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Nolte: Poll Shows Trump More Trusted than Joe Biden to Handle Economy, Coronavirus


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43 percent of Americans trust Joe Biden to handle the coronavirus crisis, compared to 45 percent who said the same about President Trump.

There was not a lot of good news for Slow Joe Biden in this week’s Washington Post/ABC News poll. The presumptive Democrat nominee does top Trump 49 to 47 percent in a general election matchup, but look at the environment…

Biden is pristine. Hiding in his basement. Hiding in a bubble where he’s fawned over by interviewers like Chuck Todd, Jake Tapper, and Nicole Wallace. At this point, he’s exactly what everyone wants him to be, whatever you want to project onto him you can project onto him.

Biden’s facing no challenges. The media will not ask him tough questions. He has yet to explain his opposition to Trump’s January 31 travel ban, which stopped hundreds of thousands of travelers from epidemic areas from entering our country. Both Biden and the media — Biden as late as March 12! — attacked these bans as xenophobic and racist.

Granted, Biden’s brain freezes have been legion and disturbing, but the fake news media are able to cover those up (for now), even as they go viral on social media.

In the meantime, billions and billions of corporate media dollars are being spent to annihilate Trump, to undermine his efforts to stop the coronavirus pandemic, to blame the pandemic on him; and this allows China Joe to sit in his Delaware mansion and tee off on the guy in the arena while Chuck Todd asks layups about the blood Trump supposedly has on his hands.

Best of all for Hunter’s Dad, Trump is too busy handling this economic and medical meltdown to campaign, to fire back at Joe, to get out there and make his case. All he can do are these daily briefings, but during those, he’s assailed by fake journalists who are proxies for the Biden campaign.

All this… the entire corporate media on his side, and Joe’s up only two points.

All this… billions of dollars in media propaganda on his side, and only 43 percent trust Joe to handle the Chinese virus.

Oh, it gets worse…

This poll also shows that only 42 percent of voters trust Joe to handle the economy, while 50 percent trust Trump. And currently, despite the ramifications shutting down our economy is having, 57 percent still approve of Trump’s handling of the economy.


Sorry, Sleepy Joe...

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