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Trump makes it easier to fire poor-performing federal workers


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President Trump on Friday signed three executive orders overhauling the federal bureaucracy, including an order that makes it easier to fire federal workers for misconduct.

“To empower our civil servants to best help others, the government must always operate more efficiently and more securely,” the president said in a statement.

The White House said Trump, who famously promised to “drain the swamp” in Washington while running for president, signed the three orders Friday afternoon.

The first executive order aims to strengthen accountability for federal employees and makes it easier to fire poor performers in the federal government. 

The second executive order creates a federal labor relations working group to analyze union contracts with the federal government. It also makes it harder to pay federal unions to appeal firings and to lobby Congress. 

The third executive order, focused on federal unions, is aimed at reducing waste and expenditures and requires federal employees to spend at least 75 percent of their time working on the job they were hired to do, as opposed to working on federal union work. It will also allow the federal government to start charging unions for office space in federal buildings. 


"You're all fired!"

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