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Trump says he wouldn't have appointed Jeff Sessions if he had known 'unfair' Russia recusal was coming


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President Trump said on Wednesday that he would not have appointed Attorney General Jeff Sessions if he knew Sessions would recuse himself from the Russia investigation.
In an interview with the New York Times, Trump said Sessions' decision to recuse himself "was very unfair to the president."
"Sessions should have never recused himself and if he was going to recuse himself he should have told me before he took the job and I would have picked somebody else," Trump said.
Trump also criticized Sessions for his testimony during the Senate confirmation process when Sessions said he had not met with Russians even though he later admitted to meeting at least twice with Russian Ambassador Sergei Kislyak. Those revelations led to Sessions recusing himself.:snip:

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GOP Rep Dismisses Trump Health Care Threat, Accuses Him of Being a 'Distraction'


Some Republicans are hitting back at President Trump after he lectured them about health care on Wednesday, charging that his many scandals (Russia and his trigger happy tweeting included) are not helping their cause.
Rep. Mike Simpson (R-ID) was especially blunt. He thinks Trump, his staff, and his family have been wholly unhelpful in their quest to enact policy.:snip:

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Trump, Party of One

Admitting that Mr. Only I Can Fix It had no idea what he was talking about is for many Republicans too bitter a pill to swallow.[/i

*Jonah Goldberg

July 21, 2017




The Mind of the EverTrumper


I am not a big fan of psychologizing. But since I am subjected every day to a barrage of claims based upon what people think my thinking is, I feel compelled to turn the tables and offer a bit of mind-reading of my own.

This Jeff Sessions conundrum is all part of a larger trend unfolding right before our eyes. I wrote about it a bit on the Corner earlier this week. The Grand Old Party, at least for some, is now a New Party of One. When conservatives criticize Trump, the common response is “support your party!” or “RINO!” But when the interests of the party and the personality diverge, the same people tend to lambaste the party on the “principle” that Trump demands the greater loyalty.

I’ve been using the phrase “Cult of Personality” a lot because that’s what this dynamic often seems like. But, the more I think about it, a Cult of Personality is a far grander thing than what we have here. That concept enlists phrases like “divinization” and “secular religion,” and we could spend years talking about Marx and Weber and what they had to say, never mind all that Stalin stuff. People forget that the actual title of Khrushchev’s “secret speech” exposing Stalin was actually “On the Cult of Personality and Its Consequences.” Moreover, contrary to what some of Trump’s biggest critics on the left and his biggest fans on the swampier right may think, Trump is no Stalin.






*  to give him his real title Jonah 'secret socialist Hillary Clinton supporter'  Goldberg

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Sessions and the Self-Sabotaging Trump Administration

By DANIEL LARISON • July 25, 2017, 10:33 AM

Rod Dreher marvels at Trump’s attacks on Sessions:

Can anybody think of a time when a US president repeatedly attacked his Attorney General in public, and whose White House leaked that he was looking to fire the AG? If only six, seven months into the presidency, Trump is publicly turning on Jeff Sessions, of all people, who is safe?           :snip: http://www.theamericanconservative.com/larison/sessions-and-the-self-sabotaging-trump-administration/

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Trashing Jeff Sessions — Enough Already[/url

Victor Davis Hanson

July 25, 2017


President Trump has made the point for the nth time that the recusal of Jeff Sessions on matters of alleged Russian collusion invariably led to a series of events that culminated in the appointment of Robert Mueller, a prior associate of James Comey’s, to investigate Trump with a veritable blank check and a cadre of mostly liberal attorneys, fueled by a hysterical media ready to make them all Watergate-like folk heroes if they come to Beltway-correct conclusions. I fear we could soon be in Lawrence Walsh/Javert territory.

So in retrospect, the recusal was probably a political mistake, given that a seemingly principled decision — most observers in the administration at the time seemed to think that Sessions’s recusal at least temporarily silenced the baying wolves — was soon seen by anti-Trumpers as weakness to be exploited (the subsequent hysterical media-driven feeding frenzy quickly turned on everyone from Representative Devin Nunes to Trump’s own family) rather than probity to be appreciated. Sessions’s own current remarkable Stoicism in the context of Trump’s attacks perhaps reflects that had he to do it over again in light of what followed, he might have not recused himself.

