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With his usual flair for hyperbole and indifference to factual details, Donald Trump last week tweet-blasted the so-called “Squad” of female freshman Congressmen “of color” for slandering America as racist, sexist, xenophobic, Islamophobic, and numerous other empty epithets. Though Trump was careless for suggesting, “Why don’t they go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came”––since only one, Ilhan Omar, was born abroad––his sentiment is still valid, and has been shared for decades by millions of Americans angry over their homeland being demonized by immigrants and fellow citizens alike.

This sentiment was memorably captured by country singer Merle Haggard in his hit “Fightin’ Side of Me.” Released in December 1969, the song expressed the anger of the “Silent Majority” that had just put Richard Nixon in the White House. And the lyrics identified who Americans were angry at: the free, comfortable New Leftists, college students, bougie hippies, and liberal elite fellow-travelers who burned the American Flag, slandered our soldiers as baby-killers, and called their country “AmeriKKKa.” Haggard especially targeted the antiwar activists who insulted our troops even as they were fighting and dying, and who “love our milk and honey” but “preach about some other way of livin’.” Sound familiar?

But it was one line in the chorus that summed up many Americans’ attitude: “If you don’t love it leave it.” This blunt phrase became that era’s ultimate “trigger” of leftist spluttering rage and hysterical spouting of the same question-begging epithets that today inundate the rhetoric of progressive politicians and pundits––exactly the response to Trump’s later suggestion to the “Squad,” “If you’re not happy here, then you can leave.” And like today, for self-proclaimed sophisticated cosmopolitans who fancied themselves too smart for patriotism, such a déclassé love of country was fit only for the xenophobic deplorables clinging to their guns and religion.:snip:

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Oh, So Maybe That’s Why Trump Decided To Take A Swipe At Ocasio-Cortez And Her Crew

:snip:AOC’s “Squad” could actually be helping in accomplishing that end, as new polling shows this crew, their agenda, and their message is overwhelmingly unpopular. With more media exposure, they’re defining the larger Democratic Party with voters in swing House districts. It’s a downright bloodbath. So, maybe kicking the hornet’s nest was necessary. You know these four won’t be able to hold their tongue. They couldn’t. Axios had the figures and if you’re a supporter of these far left clowns—well, they’re the gift that keeps on giving for the GOP::snip:

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Trump’s ‘The Squad’ Tweet: The Right Message Said The Wrong Way

:snip:When President Trump tweeted Sunday that “‘Progressive’ Democrat congresswomen” should “go back” to the countries they came from, the vapors swept through the political class and media. Granted, the tweet was crude. But the delivery should not invalidate the point.:snip:


For the record, here’s the tweet in its entirety:

“So interesting to see ‘Progressive’ Democrat Congresswomen, who originally came from countries whose governments are a complete and total catastrophe, the worst, most corrupt and inept anywhere in the world (if they even have a functioning government at all), now loudly and viciously telling the people of the United States, the greatest and most powerful nation on earth, how our government is to be run. Why don’t they go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came. Then come back and show us how it is done. These places need your help badly, you can’t leave fast enough. I’m sure that Nancy Pelosi would be very happy to quickly work out free travel arrangements!”

First off, if he’s referring to Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Rashida Tlaib, Ilhan Omar, and Ayanna Pressley, known as “The Squad,” only one was not born in the U.S. — Omar is from Somalia. Trump hurt his credibility right away.

But the core of the message is this: If these lawmakers who want to replace our liberal economic system with socialism are so smart, they need to show us how their ideas would fare in impoverished nations that are pumping refugees who are looking for better lives into the U.S. Once that’s achieved, they’re welcome to return to America and use their experience to fix this country.:snip:

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GOP leaders stand by Trump, dismiss Democrats’ outrage over 'go back' tweets

House Republican leaders stood by President Trump on Tuesday in response to a Democratic resolution condemning his controversial tweets about four freshman lawmakers, alleging their outrage is “all about politics” and suggesting it's being used to revive an impeachment push.

“They talked more about impeachment than anything else,” House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy said, referring to Monday's fiery press conference with Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, and Ayanna Pressley. "We should get back to the business of America."

The battle between Trump and congressional Democrats over his weekend tweets has become all-consuming, effectively putting other skirmishes -- ranging from a bid to hold Trump Cabinet officials in contempt to feuding inside the Democratic caucus over those same freshman lawmakers' conduct -- on the backburner.

If anything, Trump's comments -- telling the freshmen to “go back” to the countries they came from (despite all but Omar being from the United States) and then come back and show everyone how to fix things -- have united the fractured Democrats for the time being.:snip:


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President Trump Obliterates Ilhan Omar at the White House, Gets Massive Cheers

:snip:“If you’re not happy here, then you can leave.  As far as I’m concerned, if you hate our country, if you’re not happy here you can leave. That’s what I say all the time. That’s what I said in a tweet that I guess some people think is controversial. A lot of people love it, by the way. A lot of people love it. But if you’re not happy in the U.S., if you’re complaining all the time, very simply you can leave. You can leave right now. You can come back if you want, don’t come back, that’s ok, too,” he continued. :snip:

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Ben Carson defends Trump amid feud with House Dems: 'He's not a racist'

Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Secretary Ben Carson defended President Trump from charges of racism Wednesday, saying the Commander-in-Chief is not a racist and loves his country.

"I have an advantage of knowing the president very well, and he's not a racist and his comments are not racist," Carson said on "America's Newsroom."

"But he loves the country very much and, you know, he has a feeling that those who represent the country should love it as well.":snip:

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