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Undercover Video: CNN Producer Says #TrumpRussia Hoax Is 'Mostly Bull****'


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Robert Kraychik

June 27 2017




“It’s mostly bull***, right now,” said a CNN producer of “the Russia thing," whilst being secretly recorded by a Project Veritas investigator.

Captured on video in an undercover investigation, CNN’s John Bonifield essentially acknowledged that intertwined narratives relating to Russia pushed by his employer and the broader left-wing news media amount to a hoax.


Since the election of Donald Trump to the presidency, CNN has been a premier purveyor of a narrative framing last year's presidential election as compromised by "election hacking" directed by the Russian state; Trump is cast as colluding with the Russian government, as a result of being compromised or purely in service of his political ambition. MSNBC, The New York Times, The Washington Post, and various other left-wing and Democrat-aligned news media outlets have mutually reinforced this narrative.



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New PV video: CNN associate producer says network impartial “in theory”

Ed Morrissey

June 30, 2017


James O’Keefe rolls out the latest CNN undercover video today, as part of his “American Pravda” series, and this time Project Veritas sets its sights on New Day associate producer Jimmy Carr. Carr calls voters “stupid as s***” in a conversation with PV’s undercover video, and says that CNN’s impartiality is mainly theoretical:





That one’s gonna sting, especially with everyone up in arms over Trump’s tweets about Mika’s face. However, there’s one small difference between the two: One’s a flunky at CNN, and the other is the President of the United States. And that’s the issue with these videos so far, too; they take aim at pretty small potatoes for an undercover sting operation. They don’t really directly demonstrate malicious intent to produce “fake news” by anyone that matters, and even the Bonifield testimony on Zucker shows an executive driven by advertiser dollars, which is not exactly a shock. The one really good nugget — the exposure of selective editing — didn’t come out from the undercover videos, but from aggressive journalism and a leak within CNN, apparently.

However, O’Keefe is an old hand at this, and understands the strategy of the steady rollout. Start off with a grabber, then work up from the weakest to the strongest to finish at the apex of interest. One assumes he has stronger video to come, but we’ll have to wait to find out.

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Jul 1, 2017

James O'keefe and Project Veritas have been going after the MSM specifically CNN. I took a look at the current state of the story and talk about my position on CNN and the Washington post.

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60 Minutes


You think you know this big, powerful, trusted institution. But behind its walls, it has a dark secret. One insider isn’t willing to stay silent anymore. He’s going to tell us something that will shock you, and make you look at that big powerful trusted institution in a different light. A representative of the institution will offer an implausible and unconvincing denial. Shortly after our reporting, someone will resign or face criminal investigation.
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O’Keefe’s exploding cigar

Scott Johnson

Nov. 28 2017


James O’Keefe had a brainstorm. He thought he could peddle a fraudulent Roy Moore sex scandal to the reporters of the Washington Post. Instead the reporters scoped out O’Keefe’s fraud and reported that instead. The Post even traced the woman who dealt with its reporters to O’Keefe’s offices in New York (video below). Mediaite’s Ken Meyer has a brief summary here; Hot Air’s Allahpundit reports and comments at some length here.




In the video O’Keefe behaves like the media mavens who run from him in his ambush interviews. It is not an impressive performance on his part. Intending to embarrass the Post, O’Keefe proved the paper’s diligence in this case. It remains an open question whether anyone outside O’Keefe’s organization put O’Keefe up to conducting this particular test.

O’Keefe has posted a video from his investigation of the Post here. It is incredibly stupid. If anything, it compounds the damage of his failed test.

O’Keefe now seeks to turn his exploding cigar into a fundraising opportunity. Although the cat had his tongue when the Post caught up with him outside his office, O’Keefe conceded he had been busted in a fundraising email we received at 5:10 p.m. yesterday afternoon:



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