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Trump’s Son Met With Russian Lawyer After Being Promised Damaging Information on Clinton


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President Trump’s eldest son, Donald Trump Jr., was promised damaging information about Hillary Clinton before agreeing to meet with a Kremlin-connected Russian lawyer during the 2016 campaign, according to three advisers to the White House briefed on the meeting and two others with knowledge of it.

The meeting was also attended by his campaign chairman at the time, Paul J. Manafort, and his son-in-law, Jared Kushner. Mr. Manafort and Mr. Kushner only recently disclosed the meeting, though not its content, in confidential government documents described to The New York Times.

The Times reported the existence of the meeting on Saturday. But in subsequent interviews, the advisers and others revealed the motivation behind it.

The meeting — at Trump Tower on June 9, 2016, two weeks after Donald J. Trump clinched the Republican nomination — points to the central question in federal investigations of the Kremlin’s meddling in the presidential election: whether the Trump campaign colluded with the Russians. The accounts of the meeting represent the first public indication that at least some in the campaign were willing to accept Russian help.


Dirty deals, or just more fake news?

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13 hours ago, WestVirginiaRebel said:

President Trump’s eldest son, Donald Trump Jr., was promised damaging information about Hillary Clinton before agreeing to meet with a Kremlin-connected Russian lawyer during the 2016 campaign, according to three advisers to the White House briefed on the meeting and two others with knowledge of it.





Power Line



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2 views or 20 contrasting views won't make a hill of beans difference to the Trump haters in the msm and the population. (At least we keep trying  though)

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2 hours ago, righteousmomma said:

2 views or 20 contrasting views won't make a hill of beans difference to the Trump haters in the msm and the population. (At least we keep trying  though)



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The most important thing in Valin;s life....................




Doing 300-400 points of damage 4-5 kill assists every match.  :wub:

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Filed under: General — Patterico @ 7:48 am

Here’s where the Russia story seems to be right now.

Paul Manafort, Trump Jr., and Jared Kushner meet with a lawyer who was connected to the Kremlin. The lawyer is pushing a key Kremlin priority: repeal of the U.S. Magnitsky Act, which targets human rights abusers. (The Kremlin usually phrases its opposition to the act in terms of adoption, because Putin responded to passage of the act by putting a stop to adoptions of Russian children by Americans.)

Trump Jr. tells the New York Times over the weekend that he and the others were meeting with the lawyer to get dirt on Hillary Clinton. This contradicts several previous statements he has made.

Trump Jr. says he didn’t know with whom he was meeting. Do three people this important meet with a “random human”? Ben Shapiro asks.

It’s a good question. Paul Manafort is well connected in Russia. He has lobbied for Viktor Yanukovych, then a pro-Russian Ukranian president. Does Manafort know who’s who in Moscow? You betcha!

This is context we should not pretend into nonexistence.

I am not saying or suggesting that any collusion has been proven. :snip: 

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Thank You Jonah, you speak for me.


Trust Nothing, Defend Nothing

Jonah Goldberg

July 11, 2017


I don’t write or even tweet about the Russia investigation much. I think the most I’ve written is that I think it probably won’t pan out and if it does, it’ll be Paul Manafort or Roger Stone or some other expendable type who’ll end up getting to know the underside of a bus. And that’s about it.

I get asked why I don’t write about it more all the time.

One reason is I’m not a legal beagle like our own inestimable Andy McCarthy. I don’t write about how criminal investigations work, nor am I particularly well-versed on the finer details of special-counsel laws.

Another reason is I’ve found the whole feeding frenzy unappealing. The Democrats are clearly in full partisan mode, framing every inconvenient, benign, or even potentially exculpatory detail as a smoking gun. The whole “hacked the election” formulation, used both by the Democrats and by allegedly objective reporters, is a misleading bit of hyperbole. Is “meddled with” or “interfered in” too big a concession to reality?

Meanwhile, there’s no shortage of hyperbole among those most eager to defend Trump on the Russia story. I’ve lost count of how many adjectives Sean Hannity uses to describe the media these days. I think it’s the “Alt-Left, Globalist Mainstream, Deep State, Destroy Trump, Get a Two-Liter Bottle of Pepsi When You Order a MAGA Pizza Media” now. More seriously, the rush to say there’s nothing to the collusion story is a mirror of the rush to insist the story is everything. There’s just not much room to say, “Maybe there’s something here. Let’s wait and see.”

And I think that’s the real reason I don’t write about the story much: I just don’t know. There’s an investigation going on. It will produce its findings. Until then, my attitude is purely wait-and-see.



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On 7/10/2017 at 8:02 AM, righteousmomma said:

2 views or 20 contrasting views won't make a hill of beans difference to the Trump haters in the msm and the population. (At least we keep trying  though)

I'm not sure on what your trying to say, guess what through me was the (At least we keep trying  though)

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  Not sure what I meant either by "we keep trying" .

My only excuse is I was in a hurry and badly expressed myself.  But it was certainly not meant or meant to be inferred that I am a Trump hater.  Thought you knew me better than that.



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On 7/10/2017 at 11:20 AM, Valin said:



"The point is that when everything is personal, things become binary very quickly."

