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Thoughts from the ammo line


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Scott Johnson

Jan. `12 2018

Ammo Grrrll confesses that she is, so to speak, SHOWERED WITH HATRED. She writes:

I have been reluctant to take on today’s subject for some time, so controversial is its nature. Viral shaming, death threats, rampant mockery may well follow. But inspired by the profligate flinging about of the word “brave” to describe every woman who has a lurid, decades-old tale of being touched once by another human being, I have decided to come clean.

Am I talking about abortion, sexual assault, or moving the US Embassy to Jerusalem? No. I am speaking, of course, of Bath People (me and all right-thinking Americans) vs. Shower People (Mr. AG, every man I know, and commies, Literal Nazis, and Harvey Weinstein).




I invite rebuttal comments from The Shower People, who vastly outnumber us Bathers. You will all be mistaken, but that’s how fair and balanced we at Power Line are.

Stay tuned in future weeks for: Toilet Paper Roll Etiquette: over the top or coming from under? We report, you decide.

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15 minutes ago, Valin said:

Scott Johnson

Jan. `12 2018

Ammo Grrrll confesses that she is, so to speak, SHOWERED WITH HATRED. She writes:

I have been reluctant to take on today’s subject for some time, so controversial is its nature. Viral shaming, death threats, rampant mockery may well follow. But inspired by the profligate flinging about of the word “brave” to describe every woman who has a lurid, decades-old tale of being touched once by another human being, I have decided to come clean.

Am I talking about abortion, sexual assault, or moving the US Embassy to Jerusalem? No. I am speaking, of course, of Bath People (me and all right-thinking Americans) vs. Shower People (Mr. AG, every man I know, and commies, Literal Nazis, and Harvey Weinstein).




I invite rebuttal comments from The Shower People, who vastly outnumber us Bathers. You will all be mistaken, but that’s how fair and balanced we at Power Line are.

Stay tuned in future weeks for: Toilet Paper Roll Etiquette: over the top or coming from under? We report, you decide.

:lmfao:  Lots of laugh out loud snippets.  Thank you, Valin.

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