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The Islamization of Minnesota Media


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John Gilmore

Dec. 13 2018


The Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) is the U.S. branch of HAMAS, a designated foreign terrorist organization; notwithstanding, CAIR has turned into the go-to source on all matters Muslim for much of American media. In this, Minnesota media are not different than any other, only worse. Much worse. It’s become evident that media outlets in the state, primarily the Twin Cities, increasingly refract each and every story about Muslims generally, and Minnesota ones specifically, through the prism of a CAIR press release or its invidious Islamic agenda. One of the more mindless in this regard has been Minnesota Public Radio (MPR).

The usual caveats to MPR always apply: taxpayer-funded promulgator of liberal narratives, comfort zone of the intellectually incurious, and whenever circumstances warrant.


Nothing objectionable to the CAIR perspective is ever to be found in MPR’s coverage of Islam and Muslims in America, no matter the gravity of the circumstances, including jihad terror attacks. It seems likely that neither MPR’s management nor beat reporters in fact know very much about Islam, Muslims, or CAIR. As even a moderately diligent journalist would have no difficulty in finding plentiful factual information about such topics, it must be concluded that, in Minnesota at least, there is less than a full commitment to accuracy when it comes to topics relating to Islam either within Minnesota or the world outside the state’s borders.

The CAIR contagion has spread to the Star Tribune, as well, perhaps in an effort to keep up with politically correct virtue signaling. Again, the same intellectual impoverishment exists there and the most anodyne stories devoid of anything approaching substance are routinely churned out.


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