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Jeff Sessions Announces New Policies Threatening to Strip Funding From Sanctuary Cities


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President Trump's increasingly bitter outlook toward Attorney General Jeff Sessions has heightened tensions inside an administration already on edge due to a West Wing staffing shuffle, an expanding special counsel probe and the uncertain future of the president's top legislative priorities.
Trump's incoming communications director stoked speculation about Sessions' ouster Tuesday with comments that suggested the president could soon discard his attorney general, over a rift in their relationship that opened up when Sessions recused himself from the Russia investigation earlier this year.:snip:
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Losing Jeff Sessions Means Losing Immigration Reform with Him


Firing the attorney general would be a death blow to the restrictionist cause.

Does Donald Trump realize how close he is to fatally undermining the core policy on which he campaigned?
It really looks as though President Trump is trying to bait his attorney general, Jeff Sessions, into resigning. Sandwiched between two interviews with the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal in which he criticized Sessions for recusing himself from the investigation of the Trump campaign’s ties to Russia, the president tweeted his displeasure at Sessions for following Trump’s own stated post-election policy of leaving Hillary Clinton alone. It was Trump, after all, who first reneged on his demagogic threat to “lock her up,” with Trump spokesperson Kellyanne Conway instead saying he wanted to “help her heal.”

What really seems to be at work is that Trump wants Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia investigation contained or stopped altogether, and he is angry that Sessions took himself off the field. Trump is daring Sessions to resign so that he won’t have to take the responsibility for firing him.
If the president continues to stay angry about this, he will likely fire Sessions and then appoint someone who will restrain or fire Mueller. Major media outlets, which know how to play on Trump’s insecurities, will, in their plausibly deniable way, begin to dare him to do it, hoping this brings about the ultimate crisis of his administration, or at least heap more guilt on the Republican party for its complicity in his presidency.:snip:

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How the Justice Dept. is forcing sanctuary cities to cooperate with immigration agents


The Justice Department issued a new warning to sanctuary cities Tuesday, saying they must prove they fully cooperate with immigration agents in order to claim federal law enforcement grant money.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions said jurisdictions that don’t allow federal agents into their prisons and jails, and that refuse to give at least 48 hours’ notice before releasing illegal immigrants, will lose money.

“This is what the American people should be able to expect from their cities and states, and these long overdue requirements will help us take down MS-13 and other violent transnational gangs, and make our country safer,” he said.
The warning was attached to the Byrne Justice Assistance Grant program, which doles out nearly $400 million in funds.:snip:

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Sessions going to El Salvador to talk about MS-13 gang


Attorney General Jeff Sessions left Washington on Thursday amid escalated tensions with President Trump to fly to El Salvador. There, he will explore ways to quash the violent street gang known as MS-13, according to The Associated Press.
Halting MS-13 violence is one of the president's priorities. The administration is providing full coverage of the El Salvador trip to Fox News. The network is sending a crew to follow Sessions on the trip.
Sessions will meet with El Salvadorian authorities, including Attorney General Douglas Melendez, and meet with former members of the MS-13, which Sessions has said could be designated as a terror organization.:snip:

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