But all that said, Trump is said to value loyalty and competence. And Sessions is the epitome of both.............(Snip)


It’s past time to let Sessions do his job and move on.

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Sessions Needs to Stay


I am pleased to endorse Donald Trump for the presidency of the United States."
So declared conservative Republican Sen. Jeff Sessions at a rally in his home state of Alabama on Feb. 28, 2016, two days before Super Tuesday.
No other senator had endorsed Trump at that point, and Sessions explained his reasons for doing so to a home-state crowd.
Sessions shared Trump's views on some issues — illegal immigration and trade, for example — that clashed with the establishments of both parties. And he expressed his belief that Trump would actually follow through on his commitments if elected.
"I told Donald Trump this isn't a campaign, this is a movement," Sessions said, as reported by Congressional Quarterly. "The American people are not happy with their government.
"You have asked for 30 years, and politicians have promised for 30 years, to fix illegal immigration," said Sessions. "Have they done it? No. Donald Trump will do it.:snip:

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The President Is Treating His Attorney General Shamefully

Rumors have circulated for months that the president is upset with Jeff Sessions, but rumor is now public — very public — fact. On Tuesday morning, President Trump slammed his own attorney general on Twitter for taking “a VERY weak position on Hillary Clinton crimes . . . & Intel leakers!” That rationale is a sham: On the Clinton scandals, Sessions has merely followed Trump himself, who said in late November that he had no plans to pursue an investigation of his erstwhile opponent. In reality, Trump is reported to be upset at Sessions for needlessly recusing himself from the ongoing investigation into the Trump campaign’s connections with Russia, which Trump believes led to the special-counsel investigation.
The story Trump is telling himself is convenient for creating a scapegoat, but it’s also largely untrue. Sessions may not have been legally obligated to recuse himself from the Russia inquiry, but there was a strong political case for his doing so. The more direct cause of the appointment of a special counsel was the unceremonious firing of FBI director James Comey, and the deception surrounding it — which was a mess largely of Trump’s own making.

That the president is taking out his pique on Sessions shows just how cheaply he holds loyalty. As the senior senator from Alabama, Sessions was one of Donald Trump’s earliest congressional backers; he huddled with the candidate regularly throughout the campaign; he was instrumental in shaping Trump’s immigration policy; and Sessions’s communications director, Stephen Miller, is now the president’s senior adviser and chief speechwriter. No single elected official did more to help Donald Trump in 2016. Trump’s conduct toward a longtime ally is shameful.:snip:

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Trump's feud with Jeff Sessions strains an administration on edge

President Trump's increasingly bitter outlook toward Attorney General Jeff Sessions has heightened tensions inside an administration already on edge due to a West Wing staffing shuffle, an expanding special counsel probe and the uncertain future of the president's top legislative priorities.
Trump's incoming communications director stoked speculation about Sessions' ouster Tuesday with comments that suggested the president could soon discard his attorney general, over a rift in their relationship that opened up when Sessions recused himself from the Russia investigation earlier this year.:snip:


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Trump, Sessions, and the whirlwind on the horizon

It would be hard to find a member of President Trump's cabinet who has executed his administration's policy more faithfully than Attorney General Jeff Sessions.
Sessions embraced Trump's campaign early, when most Republican officeholders and most conservatives ran screaming from it. He went through a scathing confirmation process in which he was unfairly tarred as a racist based on vacuous claims that contradict his record. Since his swearing in, he has outspokenly voiced Trump's policy concerns about everything from illegal immigration and urban violent crime to civil forfeiture and narcotics trafficking.:snip:

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If you keep posting these kind of (scurrilous)  articles about that traitor Jefferson Sessions you'll be In Trouble at T O S Be Warned.

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1 minute ago, Valin said:



If you keep posting these kind of (scurrilous)  articles about that traitor Jefferson Sessions you'll be In Trouble at T O S Be Warned.

Be still my heart!!!  If you look at what Jeff Sessions has done in his short time a AG - I think you'll see that he has accomplished more of Trumps election promised agenda than any other cabinet member, from gangs, to immigration enforcement, to drug smugglers - human trafficking and more than I can remember at this moment.