" I stand amazed at what a deep well Christianity really is.  It does not simply shape our questions and answers as would a philosophy or ideology – it shapes how we view ourselves and therefore allows us to be rational."

Agree. with his general premise..  It is an interesting valid perspective he brings to the whole divided country, divided people scenario. While dipping into the "deep well" I have really enjoyed the perspectives and understanding of world views found in Jesus Among Secular Gods by Ravi Zacharias and Vince Vitale.

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1 hour ago, righteousmomma said:

"The point is that when everything is personal, things become binary very quickly."



Maybe its just me, but for me politics is not personal, and it seems to me we are seeing more of this....at least on line.

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Agree @Valin but the personal aspect enters into every thing these days ( and maybe always has) . 

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20 hours ago, righteousmomma said:

  Not sure what I meant either by "we keep trying" .

My only excuse is I was in a hurry and badly expressed myself.  But it was certainly not meant or meant to be inferred that I am a Trump hater.  Thought you knew me better than that.



I knew your were not a hater of any kind

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Красота! What you should know about the latest Russian revelation

 By DrJohn  44 Comments  Tue, Jul, 11th, 2017

The general consensus is that Donald Trump Jr. acted unwisely in meeting with Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya. He did it in person and he left an email trail. Having said that, there is a whole lot more to this story and you best wait for all the shoes to drop.

And they are dropping. Let’s take things piece at a time.

An interview with Veselnitskaya on NBC this morning went like this:

MOSCOW — The Russian lawyer who met with Donald Trump Jr. during the presidential campaign denied in an exclusive interview with NBC News that she had any connection to the Kremlin and insisted she met with President Donald Trump’s son in 2016 to discuss sanctions between Russia and the U.S., not to hand over information about Hillary Clinton’s campaign.

“I never had any damaging or sensitive information about Hillary Clinton. It was never my intention to have that,” Natalia Veselnitskaya said. :snip: http://www.floppingaces.net/2017/07/11/красота-things-have-gotten-really-interesting-on-the-russian-front/

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July 14, 2017

Trump Jr.'s Email: Want to Talk about Treason? Okay...

By Selwyn Duke

The obsession with Donald Trump Jr.’s “Russian” email chain is just the latest example of what the Media/Democrat Party/Establishment Axis does best: engage in misdirection to confuse people about who America’s real enemies are.

Now, since the emails are currently Exhibit A in Trump treason allegations, let’s talk about treason. No, we don’t have to go back to when Senator Ted Kennedy secretly approached the murderous Soviets and asked for help defeating Ronald Reagan in 1984. That’s too old and too obvious. But try this on for size.

We’ve now learned that U.S. soldier Ikaika Erik Kang, just arrested for Islamic State ties, expressed allegiance to the group as early as 2011, which is a bit like a serviceman having expressed support for the Nazis during WWII. Instead of being immediately put in the stockade, however, Barack Obama’s military and FBI, the Daily Mail reports, “investigated to determine whether he posed a threat, authorities said.”

They must have still been wondering in 2013, because that’s when they gave Kang back his security clearance after having revoked it the year before.   :snip:  http://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2017/07/trump_jrs_email_want_to_talk_about_treason_okay.html

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In Defense of Whataboutism

By Marc Giller  |  July 14, 2017, 11:45am 

Donald Trump, Jr. gets caught in what appears to be a sleazy attempt to use Russian sources to get dirt on Hillary Clinton ahead of the 2016 election. Democrats scream about treason, even though evidence that a crime has been committed is thin to nonexistent–but with the media tying itself into knots trying to connect the Trump administration with Russian skullduggery, it looks bad, bad, bad.

To which Trump defenders say, “Well, what about the time Hillary tried to coordinate with Ukraine to get dirt on Trump?  Or when she gave away 20% of America’s uranium reserves to Vladimir Putin, and then the Clinton Foundation got a $20 million donation from Russian-backed interests?”

The difference:  DJT, Jr. has been dominating the news cycle since the story broke.  The Hillary stuff?  Nary a mention from the mainstream media. :snip:  http://theresurgent.com/in-defense-of-whataboutism/

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Russia, Russia, Everywhere

Henry Racette / July 14, 2017 / 7 COMMENTS


Innuendo. It’s what you say when you aren’t willing to just come right out and say what you’re really thinking, or what you want other people to be thinking.

I’ll speak plainly. If compelling evidence is found that Donald Trump, or someone working with his knowledge, approached a Russian and asked him to hack the Democratic National Committee’s computer to find ugly things that Hillary Clinton’s own campaign people were saying about her, then I will support his impeachment.

In fact, if compelling evidence is found that Donald Trump, or someone working with his knowledge, approached anyone and asked him to hack the DNC computer — or any computer — I’ll support his impeachment.

However, if it is discovered that Donald Trump, or someone working with his knowledge, approached anyone — American, Russian, whatever — because he thought that person might have embarrassing information about Hillary Clinton, then that’s not only not grounds for impeachment, but not even scandalous.  :snip:  https://ricochet.com/442563/russia-russia-everywhere/ 

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