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The Siege at Ruby


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Ruby Ridge was the site of an 11-day siege in 1992 in the northwest United States in Boundary County, Idaho, near Naples. It began on August 21, when Randy Weaver, members of his immediate family, and family friend Kevin Harris resisted deputies of the United States Marshals Service (USMS) and the Hostage Rescue Team of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI HRT).

During a Marshals Service reconnoiter of the Weaver property pursuant to a bench warrant for Weaver after his failure to appear on firearms charges, an initial encounter between six U.S. Marshals and the Weavers resulted in a shootout and the deaths of deputy U.S. Marshal William Francis Degan, age 42, the Weavers' son Samuel (Sammy), age 14, and the Weavers' family dog (Striker). In the subsequent siege of the Weaver residence, led by the FBI, Weaver's 43-year-old wife Vicki was killed by FBI sniper fire. All casualties occurred on the first two days of the operation. The siege and stand-off were ultimately resolved by civilian negotiators, with the surrender and arrest of Kevin Harris on August 30, and the surrender of Randy Weaver and the surviving Weaver children the next day   .:snip: https://tse1.mm.bing.net/th?id=OIP.glGJkHHIe-9_3uocVLNDpAHaE1&pid=Api&P=0&w=231&h=152




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