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Steve Wynn Vindicated


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John Hinderaker

March 14, 2020

In 2018, the “me too” movement claimed casino owner Steve Wynn as one of its most famous victims. The Associated Press obtained a police report showing that a woman named Halina Kuta had accused Wynn of raping her in the early 1970s. The AP ran with the story, and it was repeated by other news outlets. This is the New York Times version:


Wynn sued Kuta for defamation, requesting $1 in damages. The case was tried to a Las Vegas judge, who has now ruled in Wynn’s favor. The judge found that Kuta “knowingly made a false report” to the Las Vegas police, and that her “story seems to be totally fanciful.” It also came out in court that Kuta had demanded $150 million from Wynn in exchange for retracting her allegations.

This isn’t the first time, of course, that the Associated Press and the New York Times have peddled “totally fanciful” stories that served their agendas, and it won’t be the last. Wynn sued the AP as well as Kuta, but the judge found in AP’s favor because its story relied on a police report. Wynn has appealed that part of the court’s ruling to the Nevada Supreme Court. This case illustrates why President Trump is correct in believing that our defamation laws need to be reformed.

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