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LGBT Activists Target Children with 'Educational' Transgender Russian Doll


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Transgender activists are promoting a gender-transition Russian doll, which teaches children at a very early age the idea of rejecting their birth sex for an opposite sex identity. While this would not be the first transgender doll, it would be the first doll with an explicit gender-transition message.
"Our mission is to educate people around the world about gender identity issues. Sam is an essential tool designed to help children understand what it means to grow up as a transgender child," the fundraising campaign on Kickstarter explains.
As of Sunday, the campaign had raised $14,588 of the $108,725 goal. The campaign is "all or nothing," which means that if it reaches the goal by the deadline of August 12, 2017, it will be launched. If not, it will not see the light of day.
The project was conceived by the Canadian nonprofit Gender Creative Kids, a Montreal-based group started in 2013. The nonprofit worked with researchers, transgender children and their families, and the design firm LG2.:snip:

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6 hours ago, Geee said:

Transgender activists are promoting a gender-transition Russian doll, which teaches children at a very early age the idea of rejecting their birth sex for an opposite sex identity. While this would not be the first transgender doll, it would be the first doll with an explicit gender-transition message.
"Our mission is to educate people around the world about gender identity issues. Sam is an essential tool designed to help children understand what it means to grow up as a transgender child," the fundraising campaign on Kickstarter explains.
As of Sunday, the campaign had raised $14,588 of the $108,725 goal. The campaign is "all or nothing," which means that if it reaches the goal by the deadline of August 12, 2017, it will be launched. If not, it will not see the light of day.
The project was conceived by the Canadian nonprofit Gender Creative Kids, a Montreal-based group started in 2013. The nonprofit worked with researchers, transgender cMy, my, those mentally disturbed people would really try to mess with children’s minds.hildren and their families, and the design firm LG2.:snip:



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The Transgender Colonization of Africa

Posted on July 17, 2017 by The Political Hat

     The Richard Dawkins imitator/supermodel Cara Delevigne has embraced the excuse/current truth of the so-called transgender movement: Homophobia:

“Delevingne enjoys talking about how she is attracted to both men and women, her self-proclaimed ‘sexual fluidity.’ When people get understandably confused and think she might be gay, she responds that she doesn’t think anyone should be “pigeonholed.” Says Delevingne, “A lot of the friends I have who are straight have such an old way of thinking.” Evidently, assuming that you’re gay or bisexual because you want to sleep with members of the same sex is so 2012.”

     Unsurprisingly, she (???) seems focused on thirteen year old girls…

“Delevingne especially wants the young girls she works with to know that it’s okay for them to be gender fluid, too. ‘I know 13- and 15-year-old girls who are like, “I don’t know if I like a boy or a girl yet. I haven’t decided.” And it’s like—[imagine] if I was able to comprehend [that at their age]. I am very happy how sexuality has become easier and freer to talk about, especially for kids.'”


Admit it, you looked if there was an Adam’s Apple, didn’t you? 

Not satisfied with wrecking havoc amongst an already tottering Western Civilization, she (???) now wants to push her madness on Africa: :snip:   http://politicalhat.com/2017/07/17/the-transgender-colonization-of-africa/ 

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1 minute ago, Draggingtree said:

The Transgender Colonization of Africa

Posted on July 17, 2017 by The Political Hat

     The Richard Dawkins imitator/supermodel Cara Delevigne has embraced the excuse/current truth of the so-called transgender movement: Homophobia:

“Delevingne enjoys talking about how she is attracted to both men and women, her self-proclaimed ‘sexual fluidity.’ When people get understandably confused and think she might be gay, she responds that she doesn’t think anyone should be “pigeonholed.” Says Delevingne, “A lot of the friends I have who are straight have such an old way of thinking.” Evidently, assuming that you’re gay or bisexual because you want to sleep with members of the same sex is so 2012.”

     Unsurprisingly, she (???) seems focused on thirteen year old girls…

“Delevingne especially wants the young girls she works with to know that it’s okay for them to be gender fluid, too. ‘I know 13- and 15-year-old girls who are like, “I don’t know if I like a boy or a girl yet. I haven’t decided.” And it’s like—[imagine] if I was able to comprehend [that at their age]. I am very happy how sexuality has become easier and freer to talk about, especially for kids.'”

Not satisfied with wrecking havoc amongst an already tottering Western Civilization, she (???) now wants to push her madness on Africa: :snip:   http://politicalhat.com/2017/07/17/the-transgender-colonization-of-africa/ 

We'll see how that goes over - they are not as 'tolerant' as the crazies here.

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