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Democrats Block Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act in the Senate


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Alexandra DeSanctis

February 25, 2020

Forty-one Democratic senators voted this afternoon to block the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act, successfully filibustering the legislation and preventing it from receiving a final vote. The bill would have required doctors to provide standard medical care to newborn infants who survive abortion procedures.

Fifty-six senators voted in favor of the legislation, including three Democrats: Bob Casey Jr. (Pa.), Doug Jones (Ala.), and Joe Manchin (W.Va.). All three also voted for the legislation when it came to the floor last February, though Jones was considered a potential “flip” vote this year, as he is up for reelection this November.

Both Susan Collins (Maine) and Lisa Murkowski (Alaska) voted for the bill as well, despite the fact that they often break from the Republican Party on legislation that has anything to do with abortion. Last year, Murkowski did not vote on the born-alive bill.

Three senators who are running for president — Bernie Sanders (I., Vt.), Amy Klobuchar (D., Minn.), and Elizabeth Warren (D., Mass.) — did not vote. All three voted against the legislation last February.



Just something to keep in mind Nov. 3 2020.

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