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1 minute ago, Geee said:

Be still my heart!!!  If you look at what Jeff Sessions has done in his short time a AG - I think you'll see that he has accomplished more of Trumps election promised agenda than any other cabinet member, from gangs, to immigration enforcement, to drug smugglers - human trafficking and more than I can remember at this moment.


Just as I suspected! Its now obvious to all (true blue right thinking) Mericans that you are not a Real Conservative. :D


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When its all said and done and all the pundits have pontificated including us - Trump has a right too feel frustrated about the daily onslaught against him and his family and not having a defense or an offense in this Russia witch hunt deal. I like Sessions but that was a weak response  to Al Franken and even if he was right to recluse himself at the time he needs to step up and end this mess. I get tired of some of the tweets too. A  lot has been done that we never hear about from the msm because it does not fit their agenda. I am still reeling from patriotic Boy Scouts - some 40,000 + strong chanting USA, USA and being called Nazi youth.


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5 minutes ago, righteousmomma said:

When its all said and done and all the pundits have pontificated including us - Trump has a right too feel frustrated about the daily onslaught against him and his family and not having a defense or an offense in this Russia witch hunt deal. I like Sessions but that was a weak response  to Al Franken and even if he was right to recluse himself at the time he needs to step up and end this mess. I get tired of some of the tweets too. A  lot has been done that we never hear about from the msm because it does not fit their agenda. I am still reeling from patriotic Boy Scouts - some 40,000 + strong chanting USA, USA and being called Nazi youth.


I like President Trump a lot more than Donald Trump. President Trump lets Donald Trump step all over his agenda, making it much harder for his Cabinet, his staff and Congress to push his programs through. I wouldn't mind his tweets if they were more diplomatic and selective. If you attack someone every day, it not only makes you look bad but it loses it's effectiveness  - and it is much more effective and makes you look better if you have surrogates defending you and saying the 'mean' things.  A President has much more leverage with Congress if he has a high approval rating. He is wasting it with petty stuff. I sympathize with the unfair attacks on him and his family - but he is not the first President to experience this. Tony Snow and Dana were pretty good at handling some of this at press briefings. 

If you are going to trash people in your Administration - do it behind closed doors. It is YOUR administration. You chose the people. It is a lot easier for a person to resign if you ask him to behind closed doors, not belittle him in front of the entire country. Jeff Sessions is an honorable man who has served his country well and is doing so now. 

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I agree with everything you said @Geee but some of this mess is just crazy and not explainable with no more than we all know.  Either Trump's ego is as big as he is accused of having or he has some unknown reasons for stirring the pot. He is not dumb. So guess we'll wait and see.

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The President Better Pick His Battles To Win The DC Game of Thrones

Kurt Schlichter

Jul 27, 2017


President Trump has done remarkably well so far, considering the hatred, contempt, and subversion he faces from members of his own party – much less the garbage he endures from the astonishingly inept and newly Russophobic Democrats. These nimrods’ bright idea for appealing to the deplorable people we call “normal Americans” is to take the New Deal and replace the adjective with “Better.” It has yet to occur to them to try not calling us “Jesus-loving gun freak racists who aren’t afraid enough of the weather and don’t believe women can have penises too.”

But it’s bad strategy to rely upon the lameness of your opposition. Instead, the president should be focused on launching a disciplined and overwhelming attack against the establishment to force his agenda through. But he’s not doing that. He’s messing up by going off on emotional tangents, and it will catch up with him.





But sometimes you need to lay down some real talk, and this comes from someone who supports the president’s efforts to defeat the enemies of normal Americans. So let me say it clearly.

Stop this nonsense about Jeff Sessions.

Stop it.

Have some discipline and focus. The day you decided to start pummeling Sessions was supposed to be about health care. The fact that our cunning, turtlesque majority leader managed to drag the first vote over the finish line notwithstanding, all you did was annoy your allies. When pretty much every Twitter pundit and senator and Rush and Hewitt and Tucker and Breitbart and a bunch of other alt-righties are all on the same sheet of music, that’s an indicator that you’re stepping all over your Schumer.

And Sessions is your friend – you can’t diss a friend, or you won’t have any friends left. And you need friends, because the enemy is coming.






And now from the comments  :wallbash:


marinegrunt66 an hour ago

Sessions is a big nothing burger, hasn't done a damn thing since being sworn in as AG. Did ya all see the big rally at Ohio, we still support Trump, get over Sessions.



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