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MSNBC “Equal Rights” Commentator: Trump Women “Have Smaller Minds than his Small Hands”


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MSNBC “Equal Rights” Commentator: Trump Women “Have Smaller Minds than his Small Hands”


Posted by Mark Finkelstein  ▪  July 1, 2017 at 11:45am

“very, very, weak-minded women, who are afraid of him”

On Joy Reid’s MSNBC show this morning, guest Tamara Holder—who Reid, ironically, billed as an “equal rights attorney and advocate”—mocked the women in Donald Trump’s life.

Holder was upset that they had failed to condemn the president over his tweets directed at Mika Brzezinski and Joe Scarborough.

Said Holder:

“I think the women in Donald Trump’s life probably have smaller minds than his small hands . . . he has continued to surround himself, Donald Trump, with very, very, weak-minded women, who are afraid of him.”


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Trump’s Tweets and the Feminist Double Standard
by HEATHER MAC DONALD June 30, 2017 4:14 PM

Here we go again with feminist vapors over a childish Trump tweet. Trump lashed out at the hosts of MSNBC’s Morning Joe yesterday, after Mika Brzezinski derided the president as “lying every day and destroying the country.” Trump asked why “low I.Q. Crazy Mika, along with Psycho Joe [Scarborough]” allegedly insisted on joining him at Mar-a-Lago on New Year’s Eve, adding that Brzezinski was “bleeding badly from a face-lift.” He concluded triumphantly: “I said no!”

Trump’s vindictive tweets degrade the presidency. They continuously remind the public of Trump’s dangerous lack of self-control, weakening his authority, instead of strengthening it, as he seems to believe. Moreover, they provide an abysmal example to boys of mature male comportment.

But it is the height of hypocrisy for feminists to claim that females should be equal in all things and then erupt in outrage when they receive the same boorish treatment that Trump routinely doles out to males. Suddenly, the scorned values of chivalry and a Victorian respect for women’s delicate sensibilities resurface in a petulant claim of vulnerable group identity. Representative Nancy Pelosi called the president’s Twitter posts “sexist, an assault on the freedom of the press and an insult to all women.       :snip: http://www.nationalreview.com/corner/449155/donald-trump-tweets-feminism-double-standard

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The Brilliance of Trump’s Mika Brzezinski Tweet

By Douglas V. Gibbs




Twice I have written about Trump’s Tweet that has the media going nuts.  The liberal left is attacking Trump viciously over his “unpresidential” tweet about Mika Brzezinski’s bleeding face after a face lift that may, or may not, have happened.  :snip: 

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