. The worse the economy, the better their chances of unseating Trump - they think. Do you really think Democrats want the economy back on its feet, just months before election day? Trump wanted to re-open earlier. Democrat governors and the media decried that, saying he isnt king. Ok, fine. Let the governors decide. Lets see how long Democrat governors can keep us all locked up and tanking our economy before they get fierce blowback - right before election day.
FYI, just about every major poll shows that 70% of ALL Americans do not intend to shop in stores, eat in restaurants, send their kids back to school, fly anywhere or attend large gatherings. Those same folks are following the advice of just about EVERY health expert who advises they wear mask in public. Of course it's all about FEAR! Fear of contracting the virus and fear of DYING! BTW, if you can produce your own polls or your own heath experts who disagree with my above statements, go ahead and produce them, NOW! BTW, that 70% that opposes 'opening up' too soon is much of the same 70% that will be voting on election day,and voting for the candidate that agrees with them, right?
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May 15 2020

Some states are using science to guide their decisions and cautiously beginning to relax their lockdowns. But power-drunk politicians in the other half of the country are tightening their lockdowns even now.

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