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Obamacare Survives Thanks to Republican Moral Narcissism


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In Monday's Wall Street Journal,  Weekly Standard executive editor Fred Barnes did his best to knock some sense into GOP lawmakers, advising them to compromise on healthcare ("Republicans Aren't Team Players"), but it seems  Jerry Moran and Mike Lee, at least, weren't listening.  The Kansas and Utah senators announced they would vote no on their party's plan to repeal and replace Obamacare, joining Susan Collins and Rand Paul in the nyet column, therefore tanking the bill.
Bravo to them.  They maintained their ideological purity.  But that's the problem, because in so doing they have put our country on the royal road to single-payer healthcare.  You can depend on it.
If Moran, Lee, and, of course, Paul think for one moment that as the Affordable Care Act continues to go into a tailspin the public will clamor for a free-market solution, I have the Brooklyn and several other bridges to sell them, including the "bridge too far" (all of them).  By not coming together to solve the problem, the Republicans have encouraged and prepped the electorate to turn against them and move toward the Democrats' heart's desire -- socialized medicine.:snip:

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Death Of Senate GOP Health Care Bill Is Giving Conservatives A Good Reason To Never Vote Republican Again


Guy will probably have a deeper dive on this so be on the lookout, but as Cortney wrote last night—the GOP health care bill is dead. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has a very slim majority to work with and Sens. Susan Collins (R-ME), Ted Cruz (R-TX), Rand Paul (R-KY), Mike Lee (R-UT), and Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) were all signaling that they may not even vote to support a motion for advance the bill. It’s part of the incredibly frustrating saga of GOP health care reform on Capitol Hill. After nearly a decade of campaigning to repeal Obamacare, the GOP is still dragging its feet and fighting factions within the party in the effort to try and get something to President Trump’s desk. That collapsed last night when four senators were firm "no" votes when Sens. Paul and Collins were joined by Lee and Sen. Jerry Moran (R-KS). McConnell was waiting on Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) to recover from eye surgery, but that’s now a worthless venture. What we have before us at present is the legislative death of the Better Care Reconciliation Act with no good options (via NYT):
Two more Republican senators declared on Monday night that they would oppose the Senate Republican bill to repeal the Affordable Care Act, killing, for now, a seven-year-old promise to overturn President Barack Obama’s signature domestic achievement.
The announcement by the senators, Mike Lee of Utah and Jerry Moran of Kansas, left their leaders at least two votes short of the number needed to begin debate on their bill to dismantle the health law. Two other Republican senators, Rand Paul of Kentucky and Susan Collins of Maine, had already said they would not support a procedural step to begin debate.
With four solid votes against the bill, Republican leaders now have two options.
They can try to rewrite it in a way that can secure 50 Republican votes, a seeming impossibility since the defecting senators are not suggesting small changes to the existing bill but a fresh start. Or they can work with Democrats on a narrower measure to fix the flaws in the Affordable Care Act that both parties acknowledge.

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Quick Points on Health Care

Jay Nordlinger

July 18, 2017


Earlier this year, the Democrats had a taunt: that Republicans were like the dog that caught the car. Now what?

The taunt turned out to be true.

For a big change, you must marshal public support. You must rally the public, persuade the public. Being elected is not enough.




And Obamacare? Is it here to stay? Today, the 44th president and his supporters must be grinning from ear to ear. Republicans have control over the whole enchilada: House, Senate, and White House. And lo . . .






I'm not sure they (the powers that be) understand large portions of the GOP/Conservative movement will 1. not give them any money 2. go shopping at walmart on election day.




Not that the Democratic party is in that much of a better shape.



Hinge of History?

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Dem leaders amp up calls for bipartisan ObamaCare fixes


Fueled by the Senate Republicans’ failure to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act, Democrats are ramping up their calls for GOP leaders to reach across the aisle in search of bipartisan fixes to former President Barack Obama’s signature domestic achievement.
“It's time to move on. It’s time to start over,” Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) said Tuesday morning on the chamber floor.
“Rather than repeating the same failed partisan process yet again, Republicans should work with Democrats on a bill that lowers premiums, provides long term stability to the markets and improves our healthcare system.”
Sen. Tom Carper (D- Del.) said he talked to Majority Whip John Cornyn Tuesday morning about working together on a bipartisan fix to ObamaCare and will speak with other Republicans later in the day. 
"I thought there was a positive response. He's a good friend," Carper said. :snip:

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House GOP boils over in anger after Senate failure on healthcare


House Republicans on Tuesday were seething with anger over the Senate GOP's late Monday decision to pull the plug on a bill to repeal and replace Obamacare.
Lawmakers leaving the House GOP's weekly conference meeting said feelings of exasperation and anger have set in, now that the Senate has dropped plans to vote on an Obamacare replacement bill this month.
"There is a lot of frustration, borderline anger I guess, at what really has to be described as some level of incompetence to be able to get together and get something done," Rep. Mark Walker, R-N.C., who heads the conservative Republican Study Committee, told the Washington Examiner.
In a closed-door meeting that took place at the party's political headquarters near the Capitol, House Speaker Paul Ryan told Republicans they need to uphold a positive message, despite their frustration with the Senate and the feeling that the House GOP's struggle to pass their own repeal and replace bill earlier this year may have been wasted.
"Lots of frustration," Rep. Mike Conaway, R-Texas, said as he left the meeting.:snip:

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