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There’s another side to the story of the fired Navy Captain


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Everyone is up in arms about the fact that the Navy brass fired Captain Brett Crozier, of the USS Theodore Roosevelt, a Nimitz-class nuclear-powered aircraft carrier, after Crozier complained about people on his ship being infected with COVID-19. To many people, he was a lone man fighting a hardened bureaucracy on behalf of the men and women in his care. To others, though, he was a dangerous malcontent who placed his entire ship at risk by ignoring rules that exist for a reason.:snip:

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Capt. Brett Crozier wrote in an unaddressed letter Monday to Navy leadership that the ship’s environment is “most conducive to spread of the disease” with open shared sleeping areas, shared restrooms and workspaces, and confined passageways to move through on the ship. He wrote the Roosevelt’s crew is unable to follow Centers for Disease Control and Prevention or Navy procedures to protect the health of sailors through individual isolation on the ship for 14 or more days.


From The Comments

That Capt did something much worse. He bought into the hype the media is spreading and simply committed the act of PANIC. I am friends with a now retired Navy Capt that was in one of the Squadrons of the Enterprise, Served as a CAG on a Nimitz Class carrier and later the XO on another. Panic! That was the word this guy used to describe this skippers actions. The TR is the flagship of a one star admiral who should have been consulted first! That entire strike group was put in danger as well as most of the ships in the pacific fleet. It might well be time for a GCM.

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